IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » nursing » Undergraduate » Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) » BSN School Requirements

BSN School Requirements

There are three distinct tracks in the BSN Program; the BSN Traditional Track, the BSN Accelerated Second Degree Track, and the RN to BSN Online Degree Completion Option. Students in each track must complete the same program learning outcomes and requirements which are addressed in a curriculum plan that is planned to meet the learner's needs. The BSN curriculum is subject to continuous evaluation and revision. If curriculum changes occur, updated information can be obtained from the academic counselor.

The BSN Traditional Track has been designed for students with no prior RN license or academic degree beginning their academic studies on the IUSON core campus (IU Bloomington, IU Fort Wayne and IU Indianapolis campuses). This track requires a minimum of four academic years to complete. Students in the Accelerated Second Degree Track complete four semesters of continuous study, and use a curriculum modified for second degree learners. Students in the RN to BSN Online Degree Completion Option complete a plan of study designed for maximum flexibility, and can complete the degree in a part time or full time timeline, with most students completing the degree in 12 to 24 months.

The following is an example of a full-time plan of study for the BSN Traditional track. Each student will work, with the assistance of an academic advisor, to meet specific campus expectations. Students who have already completed courses towards other majors, transfer students, part-time students, or students required to enroll in preparatory coursework may take longer than four years to finish the BSN degree.

BSN Traditional Track Sample Curriculum Plan

Freshman Year

Semester One  Credits
English Composition (W131) 3
Introductory Psychology (PSY B110) 3
Finite Math (MATH M118) 3
Human Anatomy (BIOL N261) 5
First Year Seminar 1
Total Credits 15
Semester Two Credits
Human Physiology (BIOL N217) 5
Arts & Humanities 3
Fundamentals of Speech (COMM R110) 3
Introductory Sociology (SOC R100) 3
Cultural Understanding  3
Total Credits 17

 Sophomore Year

Semester Three  Credits    
Life & Physical Science  3
Health Assessment (NURS B244/245) 5
Promoting Healthy Populations (NURS B234/235) 5
Professionalism in Collaborative Practice (NURS B253) 3
Total Credits 16
Semester Four Credits     
Microbiology (MICR J210 or BIOL N251)* 4
Fundamentals of Nursing Practice (NURS B260) 5
Pathophysiology & Pharmacology for Nursing (NURS B261) 4
Health Care Delivery Systems (NURS L230) 3
Total Credits 16
*Microbiology must be completed with a C grade or higher before progressing to Semester Five.
*BIOL N251 is 3 credits and would require a student to add 1 additional credit of open elective prior to graduation.

Junior Year

Semester Five


Data Analysis in Clinical Practice and Health-Care Research (NURS H355) 3
Clinical Care I: Biophysical Processes (NURS H356) 5
Transitional Care of Families & Populations (NURS B334) 5
Open Elective 3
Total Credits 16
Semester Six  Credits         
Clinical Care II: Interactive Processes (NURS H360) 5
Clinical Care III: Adaptive Processes (NURS H371) 5
Nursing Research & Evidence Based Practice (NURS R375) 3
Total Credits 13

Senior Year

Semester Seven Credits         
Clinical Care IV: Complex Processes (NURS H476) 5
Leadership in Healthcare Delivery & Policy (NURS L 430) 5
Pediatric Clinical Care (NURS H303) 1
Open Elective  3
Total Credits 14
Semester Eight Credits
Nursing Synthesis (NURS S488) 2
Nursing Practice Capstone (NURS S483) 3
Healthcare Ethics (NURS S474) 3
Nursing Intensive: Managing Health & Illness Across Care Environments (NURS B444) 5
Total Credits 13                    

BSN Traditional Track Total Credit Hours 120

Last updated March 2024