
Key to Course Codes

AAAD African American and African Diaspora Studies (COLL)
AMID Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design (COLL)
AMST American Studies Program (COLL)
ANAT Anatomy (Medical Sciences Program)
AST Astronomy (COLL)
BIOL Biology (COLL)
BUS Business (Kelley School of Business)
CHEM Chemistry (COLL)
CLAS Classical Studies (COLL)
COLL College of Arts and Sciences
COGS Cognitive Science Programs (COLL)
CMLT Comparative Literature (COLL)
CJUS Criminal Justice (COLL)
CSCI Computer Science (COLL and INFO)
ECON Economics (COLL)
EDUC Education (School of Education)
ENG English (COLL)
FINA Fine Arts (COLL)
GEOG Geography (COLL)
GEOL Geological Sciences (COLL)
GNDR Gender Studies (COLL)
HIST History (COLL)
HPER School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
HPSC History and Philosophy of Science (COLL)
HON Honors (COLL)
INFO Informatics (School of Informatics)
JOUR Journalism (School of Journalism)
LAMP Liberal Arts and Management Program (COLL)
LING Linguistics (COLL)
MATH Mathematics (COLL)
MUS Music (COLL)
NEWM New Media (School of Informatics)
NURS Nursing (School of Nursing)
PHIL Philosophy (COLL)
PHSL Physiology (Medical Sciences Program)
PHYS Physics (COLL)
POLS Political Science (COLL)
PSY Psychology (COLL)
REL Religious Studies (COLL)
SLIS School of Library and Information Science
SOC Sociology (COLL)
SPEA School of Public and Environmental Affairs
SPHS Speech and Hearing Sciences (COLL)
TEL Telecommunications (COLL)
THTR Theatre and Drama (COLL)
UDIV University Division

Academic Bulletins

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