Undergraduate Programs
- INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics (4 cr.) Problem solving with information technology; introductions to information representation, relational databases, system design, propositional logic, cutting-edge technologies: CPU, operation systems, networks; laboratory emphasizing information technology including Web page design, word processing, databases, using tools available on campus. Credit not given for both INFO-I 101 and H 101.
- INFO-H 101 Introduction to Informatics, Honors (4 cr.) Honors version of INFO-I 101. Problem solving with information technology; introductions to information representation, relational databases, system design, propositional logic, cutting-edge technologies: CPU, operation systems, networks; laboratory emphasizing information technology including Web page design, word processing, databases, using tools available on campus. Credit not given for both INFO-H 101 and I 101.
- INFO-I 110 Basic Tools of Informatics I—Programming Concepts (1.5 cr.) P: CSCI-A 110, A 111, or equivalent computing experience. Introduction to programming for users of computer systems. Emphasis on problem-solving techniques. An eight-week lecture and laboratory course. Cross-listed with CSCI-A 112. Credit not given for both INFO-I 110 and CSCI-A 112.
- INFO-I 111 Basic Tools of Informatics II—Introduction to Databases (1.5 cr.) P: CSCI-A 110, A 111, or equivalent computing experience. Introduction to database design concepts. Entering and modifying data, accessing data using visual tools and SQL, and building database applications using forms and application development tools. Emphasis on problem-solving techniques. An eight-week lecture and laboratory course. Credit not given for both INFO-I 111 and CSCI-A 114.
- INFO-I 123 Data Fluency (3 cr.) Data is big. Data is everywhere. How can we possibly be expected to keep up in a world full of data, much of which is data about ourselves? This class provides fundmental skills for the 21st century: understanding data, extracting knowledge from data, generating predictions from data and presenting data.
- INFO-I 130 Introduction to Cybersecurity (1 cr.) P: INFO-I 101. C: INFO-I 101. This course introduces students to cybersecurity. The course will primarily focus on introduction to three core areas (technical aspects of security, organizational aspects of security, and legal aspects of security). Through examples of security problems in real life, this course will illuminate fundamental ideas and concepts of information security. An eight-week course.
- INFO-I 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics (4 cr.) P: INFO-I 101 and MATH-M 118, MATH-A 118, MATH-S 118, or MATH-D 116-117. An introduction to methods of analytical, abstract, and critical thinking; deductive reasoning; and logical and mathematical tools used in information sciences. The topics include propositional and predicate logic, natural deduction proof system, sets, functions and relations, proof methods in mathematics, mathematical induction, and graph theory. Credit not given for both INFO-I 201 and H 201.
- INFO-H 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics, Honors (4 cr.) P: INFO-I 101, and MATH-M 118, MATH-A 118, or MATH-S 118. Honors version of INFO-I 201. An introduction to methods of analytical, abstract, and critical thinking; deductive reasoning; and logical and mathematical tools used in information sciences. The topics include propositional and predicate logic, natural deduction proof system, sets, functions and relations, proof methods in mathematics, mathematical induction, and graph theory. Credit not given for both INFO-H 201 and I 201.
- INFO-I 202 Social Informatics (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101. Introduction to key social research perspectives and literatures on the use of information and communication technologies. Discusses current topics such as information ethics, relevant legal frameworks, popular and controversial uses of technology (for example, peer-to-peer file sharing), digital divides, and so on. Outlines research methodologies for social informatics. Credit not given for both INFO-I 202 and H 202.
- INFO-H 202 Social Informatics, Honors (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101. Honors version of INFO-I 202. Introduction to key social research perspectives and literatures on the use of information and communication technologies. Discusses current topics such as information ethics, relevant legal frameworks, popular and controversial uses of technology (for example, peer-to-peer file sharing), digital divides, and so on. Outlines research methodologies for social informatics. Credit not given for both INFO-H 202 and I 202.
- INFO-I 210 Information Infrastructure I (4 cr.) P: INFO-I 201. The software architecture of information systems. Basic concepts of systems and applications programming. Credit not given for both INFO-I 210 and H 210.
- INFO-H 210 Information Infrastructure I, Honors (4 cr.) P: INFO-I 201. Honors version of INFO-I 210. The software architecture of information systems. Basic concepts of systems and applications programming. Credit not given for both INFO-H 210 and I 210.
- INFO-I 211 Information Infrastructure II (4 cr.) P: INFO-I 210 or CSCI-C 211. The systems architecture of distributed applications. Advanced programming, including an introduction to the programming of graphical systems. Credit not given for both INFO-I 211 and H 211.
- INFO-H 211 Information Infrastructure II, Honors (4 cr.) P: INFO-I 210 or CSCI-C 211. Honors version of INFO-I 211. The systems architecture of distributed applications. Advanced programming, including an introduction to the programming of graphical systems. Credit not given for both INFO-H 211 and I 211.
- INFO-I 222 The Information Society (3 cr.) In this course, students will learn to think critically about what it means to live in an "Information Society." From printing press to telephone to computer to the Internet, they will explore the history and social implications of the various information revolutions that shaped contemporary commercial, scientific, organizational, political life.
- INFO-I 230 Analytical Foundations of Security (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 130. This course will enable students to reevaluate and conceptualize material learned in discrete courses to consider the topics from their perspective of security. For example, computer system basics such as hardware (CPUs, memory) and software are reconsidered from the perspective of how their interactions create vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities that combine standard hardware and software configurations will be examined because they illuminate both security and computer networks. Operating systems and file systems are examined from the perspective of access control, permissions, and availability of system services.
- INFO-I 231 Introduction to the Mathematics of Cybersecurity (3 cr.) The goal of this course is for students to be introduced to the basic mathematical tools used in modern cybersecurity. The course covers introductory mathematical material from a number of disparate fields including probability theory, analysis of algorithms, complexity theory, number theory, and group theory. Credit not given for both INFO-I 231 and CSCI-C 231.
- INFO-I 300 HCI/Interaction Design (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101 and I 202 or I 222. The analysis of human factors and the design of computer application interfaces. A survey of current HCI designs with an eye toward what future technologies will allow. The course will emphasize learning HCI based on implementation and testing interfaces. Credit not given for both INFO-I 300 and H 300.
- INFO-H 300 HCI/Interaction Design, Honors (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101 and I 202 or I 222. Honors version of INFO-I 300. The analysis of human factors and the design of computer application interfaces. A survey of current HCI designs with an eye toward what future technologies will allow. The course will emphasize learning HCI based on implementation and testing interfaces. Credit not given for both INFO-H 300 and I 300.
- INFO-I 303 Organizational Informatics (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101. Examines the various needs, uses, and consequences of information in organizational contexts. Topics include organizational types and characteristics, functional areas and business processes, information-based products and services, the use of and redefining the role of information technology, the changing character of work life and organizational practices, sociotechnical structures, and the rise and transformation of information-based industries.
- INFO-I 308 Information Representation (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101, I 201 and (I 210 or CSCI-C 211). The basic structure of information representation in digital information systems. Begins with low-level computer representations such as common character and numeric encodings. Introduces formal design and query languages through Entity Relationship Modeling, the Relational Model, XML, and XHTML. Laboratory topics include SQL and XPath querying. Credit not given for both INFO-I 308 and H 308.
- INFO-H 308 Information Representation, Honors (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101, I 201 and (I 210 or CSCI-C 211). Honors version of INFO-I 308. The basic structure of information representation in digital information systems. Begins with low-level computer representations such as common character and numeric encodings. Introduces formal design and query languages through Entity Relationship Modeling, the Relational Model, XML, and XHTML. Laboratory topics include SQL and XPath querying. Credit not given for both INFO-H 308 and I 308.
- INFO-I 310 Multimedia Arts and Technology (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 300. The study of the evolution of media arts and underlying principles of communication. Application development paradigms in current practice.
- INFO-I 320 Distributed Systems and Collaborative Computing (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 211. An introductory treatment of distributed systems and programming. Topics range from the distributed and object models of computation to advanced concepts such as remote method invocations, object brokers, object services, open systems, and future trends for distributed information systems.
- INFO-I 330 Legal and Social Informatics of Security (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 230, or consent of instructor. This course examines that set of ethical and legal problems most tightly bound to the issues of information control. The interaction and technology changes, but the core issues have remained: privacy, intellectual property, Internet law, concepts of jurisdiction, speech anonymity versus accountability, and ethical decision making in the network environment.
- INFO-I 356 Globalization, Where We Fit In (3 cr.) Globalization changes how we work, what we buy, and who we know. Globalization involves people working eighty hour weeks in China and receiving free state-of-the-art drugs in Africa. Learn about the past, present and future of globalization, and what it means for you, your job, and your community.
- INFO-I 360 Web Design (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101. Hands-on introduction to the core standards required for professional front-end web design and development (HTML/CSS/Bootstrap). You will create websites, plus learn how web content and style work together, how to make professional choices about web graphics and layout, and how to analyze and critique a website's design and structure.
- INFO-I 368 Introduction to Network Science (3 cr.) Friends, computers, the Web, and our brain are examples of networks that pervade our lives. Network science helps us understand complex patterns of connection, interaction, and relationships in many complex systems. Students learn essential concepts and core ideas of network literacy, and basic tools to handle social and information networks.
- INFO-I 369 Performance Analytics (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 201 and I 210. INFO-I 368 recommended. This course will review quantitative studies aimed at measuring, predicting and understanding performance in social competitive arenas, ranging from social media to financial markets, from professional sports to scientific and technological innovation.
- INFO-I 371 Chemical Informatics I (1 cr.) Presents basic concepts of information representation, storage, and retrieval as they pertain to chemistry. The course is designed to give an overview of the techniques that make modern chemical informatics systems work. Looks at some of the coding techniques that form the basis for chemical information retrieval by structures, nomenclature, and molecular formulas. Examines various methods of coding for visualization of chemical structures and chemical data. In addition, some of the major algorithms and techniques used in the modern pharmaceutical industry to enhance their research efforts are presented in INFO-I 371.
- INFO-I 372 Molecular Modeling (1 cr.) P: CHEM-C 341. Molecular modeling and computational chemistry; application of quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics to drive structural and energetic information about molecules; conformational analysis; quantitative structure activity relationships (QSAR) and related methods for drug design.
- INFO-I 390 Undergraduate Independent Study (1-3 cr.) P: Instructor's permission. Independent research based on existing literature or original work. A report, in the style of a departmental technical report, is required. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- INFO-I 391 Internship in Informatics Professional Practice (1-3 cr.) P: Approval of dean and completion of 100- and 200-level requirements in informatics. Students gain professional work experience in an industry or research organization setting, using skills and knowledge acquired in informatics course work. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.
- INFO-I 399 Current Topics in Informatics (1-3 cr.) Variable topic course. Emphasis is on new developments and research in informatics. May be repeated once with different topic.
- INFO-I 400 Topics in Informatics (3 cr.) P: At least junior standing or permission of instructor. Variable topic. Emphasis is on new developments and research in informatics. May be repeated when topic varies.
- INFO-H 400 Topics in Informatics, Honors (3 cr.) P: At least junior standing or permission of instructor. Honors version of INFO-I 400. Variable topic. Emphasis is on development and research in informatics. May be repeated when topic varies.
- INFO-I 407 Introduction to Health Informatics (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 300. Lab fee. This is a combined advanced undergraduate and graduate course that provides an introduction to health informatics. By the end of the course, students will be able to describe and apply informatics methods that improve health and well being. Credit not given for both INFO-I 407 and H 407.
- INFO-H 407 Introduction to Health Informatics, Honors (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 300. Lab fee. Honors version of INFO-I 407. This is a combined advanced undergraduate and graduate course that provides an introduction to health informatics. By the end of the course, student will be able to describe and apply informatics methods that improve health and well being. Credit not given for both INFO-H 407 and I 407.
- INFO-I 421 Applications of Data Mining (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 308. The course explores the use of data mining techniques in different settings, including business and scientific domains. The emphasis will be on using techniques instead of developing new techniques or algorithms. Students will select, prepare, visualize, analyze, and present data that leads to the discovery of novel and actionable information.
- INFO-I 422 Data Visualization (3 cr.) From dashboards in a car to cutting-edge scientific papers, we extensively use visual representation of data. As our world becomes increasingly connected and digitized and as more decisions are being driven by data, data visualization is becoming a critical skill for every knowledge worker. In this course we will learn fundamentals of data visualization and create visualizations that can provide insights into complex datasets.
- INFO-I 423 Big Data Applications and Analytics (3 cr.) The Big Data Applications & Analytics course is an overview course in Data Science and covers the applications and technologies (data analytics and clouds) needed to process the application data. It is organized around rallying cry: Use Clouds running Data Analytics Collaboratively processing Big Data to solve problems in X-Informatics. Credit given for only one of INFO-I 423, I 523, or ENGR-E 534.
- INFO-I 424 Big Data Software and Projects (3 cr.) This course studies software HPC-ABDS used in either High Performance Computing or the open source commercial Big Data cloud computing. The student builds analysis systems using this software on clouds and then to use it on a project either chosen by student or selected from list given by instructor. Credit not given for both INFO-I 424 and I 524.
- INFO-I 427 Search Informatics (3 cr.) Techniques and tools to automatically crawl, parse, index, store, and search Web information, organizing knowledge that can help meet the needs of organizations, communities and individual users. Social and business impact of search engine technology. As a project, students will build a real search engine and compare it with Google.
- INFO-I 430 Security for Networked Systems (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 230, I 231 and (I 211 or C 212). This course is an extensive survey of network security. The course materials cover threats to information confidentiality, integrity, and availability in different Internet layers, and defense mechanisms that control these threats. The course also provides a necessary foundation on network security, such as cryptographic, primitives/protocols, authentication, authorization and access control technologies; and hands-on experiences through programming assignments and course projects. Credit given for only one of INFO-I 430, I 520, or CSCI-B 430.
- INFO-I 433 Systems & Protocol Security & Information Assurance (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 230, I 231 and (I 211 or C 212). This class covers the fundamentals of computer security by looking at how things can go wrong, and how people can abuse the system. This is a matter of creative cheating; to find loopholes and exploit them. After students learn how to attack the system, it is possible to propose ways to make the system secure. Students will gain a basic overview of existing security problems and be exposed to methods that can be used to secure against such problems. The course should be taken by any one designing, selecting, or using applications in which security or privacy plays a role. Credit given for only one of INFO-I 433, I 533, or CSCI-B 433.
- INFO-I 435 Management, Access, and Use of Big and Complex Data (3 cr.) Innovation today is emerging from a preponderance of data from sensors, social media, and the Internet. This course covers knowledge representation, data process, and data management for big and complex data. Specific topics include data integration, semantics, and provenance; workflows and pipelines; and distributed noSQL stores. Credit not given for both INFO-I 435 and I 535.
- INFO-I 440 Human Robot Interaction (3 cr.) Lab fee. This course surveys the field of human-robot interaction (HRI), which involves understanding how people perceive and respond to robots and creating robots that interact naturally with people. We will discuss the design, evaluation and societal significance of interactive robots from a human-centered perspective through readings, discussion and developing HRI prototypes. Credit given for only one of INFO-I 440, H 440 or I 540.
- INFO-H 440 Human Robot Interaction, Honors (3 cr.) Lab fee. This course surveys the field of human-robot interaction (HRI), which involves understanding how people perceive and respond to robots and creating robots that interact naturally with people. We will discuss the design, evaluation and societal significance of interactive robots from a human-centered perspective through readings, discussion and developing HRI prototypes. Credit given for only one of INFO-I 440, H 440 or I 540.
- INFO-I 441 Interaction Design Practice (3 cr.) Human-computer interaction design (HCID) describes the way a person or group accomplishes tasks with a computer—what the individual or group does and how the computer responds; what the computer does and how the individual or group responds. This course is organized around a collection of readings and three design projects applying human-computer interaction principles to the design, selection, and evaluation of interactive systems.
- INFO-I 453 Computer and Information Ethics (3 cr.) Ethical and professionalization issues that arise in the context of designing and using networked information technologies and information resources. Examines frameworks for making ethical decisions, emergent technologies and their ethical implications, information/computer professionalism. Topics include privacy, intellectual property, cybercrime, games, social justice, and codes of professional ethics.
- INFO-I 468 Advanced Network Science (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 368. Friends, computers, the Web, and our brain are examples of networks that pervade our lives. Network science helps us understand complex patterns of connection, interaction, and relationships in many complex systems. Students learn about networks analytic tools, using increasingly complex models and data from social, infrastructure, and information networks.
- INFO-I 485 Bioinspired Computing (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 211 or CSCI-C 212. Biological organisms cope with the demands of their environments using solutions quite unlike the traditional human-engineered approaches to problem solving. Biological systems tend to be adaptive, reactive, and distributed. Bio-inspired computing is a field devoted to tackling complex problems using computational methods modeled after design principles encountered in nature. Credit not given for both INFO-I 485 and I 585.
- INFO-I 486 Artificial Life (3 cr.) Artificial Life is a broad discipline encompassing the origins, modeling, and synthesis of natural and artificial living entities and systems. Artificial Intelligence, as a discipline, tries to model and understand intelligent systems and behavior, typically at the human level. Credit not given for both INFO-I 486 and I 586.
- INFO-I 487 Introduction to Virtual Heritage (3 cr.) This course focuses on how digital technology can represent, restore, disseminate, and help with analysis of artifacts such as vases, furniture, sculpture, monuments, and buildings. Other topics covered include the history and methodologies of Virtual Heritage. Each semester a different case study will provide the focus for the course. Credit not given for both INFO-I 487 and I 587.
- INFO-I 488 Advanced Topics in Virtual Heritage (3 cr.) This course teaches students how to create simulations of complex cultural heritage environments such as a room and its furnishings, a building, or a settlement. Also covered are the principles of restorations of art, technologies to disseminate 3D models, and the use of simulations as tools of scientific discovery. Credit not given for both INFO-I 488 and I 588.
- INFO-I 490 Professional Practicum/Internship for Undergraduates (0 cr.) P: Approval of the dean. Provides for participation in professional training and internship experience.
- INFO-I 491 Capstone Project Internship (1-6 cr.) P: Approval of dean and completion of all required core informatics courses. Students put their informatics education in practice through the development of a substantial project while working in a professional information technology environment. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- INFO-I 492 Senior Thesis (3 cr.) P: Approval of dean and completion of all required core informatics courses. The senior student prepares and presents a thesis: a substantial, typically multichapter paper based on a well-planned research or scholarly project, as determined by the student and a sponsoring faculty member.
- INFO-I 493 Senior Thesis (3 cr.) P: Approval of dean and completion of all required core informatics courses. The senior student prepares and presents a thesis: a substantial, typically multichapter paper based on a well-planned research or scholarly project, as determined by the student and a sponsoring faculty member.
- INFO-I 494 Design and Development of an Information System (3 cr.) P: Approval of the dean and completion of required core informatics courses. Students work on capstone projects in supervised teams. They select an appropriate project (preferably based on cognate) and then learn to develop a plan that leads to success. Teamwork, communication, and organizational skills are emphasized in a real-world-style environment. Credit not given for both INFO-I 494 and H 494.
- INFO-H 494 Design and Development of an Information System, Honors (3 cr.) P: Approval of the dean and completion of required core informatics courses. Honors version of INFO-I 494. Students work on capstone projects in supervised teams. They select an appropriate project (preferably based on cognate) and then learn to develop a plan that leads to success. Teamwork, communication, and organizational skills are emphasized in a real-world-style environment. Credit not given for both INFO-H 494 and I 494.
- INFO-I 495 Design and Development of an Information System (3 cr.) P: Approval of the dean and completion of required core informatics courses. Students work on capstone projects in supervised teams. They select an appropriate project (preferably based on cognate) and then learn to develop a plan that leads to success. Teamwork, communication, and organizational skills are emphasized in a real-world-style environment. Credit not given for both INFO-I 495 and H 495.
- INFO-H 495 Design and Development of an Information System, Honors (3 cr.) P: Approval of the dean and completion of required core informatics courses. Honors version of INFO-I 495. Students work on capstone projects in supervised teams. They select an appropriate project (preferably based on cognate) and then learn to develop a plan that leads to success. Teamwork, communication, and organizational skills are emphasized in a real-world-style environment. Credit not given for both INFO-H 495 and I 495.
- INFO-H 498 Honors Seminar (1-3 cr.) P: Junior or senior major in INFO with GPA at least 3.3 or permission of instructor. A survey of faculty research in computer related fields with different professors discussing their research each week. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- INFO-I 499 Readings and Research in Informatics (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor and completion of 100- and 200-level requirements in informatics. Independent readings and research related to a topic of special interest to the student. Written report required. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours for any combination of INFO-I 499 and H 499.
- INFO-H 499 Readings and Research in Informatics, Honors (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor and completion of 100- and 200-level requirements in informatics. Honors version of INFO-I 499. Independent readings and research related to a topic of special interest to the student. Written report required. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours for any combination of INFO-I 499 and H 499.
- INFO-T 100 Topics in Informatics Technology (1-3 cr.) Variable topic. The course serves as an introduction to a specific information technology in a hands-on setting. Emphasis is on problem solving techniques using technology. Credit hours may not be applied toward satisfying major requirements in the School of Informatics.
- INFO-Y 100 Exploring Informatics and Computer Science (1 cr.) Technology is everywhere and how it relates to the world today is very important to the future. The objective of this course is to offer students an opportunity to explore the many tracks within the fields of Informatics and Computer Science, while also learning about the multiple careers available to students majoring in the fields. Emphasis will be placed on the various ways technology affects the work world and how students can tailor a major to their individual interests. The course will promote a hands-on, interactive and self-reflective course environment. Offered as either a six or eight week course.
- INFO-Y 101 Technology Leadership and Innovation (1.5 cr.) This course will focus on developing student leaders by providing resources and tools to empower them in setting goals, teamwork, communication, and decision-making skills. Students will have an opportunity to interact and develop relationships with School of Informatics and Computing faculty, staff, alumni, upper class students, and conduct research.
- INFO-Y 102 Technology Leadership and Innovation II (1.5 cr.) P: INFO-Y 101. The focus of this course will be on developing you as a professional and a future leader. Topics addressed will include professional identity development; working in a diverse team; leadership in a global/multinational workforce; the role of social media; and the process and development of professional mentor relationships.
- INFO-Y 395 Career Development for Informatics Majors (1 cr.) Helps students develop skills and knowledge to successfully pursue a career search, both at the time of graduation and as they progress through their careers. The course covers techniques and strategies to make the job search more efficient and effective. An eight-week course. Credit not given for both INFO-Y 395 and CSCI-Y 395.