IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » liberal-arts » Undergraduate » Minors » Minor in Communication Studies: Media Arts & Studies


Minor in Communication Studies: Media Arts & Studies

The minor in Media Arts and Studies is designed to accommodate students interested in media production and/or media aesthetics. In both options students will gain an understanding and appreciation of media as conveyors of meaning, cultural artifacts, and art forms. Communication Studies course work assists students in enhancing such competencies as critical inquiry, problem solving, media and message design, oral performance, relational interaction, and cultural communication. 

A minor in Media Arts and Studies (COMM) requires:

  • completion of properly distributed credit hour requirements for the baccalaureate degree in effect when the student was admitted to their home school,
  • completion of 15 credit hours in the minor, with a minimum grade of C in each course,
  • 6 credit hours must be at the 300 level or above,
  • 9 credits must be completed at IU Indianapolis,
  • COMM-R 110 may not count toward the minor
  • to declare the minor, complete the School of Liberal Arts online declaration form: https://liberalarts.iupui.edu/admissions/update-major-form.html
  • Communication Studies majors cannot complete this minor.

Minor Requirements:

  • COMM-M 150: Mass Media and Contemporary Society (3 cr.)

12 credit hours elected from the following: 

  • COMM-M 210: Media Message Design (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M 215: Media Literacy (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M 220: Electronic Graphic Production (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M 221: Electronic Media Production (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M 290: Video Production Workshop (1 cr.)
  • COMM-M 370: History of Television (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M 373: Film and Video Documentary (3 cr.)
  • COMM-G 391: Seminar (1-3 cr.)-media-related topics only
  • COMM-M 461: Production Problems in Communication Media (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M 462: Television Aesthetics and Criticism (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M 463: Advanced Graphic Technique (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M 464: Advanced Audio Technique (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M 465: Television Direction (3 cr.)