School of Sciences
Minor in Mathematics
Students must complete a minimum of 20 cr. hours in mathematics with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher. At least 6 cr. hours of mathematics must be completed at IU Kokomo. Students must complete the following courses: MATH-M 215 Calculus I (5 cr.), MATH-M 216 Calculus II (5 cr.), MATH-M 311 Calculus III (4 cr.), MATH-M 303 Linear Algebra for Undergraduates (3 cr.), Students must also select one from the following list of courses: MATH-M 313 Elementary Differential equations with Applications (3 cr.), MATH-T 336 Topics in Euclidean Geometry (3 cr.), MATH-M 347 Discrete Mathematics (3 cr.), MATH-M 403 Introduction to Modern Algebra (3 cr.), MATH-M 413 Introduction to Analysis I (3 cr.), MATH-M 415 Elementary Complex Variables with Applications (3 cr.), MATH-M 447 Mathematical Models and Applications I (3 cr.), MATH-M 463 Introduction to Probability I (3 cr.), MATH-M 471 Numerical Analysis I (3 cr.)
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