Academic Policies & Procedures

Graduate (all graduate students)

Grade of Incomplete

A grade of I (Incomplete) is given only when the work of the course is substantially completed and when the student's work is of passing quality. The student's instructor determines the requirements and time frame for completion of the course.

The maximum time allowed by the university for completion of the course is one year from the date on which the grade of I was recorded. Only upon appeal to the executive associate dean is an extension of an incomplete possible. If the student fails to remove the incomplete within the time allowed, the Office of the Registrar will change the grade from an I to an F.

Students should not register for a course in which they have a previous grade of I. Instead the student must work with the original course instructor to complete the work, at which time the instructor changes the grade of I to the grade the student earns.

Once a student has graduated, an incomplete may remain on the official record.

These regulations do not apply to research and reading courses in which completion of the course work is not necessarily required at the end of the semester. Incomplete work in these courses will be denoted by a grade of R (deferred grade). A grade of R (Deferred) indicates that the nature of the course is such that the work of the student can be evaluated only after two or more terms.

Academic Bulletins