IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Policies » Academic Policy » Repeating Courses

Academic Policy

Repeating Courses

Repeated courses may be counted in the student's GPA, depending on the policies of the student's program. Repeated courses do not count toward the earned hours required for degrees unless the course is defined as repeatable for credit.  See the individual school’s section of this bulletin to determine program specific rules regarding repeated coursework.

Undergraduate Repeat Rule

Effective Fall 2022, IU Indianapolis established a campus wide repeat rule for all undergraduate academic programs using LATEST as the default rule.  

Application of the LATEST repeat rule means that when an undergraduate student repeats a course in excess of the course catalog limits, only the latest (most recent) attempt counts towards the GPA and credit hours.  All other attempts are dropped and do not count in the student academic statistics.  

Academic programs may allow for individual student exceptions to campus repeat rule through a designated exception process.  Program requirements may limit the number of allowable attempts of a course and program requirements or prerequisites related to age of original course completion still apply.  Federal regulations for repeated courses apply.