Graduate Programs

Degree Programs

Master of Data Science Online

The M.S. in Data Science - Online (MSDSO) aims to enhance data skills for managers, practitioners, and domain scientists.  Due to its asynchronous format, students have up to 5 years to complete the degree requirements as a part-time or full-time student.


Students in this distance education program need to have programming experience in Python and R, as well as basic math (probability, linerar algebra, calculus).

Students who lack the above prerequisites are encouraged to take "Data Science Essentials" through IU Expand to strenghten their programming and mathematical skillset before the first day of coursework.


Students are required to complete 30 credit hours of graduate-level coursework for this degree. Students are required to complete two core courses (6 credit hours), two courses to form a specialization (6 credit hours), and a capstone project (3 credit hours). The remaining 15 credit hours are counted as electives, selected to best suit individual interests, needs, and overall career goals.

Statistics (3 credit hours)

Select one course from the following:

  • SPEA-V 506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision-making
  • STAT-S 520 Introduction to Statistics
    • Higher level statistics course may be taken with departmental approval

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (3 credit hours)

Select one course from the following:
  • CSCI-B 551 Elements of Artificial Intelligence
  • ENGR-E 511 Machine Learning for Signal Processing
  • ENGR-E 533 Deep Learning Systems
  • INFO-I 526 Applied Machine Learning

Data Science Application Area (6 credit hours)

Students must select one of the following application areas and complete two courses within that specific area:

Data Analytics and Visualization

  • ENGR-E 516 Engineering Cloud Computing
  • ENGR-E 533 Deep Learning Systems
  • ENGR-E 583 Information Visualization
  • ILS-Z 534 Search
  • INFO-I 523 Big Data Applications and Analytics
  • INFO-I 535 Management, Access, and Use of Big and Complex Data
  • INFO-I 590 Topics in Informatics (Topic: Introduction to Business Analytics Modeling)
  • INFO-I 590 Topics in Informatics (Topic: Data Visualization)
  • INFO-I 606 Network Science
Intelligent Systems Engineering
  • ENGR-E 523 Internet of Things
  • ENGR-E 599 Topics in Intelligent Systems Engineering (Topic: Autonomous Robotics)

Precision Health

  • ENGR-E 541 Simulating Cancer as an Intelligent System
  • INFO-I 590 Topics in Informatics (Topic: Data Science for Drug Discovery, Health and Translational Medicine)
  • INFO-I 590 Topics in Informatics (Topic: Real World Data Science)
  • SPH-Q 650 Semiparametric Regression with R


  • INFO-I 520 Security in Networked Systems
  • INFO-I 525 Organizational Informatics and Economics of Security
  • INFO-I 533 Systems and Protocol Security and Information Assurance

Data Science Capstone (3 credit hours)
Students will be required to work on a project that applies the knowledge and skills learned to solve real-world problems for a company, organization, or individual. The aim of this capstone is to demonstrate students' capabilities to prospective employers and inspire innovation.

  • DSCI-D 590 Topics in Data Science (Topic: Data Science in Practice)
The remaining 15 credit hours ae selected from courses above or individual data science-related course offerings found on the Data Science Program website. Students may not earn credit for courses taken to fulfill core, application, or capstone requirements.  Be creative in your course strategies.


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