IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Policies » Academic Policy » Undergraduate Academic Review, Dismissal, and Reinstatement Policy

Academic Policy

Undergraduate Academic Review, Dismissal, and Reinstatement Policy

This is a campus-wide policy that affects undergraduate students only.  Academic units may establish policies for academic review, dismissal, and reinstatement that are more restrictive than provisions outlined by this policy.

Academic review, dismissal, and reinstatement status must be reported into the Student Information System each major semester (fall/spring). This allows all academic units, advisors, and other student support staff to carefully monitor student progress.

Good Standing

An undergraduate student is considered in good academic standing with the university when maintaining a cumulative GPA is a 2.0 (C average) or higher.

Academic Review

Students whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below a 2.0 will be placed on academic review.

Students may be continued on academic review when the semester GPA is at least a 2.0 but the cumulative GPA is below a 2.0.

Students will be removed from academic review status once the cumulative GPA is at least 2.0.

Academic Dismissal

Students on academic review at IU Indianapolis will be dismissed if they fail to attain a semester GPA of at least 2.0 in any two consecutive semesters (fall and spring) and the cumulative GPA is below 2.0.

Students who are dismissed for the first time cannot enroll until one regular (fall or spring) semester has elapsed since dismissal and must petition by the established deadlines to be reinstated.

Students dismissed two or more times must remain out of school for the next two consecutive regular (fall and spring) semesters and petition by the established deadlines to be reinstated.

 FirstSemester Student Dismissal

A first‐semester student who has attempted a minimum of 12 IU Indianapolis credit hours will be dismissed if they fail to attain a GPA of at least 1.0.

Students who are dismissed for the first time must sit out until one regular (fall or spring) semester has elapsed since dismissal and must petition by the established deadlines to be reinstated.


Reinstatement will be the decision of the academic unit to which the student is petitioning.

Students who are reinstated will be classified as under academic review until the cumulative GPA is at least 2.0. During the first regularly enrolled term in Academic Review status, the student must achieve a semester GPA determined by the academic unit . In each subsequent semester under review, the student must achieve a semester GPA of at least 2.0. Failure to meet the semester GPA requirement while under review will result in dismissal.

By signing the reinstatement petition, the student agrees to meet with an academic advisor and meet all requirements stipulated by the school.

Academic units are encouraged to recommend steps to enhance the students’ chances of readmission, such as exploring grade-related policies, attending reinstatement workshops, undertaking assessment of their academic situation, and providing evidence of their ability to do successful academic work upon their reinstatement to the campus.

Reinstatement after a second dismissal should be extremely rare.

Students may be academically released from a particular program if they do not make consistent and appropriate academic progress relevant to their fields of study. The decision to release is left to the discretion of the appropriate officer in the school. Being released from a particular program does not preclude the opportunity to pursue another program as long as the university minimum criteria above are met.

Dismissal is a campus-level action and may be invoked only by the standards noted in the policy statement. Students not meeting the requirements specified will generally be released by their schools, but not dismissed by the campus.

Additional Information

The academic requirements for review, dismissal, and reinstatement detailed by this policy take precedence over qualification for student financial aid and/or maintaining student visa status.

Academic review and dismissal actions do not apply to students who have withdrawn from all classes in a semester.

To ensure equity between intercampus transfer students (ICT) and transfer students from outside the IU system, academic units shall review ICT students initially selected for review/dismissal status for possible exception based on IU Indianapolis enrollment. Units will allow students to complete a minimum of 12 IU Indianapolis credit hours prior to consideration for review/dismissal.

Approved by IUPUI Faculty Council, November 1, 2005

Revised and Approved by IUPUI Faculty Council, April 4, 2017

Additional revisions including change of 'probation' to 'review' approved by IUPUI Faculty Council, April 16, 2024