Academic Policies & Procedures

Doctoral Students

Doctoral Qualifying Examination Procedures

To become a candidate for the Ph.D. degree, and to proceed with the dissertation research project, students must pass a comprehensive qualifying examination and submit a Nomination to Candidacy Form and Memo of Understanding (MOU) to the graduate recorder.  The form may be found at this

The qualifying examination covers the fundamentals of the fields in which specialization has been elected. The content and format of both the written and oral components of the doctoral qualifying examination are determined by the members of the doctoral advisory committee. Information below includes a step-by-step description of procedures for the doctoral qualifying examination.

The written component of the doctoral qualifying examination may be scheduled during dates agreed upon by the advisory committee and the student.  The oral examination must be completed no later than 90 days after the start of the written examination.  

[Important note: The date on which a student's Ph.D. degree is awarded must be at least eight months after the passing date of the qualifying examination.]

Doctoral Qualifying Examination Procedures

  1. Students who have been admitted to a Ph.D. degree program pending completion of a master’s or equivalent degree are expected to have completed this degree before taking the qualifying examination. Students pursuing Ph.D. degrees in environmental health, epidemiology, health behavior, and leisure behavior must provide the assistant director of graduate degree administration with a transcript showing completion of this degree before the student may take the doctoral qualifying examination.
  2. A student must submit the Application for Doctoral Qualifying Examination Form to the chair of the student's advisory committee so that the chair can submit it to graduate recorder in the School of Public Health-Bloomington Records Office at least thirty (30) calendar days before the beginning of the examination. The form is available online at
  3. The application must include the proposed dates of the written portion of the examination and a planned date for the oral portion of the examination.
  4. The Memo of Understanding (MOU) must include the following:
    • specific details of product(s) that make up the student’s qualifying exam
    • specific time frame of the examination (not to exceed 90 days), which includes:
      • Start date
      • Full first draft or Department written exam due date
      • Faculty feedback due date
      • Revision due date
      • Oral exam date
    • grading scale/scoring system that will be used

Note: In exceptional circumstances, changes to dates may be granted but will require an amendment to the MOU signed by the student and committee chairperson; those beyond 90 days require approval and signature of Executive Associate Dean.

  1. The School of Public Health-Bloomington graduate recorder determines eligibility of the applicant to sit for the examination.

To sit for the examination, a student must have completed the required research skill courses, and be within one course of completing the 90 credit (major, minor, and elective) portion of the course prescription.

If a student passes the qualifying examination with one outstanding incomplete course, this course must be completed before submission of the Nomination to Candidacy Form.

All 90 course prescription credits must be no older than 7 years on the date of the qualifying examination. Any course on the course prescription, which is older than 7 years on this date must receive revalidation approval before a student will be able to sit for the qualifying examination.

  1. Each member of the advisory committee is informed by e-mail by the graduate recorder of the scheduled oral examination once a room is scheduled.
  2. The chair of the advisory committee works with all committee members to prepare the content of the written components of the exam.
  3. If the written portion of the exam contains activities that are taken in a proctored format, the chair is responsible for securing the space for such activities and ensuring that an appropriate proctor has been identified.
  4. The chair of the advisory committee ensures that the student is provided with details as to the criteria by which the written exam will be evaluated.
  5. The chair of the advisory committee provides the exam to the student and submits a copy via email to the School of Public Health-Bloomington Dean’s Office.
  6. The written portion of the qualifying examination takes place.
  7. The student submits the written portion of the examination to the chair of the advisory committee, who subsequently forwards the responses to the committee members by e-mail, with a copy to the School of Public Health-Bloomington Dean’s Office.
  8. Subsequent to receiving the responses to the written portion of the examination, the advisory committee may choose to request revisions that must be completed prior to the scheduled oral portion of the examination.
  9. The oral portion of the qualifying examination must take place within 90 days following the date that the written examination is initially started by the student. Permission to exceed 90 days between the start of the written and oral portions of the examination must be obtained from the associate dean for research and graduate studies.
  10. If a student passes the qualifying examination, a notification will be sent by the graduate recorder to the student with instructions for the student to visit a link to the University Graduate School's Nomination to Candidacy approval workflow, and initiate the approval process.
  11. In the event of a failure of the qualifying examination, a letter will be sent, notifying the student of the failure and the opportunity for one more attempt to pass the examination.
  12. In the event of a failure on the first attempt, the student and committee will reinitiate the process for the doctoral qualifying examination as described beginning with item #2 above.
  13. In the event of a second failure, the student will be notified of formal dismissal from the doctoral program. No future registrations will be permitted through the School of Public Health-Bloomington.


Epidemiology & Biostatistics Students:

The qualifying examination covers the fundamentals of the fields in which specialization has been elected. Information below includes a step-by-step description of procedures for the doctoral qualifying examination for students in EBIO.

The doctoral qualifying examination is held once per year at a time determined by the department.  If revisions are required, they must be completed and graded before 90 days from the start of the examination.  

[Important note: The date on which a student's Ph.D. degree is awarded must be at least eight months after the passing date of the qualifying examination.]

Doctoral Qualifying Examination Procedures

  1. The department will communicate with students the time and format of the qualifying exam. This exam is offered once per year.
  2. A student must submit the Application for Doctoral Qualifying Examination Form to the chair of the student's advisory committee so that the chair can submit it to graduate recorder in the School of Public Health-Bloomington Records Office at least thirty (30) calendar days before the beginning of the examination. The form is available online at
  3. The application must include a Memo of Understanding (MOU) which must include the following:
    • Specific details of product(s) that make up the student’s qualifying exam, details provided by the department
    • Specific time frame of the examination (not to exceed 90 days), which includes:
      • Examination date(s)
      • Grading due date
      • Revision due date
      • Revision grading due date
    • Specific details of the grading scheme:
      • The initial submission(s) will be awarded one of the following grades: pass/fail/revisions required
      • Revisions will be graded pass/fail
  1. The School of Public Health-Bloomington graduate recorder determines eligibility of the applicant to sit for the examination.

Epidemiology students who have been admitted to a Ph.D. degree program pending completion of a master’s or equivalent degree are expected to have completed this degree before taking the qualifying examination. If this applies, students must provide the assistant director of graduate degree administration with a transcript showing completion of this degree before the student may take the doctoral qualifying examination.

To sit for the examination, a student must have completed the major courses on their course prescription.

If a student passes the qualifying examination with courses remaining on their course prescription, those courses must be completed before submission of the Nomination to Candidacy Form.

All 90 course prescription credits must be no older than 7 years on the date of the qualifying examination. Any course on the course prescription, which is older than 7 years on this date must receive revalidation approval before a student will be able to sit for the qualifying examination.

  1. The examination is set by the department, and the department will secure the space for such activities and ensure that an appropriate proctor has been identified.
  2. The student completes the examination as set by the department.
  3. Subsequent to the first round of grading, the department may choose to request revisions that must be completed and graded within 90 days following the written exam.
  4. If a student passes the qualifying examination, a notification will be sent by the graduate recorder to the student with instructions for the student to visit a link to the University Graduate School's Nomination to Candidacy approval workflow and initiate the approval process.
  5. In the event of a failure of the qualifying examination, a letter will be sent, notifying the student of the failure and the opportunity for one more attempt to pass the examination.
  6. In the event of a failure on the first attempt, the student and committee will reinitiate the process for the doctoral qualifying examination as described beginning with item #1 above.
  7. In the event of a second failure, the student will be notified of formal dismissal from the doctoral program. No future registrations will be permitted through the School of Public Health-Bloomington.



Academic Bulletins