Undergraduate Academic Programs


Certificate in Underwater Resource Management

Description of Program

The curriculum in Underwater Resources Management (URM) emphasizes research, education, and interpretation of underwater resources with emphasis on park development, management, and sustainable use of significant submerged cultural and biological resources. The URM certificate program requires a minimum of 24 credit hours with the scuba skill development courses offered by the Academic Diving Program in the Department of Kinesiology, and underwater park development courses offered in the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies.


Most students pursue the Certificate in Underwater Resource Management while completing a baccalaureate degree.  However, it is possible to apply for admission to this certificate program as the sole academic objective. Students interested only in earning this certificate may apply online for undergraduate admission to Indiana University at http://admit.indiana.edu/.

Indiana University students wishing to add this certificate their existing academic objective must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA for certificate program admission. All students interested in applying for admission to the Certificate in Underwater Resource Management program should:

  • print and complete an application.
  • write a letter of intent, explaining why you wish to pursue the certificate.
  • submit these items to
    • Charles Beeker
      Academic Diving Program/Underwater Science Program
      Indiana University
      Department of Kinesiology
      School of Public Health - Bloomington
      1025 East 7th Street, SPH 058
      Bloomington, IN 47405

      Phone: (812) 855-5748
      E-mail: scuba@indiana.edu
      Web: www.indiana.edu/~scuba

Students will be notified of the admission decision by Charles Beeker.

Certificate Requirements (24 cr.)

Students pursuing this certificate program must successfully complete 24 credit hours as prescribed below with a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in courses used to satisfy the requirements of this certificate. Students must also have an overall IU cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 to earn this certificate. 18 of the 24 certificate credits must consist of courses within the School of Public Health. No courses for this certificate may be taken under the Pass/Fail Option.

Field Study Requirement (3 cr.)
Complete one of the following 3 credit courses:

  • ANTH-X 478 Field Study in Anthropology (3 Cr)
  • BIOL-L 433 Tropical Biology (3 Cr)
  • SPH-K 492 Research in Kinesiology (3 Cr)

Diving and Research Courses (minimum 7 cr.)
Complete a minimum of 7 credits from the following courses:

  • GEOL-G 341 Natural History of Coral Reefs (3 Cr)
  • SPH-I 270 Introduction to Scientific Diving (2 Cr)
  • SPH-I 370 SCUBA Certification (2 Cr)
  • SPH-I 371 Advanced SCUBA (3 Cr)
  • SPH-I 471 Underwater Archeology Techniques (3 Cr)

Certificate Electives
Complete courses from below so that the total of credits from below and above reaches at least 24 credits.

RPTS Courses Related to Resource Management

  • SPH-O 210 Introduction to Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Human Ecology (3 Cr)
  • SPH-O 244 Natural History and Field Ecology (3 Cr)
  • SPH-O 310 Ecosystem Management (3 Cr)
  • SPH-O 340 Interpretation and Tour Guiding(3 Cr)

KINESIOLOGY Academic Diving Program

  • SPH-I 272 Scuba Knowledge Development (1 Cr)
  • SPH-I 370 Scuba Certification (2 Cr)
  • SPH-I 371 Advanced Scuba (3 Cr)
  • SPH-I 374 Keelboat and Powerboat Safety (2 Cr)
  • SPH-I 470 Diver Safety and Rescue (3 Cr)
  • SPH-K 472 Scuba Instructor Development (3 Cr)

SPEA Courses Related to Environmental Management of Water Resources

  • SPEA-E 162 Environment and People (3 Cr)
  • SPEA-E 455 Limnology (4 Cr)
  • SPEA-E 456 Lake and Watershed Management (3 Cr)
  • SPEA-E 457 / E 557 Introduction to Conservation Biology (3 Cr)
  • SPEA-E 555 Topics in Environmental Science (3 Cr)
  • SPEA-V 450 Environment and Regulations (3 Cr)

COLL Anthropology Courses Related to Underwater Archaeology

  • ANTH-A 399 Honors Tutorial (3 Cr)
  • ANTH-P 330 Historical Archaeology (3 Cr)
  • ANTH-P 399 Undergraduate Seminar (3 Cr)
  • ANTH-P 401 Cultural Resource Management (3 Cr)
  • ANTH-P 409 Archaeological Ethics (3 Cr)
  • ANTH-X 476 Anthropology: Museum Practicum (1-4 Cr)
  • ANTH-X 490 Individual Readings in Anthropology (1-4 Cr)
Special Opportunities

The URM certificate requires a minimum of one underwater field research project, although students often participate in more than one. Current and past underwater field projects have been partially supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Sanctuaries Program, Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, California State Parks, National Park Service, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and the governments of the Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos, and the Dominican Republic. Underwater field research projects provide students with a wide variety of diving experiences augmented by research and publication opportunities that by their nature require interdisciplinary activities. When possible, the Academic Diving Program encourages faculty from various departments to participate in the field or, at a minimum, supervise student reports or research papers.


Indiana University’s URM certificate gives students a unique interdisciplinary education that prepares them for the challenges associated with sustainable management of submerged cultural and biological resources. Previous students have obtained career opportunities with various federal and state agencies including the National Marine Sanctuary Program, National Park Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and the recreational dive industry.

Academic Bulletins