Graduate Academic Programs

Graduate Certificates

Public Health Certificate

Description of Program

The online graduate Certificate in Public Health will provide graduate students and working professionals a solid foundation in the core concentrations of Public Health and the opportunity to advance careers through a practicum experience.


The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington exclusively accepts applications for admission to this certificate program through the Schools of Public Health Application Service (SOPHAS) at Graduate certificate program admission is through a streamlined version of the SOPHAS application, called SOPHAS Express. The application for fall 2016 admission will be available through the SOPHAS on August 17, 2015. Be sure to thoroughly read all directions in the SOPHAS Express application. Please contact SOPHAS at sophasinfo [at] sophas [dot] org, if you have questions regarding their online application.

In addition to completion and submission of the SOPHAS application, all applicants must also complete and submit the Indiana University Bloomington Online Graduate and Professional Admissions Application at This supplemental application is brief and will not cost applicants any additional fees. This duplication of application information is required for admission. The Indiana University Bloomington Online Graduate and Professional Admissions Application requires completion of an "Application Information" section. In the drop-down box for "Academic Program," select Public Health-Bloomington Nondegree for certificate program admission. In the drop-down box for academic plan, select Online Graduate Certificate in Public Health.

For answers to questions about our degree and certificate programs, our Indiana University Bloomington Online Graduate and Professional Admissions Application, or your complete SOPHAS Express application, please contact our Director of Admissions, Nelda Montemayor, at nmontema [at] indiana [dot] edu.

For more information about this certificate program:

  • please visit the Website for the online graducate Certificate in Public Health at
  • you may also contact:
    • Dr. Lesa Huber
      Department of Applied Health Science
      Indiana University
      1025 East 7th Street, SPH 116
      Bloomington, IN 47405

      Phone: (812) 855-1733
      E-mail: lehuber [at] indiana [dot] edu

    Students are encouraged to contact Dr. Huber before applying for admission to this program. Students will be notified of the admission decision by Dr Lesa Huber.

    Certificate Requirements (15 cr.)

    Students in the Certificate program must be admitted to or currently enrolled at Indiana University. The certificate requires 15 credit hours of graduate course work with a minimum cumulative GPA in certificate courses of 3.0.

    Complete the following courses (15 cr.):

    • SPH-B 589 Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (3 cr.) (spring)
    • SPH-B 675 Practicum (3 cr.)
    • SPH-E 610 Introduction to Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics (3 cr.)
    • SPH-P 510 Organization and Administration of Public Health (3 cr.) (fall)
    • SPH-V 541 Environmental Health (3 cr.) (spring)

    The following is a typical sequence in which students complete the required courses:

    • During the spring semester of year one, students complete SPH-B 589 and SPH-V 541.
    • During the fall semester of year one, students complete SPH-P 510 and SPH-E 610.
    • During the spring semester of year two, students complete SPH-B 675.
    Special Opportunities

    The certificate is 15 credit hours, and includes a 3 credit practicum. Students do not need to be in residence in Bloomington to complete any part of the certificate. All of the coursework is online and the practicum may be completed at a distance.


    The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) estimates a shortage of 250,000 public health workers by 2020. Careers in public health can be found in local, state, and federal government; nonprofit organizations; businesses and corporations; hospitals; county health departments; universities; and with health foundations and health-based grant projects. A Graduate Certificate in Public Health can lead or enhance careers in positions including:

    • Community Health Educator
    • Disease Prevention Manager
    • Health Promotion Specialist
    • Intervention Designer
    • Maternal and Child Health Specialist
    • Obesity Prevention Coordinator
    • Public Health Educator
    • Public Health Program Manager
    • Public Health Researcher
    • Sexual Health Educator
    • Technical Advisor for HIV/AIDS Programs
    • Vaccine Advisor and Program Manager
    • Youth Tobacco Prevention Coordinator

Academic Bulletins