IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Policies » Academic Policy » Special Topics/Variable Title Courses

Academic Policy

Special Topics/Variable Title Courses

Undergraduate Courses

Academic units may from time to time offer undergraduate courses that address a special topic, relate to a current event, or that allow an academic unit to evaluate demand for a new area of study.   Development of experimental courses to introduce new, relevant content should always be encouraged.  The special topic/variable title option is available in class scheduling to accommodate these “temporary” needs.

The designation of these courses as a special topic/variable title course is not intended to allow academic units to avoid the course remonstrance process. 

The following practice has been implemented effective Fall 2014 and applies to all academic units offering undergraduate, special topics/variable title courses.

Same Topic Offered Multiple Times Official Practice

  • Special topics courses with the same variable title should not be offered more than four times. Once the course has been offered four times, permanent action is required. Either:
    • The course content AND title should be discontinued OR
    • The course should be submitted through the formal course approval process.
  • Compliance will be monitored by the academic unit.

If a unit has a concern about variable topics classes offered in another unit, the issue should be resolved between the two.  Issues unable to be resolved will be forwarded to the Chief Academic Officer.

Exception:  Courses (like those in Social Work listed below) which have been approved by course remonstrance have a specific purpose within the program and are exempt from the practice noted above.

  • SWK-S 442: Practice/Policy Seminar: Public Child Welfare
  • SWK-S 442: Practice/Policy Seminar: Children and Families
  • SWK-S 442: Practice/Policy Seminar: Addictions
  • SWK-S 442: Practice/Policy Seminar: Mental Health
  • SWK-S 442: Practice/Policy Seminar: Aging
Note that the policy is monitored by the academic unit which can decide that there is a curricular need for the continued use of a variable title course.