Academic Policies and Procedures


Academic Regulations

Academic Watch and Academic Alert

Academic Watch 

An undergraduate student is placed on academic watch by their academic unit if:

  • the student’s term GPA falls below 2.000; or
  • the student qualifies for academic watch under standards set by the student’s academic unit, if applicable.

If the student also qualifies to be placed on academic alert (see below), then the student is placed on academic alert instead of academic watch. 

The goal of academic watch is to notify a student of concerns about their academic performance; and that they must seek support and address academic challenges to return to good academic standing. 

Luddy undergraduate academic advisors can assist with the support services needed.

Academic Alert 

An undergraduate student is placed on academic alert by their academic unit if:

  • the student’s term GPA and cumulative GPA falls below 2.000; or
  • the student qualifies for academic alert under standards set by the student’s academic unit, if applicable. 

The goal of academic alert is to notify a student of major concerns about their academic performace; and that they are at risk of academic unit dismissal; and that they must seek increased support and address academic challenges to return to good academic standing.

Luddy undergraduate academic advisors can assist with support serviced needed. 

Students who have have had consecutive terms on academic watch or academic alert will be placed on academic unit dismissal






Academic Bulletins