
Degree Programs

Computer Science

About the Program

What imagination makes possible, computer science makes real.

Robots were once science fiction. Today, they build cars, take photos on Mars, disarm bombs, and vacuum our living rooms. While there may be no limit to what technology can accomplish—from space travel to curing cancer—none of it is possible without key breakthroughs in computing theory, programming, artificial intelligence, data analysis, and systems and application design.

As a graduate student in computer science, you’ll develop a deep understanding of computing theory and applications that will serve as a springboard to new discoveries. Our cross-disciplinary approach to computer science exposes you not only to the latest research in high-performance computing, data and search, artificial intelligence, and computer security—but also gives you the opportunity to apply those insights to real-world problems such as controlling pandemic disease and tracking the effects of climate change on polar ice.

Major research concentrations on campus include:

  • Formal methods for system design, hardware, and robotics
  • Foundations: Theory of computing, algorithms, and applied logic
  • High-performance computing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Graphics and visualization
  • Programming languages and compilers
  • Artificial intelligence and cognitive science
  • Distributed and parallel systems
  • Database and information systems
  • Computer networks and security

M.S. in Computer Science

  • A two-year, multidisciplinary program that provides broad insights in computing theory, data and search, networks, systems, applications and programming, and their practical applications in solving problems

Accelerated Master’s Program in Computer Science

  • A five-year combined B.S. and M.S. in computer science for highly focused students who want a head start on their careers

Ph.D. in Computer Science

(See University Graduate School Bulletin,

Academic Bulletins

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