IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » science » Undergraduate » Student Learning Outcomes » Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Mathematics Education (B.S.)


Student Learning Outcomes
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Mathematics Education (B.S.)

The Department of Mathematical Sciences synthesized the IU Indianapolis' Principles of Undergraduate Learning (now IU Indianapolis Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Student Success), the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards, and the Mathematics Association of America’s competencies for undergraduate mathematics majors to create the following 10 Student Learning Outcomes for the undergraduate mathematics programs. Students will be able to:

  1. Understand and critically analyze mathematical arguments.
  2. Understand, appreciate, and identify connections between different areas of mathematics.
  3. Understand, appreciate, and solve some applications of mathematics to other subjects.
  4. Develop a deeper knowledge and competence of at least one area of mathematics.
  5. Develop and demonstrate abstract reasoning in a mathematical context.
  6. Develop and demonstrate the principle modes of discovery in mathematics.
  7. Develop and demonstrate careful and ethical analysis of data.
  8. Develop and demonstrate problem-solving skills.
  9. Demonstrate effective communication skills of mathematical ideas precisely and clearly, both orally and in writing.
  10. Utilize a variety of technological tools (CAS, statistical packages, programming languages, etc.) in analyzing and solving mathematical problems.

Concentrations include: Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Applied Statistics, and Secondary School Teaching

All majors should work on a senior-level project that requires them to analyze and create mathematical arguments and leads to a written and oral report (capstone).