School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Sociology
Minors in Sociology
Sociology Minor
Students interested in a Minor in Sociology must complete 15 credit hours in Sociology with a grade of C- or higher and by completing the following requirements:
- SOC-S 100 Introduction to Sociology (3 cr) or SOC-S 101 Social Problems and Policies (3 cr)
- Any four additional 3 credit Sociology courses above the 100 level (totaling 12 cr).
Social Justice and Community Engagement Minor
The Social Justice and Community Engagement Minor is designed to provide students with opportunities to grapple with theory and/or policy issues, to study particular communities and/or social issues, and to integrate work from their previous coursework and apply their knowledge to a specific social justice issue in their community. The Social Justice and Community Engagement Minor is Interdisciplinary, hosted within the Department of Sociology, and open to all students on the IU Kokomo campus. If you have questions about the minor, please consult Jamie Oslawski-Lopez, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Coordinator of the Social Justice and Community Engagement Minor, at Justice and Community Engagement Minors learn to:
- Explain a diversity of perspectives on social inequality.
- Explain and evaluate theories of how the nature and history of social structures, movements, and institutions can contribute to and redress marginalization, inequality, and privilege.
- Articulate ways in which various forms of social injustice might be combatted/remedied.
- Evaluate and practice social action through experiential service-learning.
- Be able to engage in respectful, coherent, rational dialogue with people holding diverse views.
Requirements: Minors must complete 16 credit hours of coursework with courses coming from at least four different disciplines/areas of study including the following:
1. Theory and Policy (six credit hours)
- PHIL-P 140 Elementary Ethics (3 cr)
- PHIL-P 342 Problems in Ethics (3 cr)
- PHIL-P 345 Problems in Social and Political Philosophy (3 cr)
- POLS-Y 215 Introduction to Political Theory (3 cr)
- SOC-S 101 Social Problems and Policies (3 cr)
- SOC-S 340 Social Theory (3 cr)
2. Communities and Issues (nine credit hours)
- ENG-L 207 Women and Literature (3 cr)
- ENG-L 378 Studies in Women and Literature (3 cr)
- ENG-L 379 American Ethnic and Minority Literature (3 cr)
- HIST-A 382 The Sixties (3 cr)
- NMAT-S 350 Community Art Projects (1-3 cr)
- PSY-B 388 Human Sexuality (3 cr)
- PSY-P 391 Psychology of Gender and Ethnicity (3 cr)
- SOC-S 316 The Family (3 cr)
- SOC-S 317 Social Stratification (3 cr)
- SOC-R 320 Sexuality and Society (3 cr)
- SOC-S 335 Race and Ethnic Relations (3 cr)
- SOC-S 338 Gender Roles (3 cr)
- SOC-S 375 Issues in Human and Social Service Policy (3 cr)
- SOC-S 419 Social Movements and Collective Action (3 cr)
- SPCH-S 450 Gender and Communication (3 cr)
3. Action (one credit hour capstone course):
XXXX-X 300: Public Work
These additional courses (depending on the content during a particular semester) may count towards the minor upon approval of the Coordinator of the Social Justice and Community Engagement Minor: SOC-S 360 Topics in Social Policy (3 cr) and SPCH-S 302 Rhetoric and Society (3 cr).