IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » O'Neill School Of Public and Environmental Affairs » Graduate » Student Learning Outcomes » Master of Science in Criminal Justice and Public Safety (MSCJPS)

O'Neill School Of Public and Environmental Affairs


Student Learning Outcomes
Master of Science in Criminal Justice and Public Safety (MSCJPS)

MSCJPS graduates will be able to:

  • Manage and lead individuals and organizations with an understanding of the ethical underpinnings and professional standards of criminal justice and public safety agencies.
  • Communicate effectively within a complex and diverse criminal justice or public safety environment.
  • Rigorously analyze criminal justice and public safety policies using a variety of tools, including quantitative research methods and statistical techniques.
  • Identify public safety risks using various risk analysis tools, and describe ways to plan, prepare, manage, and mitigate natural and human made risks.
  • Discuss the philosophical underpinnings and development of law, and critically evaluate how public safety policies balance individual rights and public order.
  • Discuss the nature and extent of crime, discuss and critically evaluate major theories of crime, and critically discuss criminal justice system and non-criminal justice programs and policies that respond to crime.
  • Critically discuss criminal justice and public safety system actors, agencies, and processes; describe the underlying operations of police, emergency management, courts, and corrections agencies, and identify the major policy issues in criminal justice and public safety systems.
  • Identify and critically analyze current criminal justice and public safety policies, using available research, and discuss the strengths and limitations of various approaches.