IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Policies » Related Policies » Tobacco Free Policy

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Tobacco Free Policy

IU Indianapolis is a Tobacco-Free Campus

Indiana University is concerned about the toll that smoking and tobacco use has on the health and well-being of the university community. As a public institution of higher education with units that research and treat the effects of smoking and tobacco use, IU believes it has an obligation to exercise leadership by promoting a healthy, smoke-free environment for its students, employees, and visitors.

The use or sale of tobacco, tobacco products, and smoking related products is prohibited on Indiana University property and in university-owned, university-operated, or university-leased vehicles.

Limited exceptions may be approved in writing by the campus chancellor or provost or relevant vice president and must be in accordance with state law.

Enforcement of this policy will depend upon the cooperation of all faculty, staff, and students not only to comply with this policy, but also to encourage others to comply with the policy, in order to promote a healthy environment in which to work, study, and live.  Civility and respect are expected by all members of the university community in regards to this policy.

Violations of the policy should be referred to the appropriate administrative office for review and action: for academic employees, the campus office of academic affairs; for staff, University Human Resources; and for students, the campus office of student life.

Violations may also result in a citation by law enforcement in accordance with state law.