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Student Learning Outcomes

Master of Science in Physics (M.S.)

Student will demonstrate the following learning outcomes:

  1. Students demonstrate proficiency in the core areas of physics (Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermal Physics and Quantum Physics), and have knowledge of math sufficient to perform the calculations needed to apply their knowledge (Linear Algebra, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Vector Calculus). 
  2. The most important outcome of their Masters is an ability to carry out a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. Research includes written and verbal communication. The written portion is demonstrated in a thesis or report. The ability to communicate verbally is demonstrated during the first part of the defense, which is open to the public. It is not required but expected that students will present their research at scientific conferences.

The students' progress towards their M.S. degree is evaluated by their advisors and advisory committee.

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (Ph.D.)

Students will demonstrate the following learning outcomes:

  1. Students demonstrate expertise in core areas of physics (Electromagnetism, Thermal Physics and Quantum Physics), as well as in other areas associated specifically with their research and the area of their selected minor. 
  2. They demonstrate proficiency in widely used areas of mathematics (Linear Algebra, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Vector Calculus) and in the use of advanced mathematical tools needed in their physics courses and their research. 
  3. The most important outcome of their Ph.D. is an ability to perform substantial independent research in collaboration with a faculty member. Their research culminates in an original project, written as a Thesis and defended in an examination, which has a public part and a meeting with the examination committee. It is also expected that the student's research findings are published in scientific journals.
  4. Communication skills are emphasized throughout the Ph.D. program. During the program, students write reports as part of their graduate courses and need to demonstrate English proficiency as Teaching Assistants in recitations and instructional laboratories. In addition, Ph.D. students are required to present their research results at scientific conferences either in the form of oral or poster presentations. At the end of the program, the student's Ph.D. Thesis and examination establish the student’s ability to communicate verbally and in scientific writing at a high level. Students also write reports in their courses, they have to present their research results at conferences, and it is expected that they will publish their results in scientific journals. 
  5. Their ability of Ph.D. students to plan and design a research plan is evaluated at a Preliminary exam when, if successful, they are fully admitted into the Ph.D. program. Students in the Ph.D. program meet at least once a year with their advisory committee to report on their progress.