IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » liberal-arts » Undergraduate » Minors » Minor in History


Minor in History

The Department of History offers students the opportunity to better understand the human social condition through the systematic study of the human past. A variety of courses is offered, dealing with the history of the United States, Europe, Latin America, and some non-Western areas. Courses in history serve the student admirably in fulfilling the tradition of a liberal education. They also provide a solid basis for professional training in fields such as law, business, environmental affairs, historic preservation, public administration, and government.

A minor in History (HIST) requires satisfactory completion of the following requirements:

  • completion of properly distributed credit hour requirements for the baccalaureate degree in effect when the student was admitted to their home school,
  • completion of 15 credit hours, with a minimum grade of C in each course,
  • 6 credits must be completed at IU Indianapolis,
  • 6 credits must be at the 300/400 level 
  • to declare the minor, complete the School of Liberal Arts online declaration form: https://liberalarts.iupui.edu/admissions/update-major-form.html

Minor Requirements:

6 credit hours at the 100 level chosen from:

  • HIST-H 105: American History I (3 cr.)
  • HIST-H 106: American History II (3 cr.)
  • HIST-H 108: Perspectives on the World to 1800 (3 cr.)
  • HIST-H 109: Perspectives on the World since 1800 (3 cr.)
  • HIST-H 113: Western Civilization I (3 cr.)
  • HIST-H 114: Western Civilization II (3 cr.)

 9 credit hours at the 200-400 level (of which at least 6 are at the 300-400 level) distributed across at least 2 of the regional or thematic course concentrations offered by our department (please consult your history advisor for more information about these concentrations and the courses that count towards them). Some examples of these concentrations are:

  • US History (HIST-A)
  • European History (HIST-B, C, D)
  • World History (HIST-E, F, G)