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Mentor Development Courses
Student Learning Outcomes for UCOL-U 200 Foundations for Student Leaders (1 cr.)

Students who complete a University College Foundations for Student Leaders course should:

  1. Describe the leadership development process.
  2. Apply leadership skills to a variety of leadership experiences.
  3. Identify personal factors and behaviors that influence group and individual development.
  4. Demonstrate effective communication skills for working in groups.
  5. Recall the university’s structure, vision, mission, and goals as they relate to various academic services.
Student Learning Outcomes for UCOL-U 201 Introduction to Mentoring Techniques (1 cr.)

Students who complete a University College Introduction to Mentoring Techniques course should:

  1. Explain their role, responsibility, and contribution to the campus community.
  2. Explain and understand traits, functions, and activities associated with mentoring.
  3. Demonstrate how to access campus resources to support student success at IU Indianapolis.
  4. Apply active listening skills and communication principles when working with students in their mentoring program.
  5. Identify characteristics of diversity within the semester about our student community to promote an inclusive learning experience.
  6. Recognize two positive tactics to maintain life balance in order to stay motivated for themselves and their students.
Student Learning Outcomes for UCOL-U 202 Mentoring: Appreciative Mentoring for Student Learning (1 cr.)

Students who complete a University College Mentoring: Appreciative Mentoring for Student Learning course should:

  1. Demonstrate the collaborative learning process and understand the importance it has in the mentoring role and to others.
  2. Understand that all mentoring has an impact on academic success.
  3. Apply the appreciative mentoring model to support student growth and development.
  4. Differentiate and adapt the stages of group and individual mentoring techniques and strategies to one's role.
  5. Evaluate that students' outcomes are aligned to the desired goals as a result of their mentoring relationship.
Student Learning Outcomes for UCOL-U 203 Mentoring: Leadership and Transition (1 cr.)

Students who complete a University College Mentoring: Leadership and Transition course should:

  1. Increase self-awareness through the exploration and personal introspection of their skills, competencies, and personal leadership philosophy.
  2. Apply critical thinking to leadership theories and practices.
  3. Identify relational leadership principles and apply them when leading a group.
  4. Articulate values, qualities, and skills important to leadership positions.
  5. Build practical professional skills for leading and managing groups.
  6. Construct a leadership action plan for their use of theory learned to enhance their work as leaders and mentors.
Student Learning Outcomes for UCOL-U 204 Mentoring: Capstone Experience (1 cr.)

Students who complete a University College Mentoring: Capstone Experience course should:

  1. Investigate current mentoring literature by applying their comprehensive mentoring experiences (weekly group presentations).
  2. Reflect upon their mentoring experiences to evaluate the development of their skills and understanding of mentoring (weekly CATS).
  3. Describe how their work, role, experiences, and skills of mentoring have been developed and applied by focusing on a specific topic inspired by the literature within the larger mentoring context (digital story).