IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Policies » Conduct » University Alcohol and Drug Policies


University Alcohol and Drug Policies

The Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct outlines the alcohol and drug policies that students are expected to follow. The university absolutely prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance and alcohol on university property or in the course of a university activity.

The university prohibits providing alcohol contrary to law. The university prohibits public intoxication, use or possession of alcoholic beverages on university property except at specifically authorized events.

Violating these policies can result in suspension, probation, or other forms of disciplinary action. IU Indianapolis also has conduct policies for:

Indiana Lifeline Law

The Indiana Lifeline Law provides immunity for the crimes of public intoxication and minor possession, consumption, and transportation of alcohol to people who reveal themselves to law enforcement while reporting a medical emergency, reporting being the victim of a sexual offense, or witnessing and reporting what the person believes to be a crime.  Click here for more information.