School of Education
EdS in Educational Leadership - Online Consortium
As a teacher, you have valuable experience that gives you a unique understanding of the challenges that students and schools face. Build upon those experiences as an administrator.
The IU Online EdS in Educational Leadership prepares you to take on leadership roles in your school, district, or educational organization. In this program, you are trained to:
- Promote the current and future success and well-being of all students.
- Apply your knowledge and skills to collaboratively lead, design, and implement a district mission, vision, and process.
- Foster continuous improvement at the district level which reflects a core set of values and priorities that include data use, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community.
- Advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate professional norms and culture.
- Develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive district culture.
- Evaluate, design, cultivate, and implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, data systems, supports, assessment, and instructional leadership.
- Engage families, communities, and other constituents in the work of schools and the district and to advocate for district, student, and community needs.
- Develop, monitor, evaluate, and manage data-informed and equitable district systems for operations, resources, technology, and human capital management.
- Cultivate relationships, lead collaborative decision making and governance, and represent and advocate for district needs in broader policy conversations.
Many online support services are available to assist you as you progress through the program.
Of Special Interest for K–12 Teachers Wanting to Transition to the Role of Administrator
- Applicants with a bachelor’s degree plus two years of classroom experience can enter the program directly and earn the degree after completing 60 hours of graduate coursework in educational leadership.
- Applicants with an advanced post-baccalaureate degree can apply up to 30 credit hours of coursework toward the requirements of this program.
- Applicants holding a post-baccalaureate degree from Indiana University may apply up to 36 credit hours.
Your IU Online EdS in Educational Leadership prepares you for education administration careers at the preschool, elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels. Job titles include:
- Director of education
- Academic director
- Director of student services
- Library director
- Department chair
- Health services director
- Principal
This 100 percent online, consortial program is taught by IU East, IUPUI, IU Kokomo, IU Northwest, IU South Bend, and IU Southeast. This consortial model allows you to take coursework from several campuses and learn from a wide range of faculty.
EdS Requirements
To earn the EdS in Educational Leadership, you must complete 60 credit hours.
Requirements are broken down as follows:
- Building-level administrator requirements (24 credit hours)
- District-level administrator requirements (24 credit hours)
- Electives (9 credit hours)
- Leadership seminar (3 credit hours)
To be accepted to this program, you must have:
- A bachelor's degree
To apply to this program, complete an online application that includes:
- Official transcripts from every college or university attended (except Indiana University)
- Statement of purpose (750-1000 words)
- Two letters of recommendation on official letterhead from current administrators (may include vice-principals, principals, and superintendents) addressing applicant’s potential for leadership
- Licensure information or documentation of at least two years of teaching experience
Application Dates:
- Fall semester: Aug 1
- Spring semester: Jan 1
- Summer 1 semester: May 1
- Summer 2 semester: Jun 15
Tuition & Fees
Cost for Indiana ResidentsPer Credit Hour
- Tuition: $320.00
- Tuition: $960.00
Per Credit Hour
- Tuition: $450.00
- Tuition: $1350.00