Graduate Courses
- Applied Health Science
- Behavioral, Social, and Community Health - SPH-B
- SPH-B 501 Assessment and Planning in Public Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 501) Principles of community health assessment and program planning in public health, including: social and epidemiological assessment; identification and prioritization of health issues, behaviors, and behavioral determinants; administrative and policy assessment; and planning for program implementation and evaluation; and evaluation including personnel management and resource acquisition.
- SPH-B 514 Health Education in Occupational Settings (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 514) Approaches to developing comprehensive employee health education and health promotion programs in occupational settings. Topics include health risk appraisal; program design, implementation, and evaluation; employee health networks; and special instructional methods appropriate for the workplace. Reviews model employee health education programs from business and industry.
- SPH-B 515 Health Education in Clinical Settings (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 515) An extensive study of health education programs in clinical settings, including historical background, recent legislation, health care delivery systems, roles and responsibilities of the educator, patient representation, program planning, and evaluation strategies. Examines instructional techniques and materials and reviews model programs. Field visitations may be required.
- SPH-B 516 Introduction to Health Counseling (3 cr.) Reviews recent developments in mental health; implications for public health and school health programs; roles of health educators in supportive listening, crisis intervention, and appropriate counseling and referral strategies for contemporary health issues; and the development of health counseling as an evolving component of public health and medical care systems.
- SPH-B 517 Workshop in Public Health (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 517) Interesting topics of relevance to individuals in public health are conducted in workshop fashion under the direction of faculty members. Emphasis on practical application, group involvement, and the use of resource personnel. Specific topics vary.
Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-B 518 The Nature of Addictive Disorders (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 518) Focus on understanding contemporary theories of addiction including behavioral, psychological, biological, physiological, social/cultural, and other approaches. Topics covered include addictions found in youth/adults (e.g., drugs, sex, eating, Internet, gambling, work). Upon completion, students will demonstrate knowledge of addiction theories and the factors underlying addictive behaviors.
- SPH-B 529 Health and Disease Disparities in Diverse Communities (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 529) Cultural and socioeconomic factors, gender, age, and regional factors all affect disparities in the health status of certain U.S. populations. Students evaluate research in social, behavioral, and health care use predictors of community health and develop strategies for public health, health service, policy, and other interventions for specific groups.
- SPH-B 535 Contemporary Issues in Aging and Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 535) This online course examines aging issues and health inequalities among diverse populations, women's aging and health experiences, and the prospects for the aging baby boomer cohort. Graduate students evaluate the effectiveness of current public health programs and policies in meeting the needs of the rapidly growing diverse older adult population.
- SPH-B 589 Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 589) Role of social and behavioral factors in health will be examined. Selected theories, concepts, and models from individual, interpersonal, organizational, and social levels will be discussed with applications to health promotion and behavior change programs for diverse public health problems, populations, and settings.
- SPH-B 602 Intervention Design in Public Health (3 cr.) P: SPH-B 589 and SPH-B 501, or equivalents. (Formerly HPER-C 602) Introduction to community health within the public health context. Students will develop an understanding of historical and theoretical foundations of community health and major societal health concerns, explore community health models and programs used to address these concerns, and examine racial/ethnic, cultural, socioeconomical, and related determinants of community health.
- SPH-B 615 Health, Longevity and Integrative Therapies for the Later Years (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 615) This interdisciplinary online course reviews health care, the biology of aging, new research in aging, and applications of integrative medicine for older adults. Students evaluate comparative effectiveness of integrative therapies and allopathic medicine for common chronic illnesses in the rapidly growing older adult population and critically analyze the "anti-aging" industry.
- SPH-B 625 Health Information Systems, Technology, and Aging (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 625) Develops leadership in technologies and information systems that support and promote health and independence in later life. Students evaluate and apply theoretical constructs including person-environment fit, human-centered design, privacy, ethics, and usability in developing a business plan for presentation to venture capitalists. Builds competencies in communication, informatics, technology, and design.
- SPH-B 642 Operational Research and Management Science in Public Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 642) Focuses on improving the operations of health services organizations, reducing resources utilization and decision making tools (statistical/math tools) for managing healthcare organizations (hospitals and senior houses). Introduces a variety of tools to increase throughput, optimize response time, and create considerable value in healthcare sectors.
- SPH-B 650 Seminar in Public Health (13 cr.) P: Instructor permission required. (Formerly HPER-C 617) Contemporary topics in the area of public health are studied under the direction of faculty members with specialized areas of expertise. Specific topics vary.
Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-B 675 Practicum in Gerontology (3 cr.) P: Permission of academic advisor. (Formerly HPER-C 660) Students pursuing a graduate certificate in gerontology and health develop and apply knowledge and skills in appropriate professional settings. Practicum experiences must be approved in advance.
- SPH-B 691 Readings in Public Health (15 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required. (Formerly HPER-C 641) Planned readings in specialized areas of professional interest are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate teaching faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students, and reading proposals must be approved in advance.
Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-B 692 Research in Public Health (15 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required. (Formerly HPER-C 640) Research projects are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate teaching faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students, and project proposals must be approved in advance.
Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-B 696 M.P.H. Field Experience in Behavioral, Social, and Community Health (17 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required. (Formerly HPER-C 644) Public health skills are developed through professional experiences in health settings facilitated by preceptors and supervised by faculty. Regular critiques will be held with supervisors, written progress reports and development of a major independent project are required. Graded on S/F basis only. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-B 698 M.P.H. Culminating Experience in Behavioral, Social, and Community Health (12 cr.) P: Students must be in their final year of the MPH program to enroll in the Fall SPH-B 698 course. Enrollment in the Spring SPH-B B698 course requires successful completion (passing grade) of the Fall SPH-B 698 course. Students must enroll in SPH-B 698 for 1 credit fall semester and 1 credit spring semester in their final year of the MPH program. C: SPH-B 696 and permission of academic advisor. (Formerly HPER-C 650) This course provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate the extent to which they have met the MPH Program Competencies in Behavioral, Social, and Community Health. Graded on S/F basis only. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-B 701 Advanced Health Behavior Theory for Research (3 cr.) P: SPH-B 589 or other graduate course in health-behavior theory; restricted to doctoral students. (Formerly HPER-C 701) An analysis of the role of health behavior theory in research. Emphasis on exploring the conceptual and methodological issues associated with theory-based research and developing a proposal for a theory-based research project.
- SPH-B 702 Advanced Evaluation Research in Public Health (3 cr.) P: Restricted to doctoral students. Permission of instructor is required. This course provides students with advanced knowledge of and skills in evaluation research in public health program, policies and interventions. Topics include logic models, research designs, measurement, data collection, and advanced statistical and economic evaluation methods.
- SPH-B 703 Acquiring External Funds for Research (3 cr.) P: Instructor permission required for enrollment. This course provides doctoral students with a basic understanding of how to apply for external funding for research. The final product is a grant proposal that students could use to apply for funding to support their work. This course is restricted to doctoral students.
- SPH-B 784 Advanced Seminar in Public Health (13 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0 and advanced graduate student status. (Formerly HPER-C 717) Advanced topics in the area of public health are studied under the direction of faculty members with specialized areas of expertise. Specific topics vary.
Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-B 794 Doctoral Seminar in Public Health (13 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0 and doctoral student status. (Formerly HPER-C 777) Research techniques in public health are reviewed, and examples of current and completed research projects and other professional literature are critiqued. Particular attention is given to dissertations being planned or in progress.
- Health Education - SPH-H
- SPH-H 500 Philosophy and Principles of Health Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 500) The philosophy and principles that provide the foundation for health and safety education as academic disciplines, including history of the professions, theories of health behavior, principles of learning applied to health communications, diffusion and adoption in health promotion, professional preparation, and areas of professional specialization.
- SPH-H 502 Instructional Strategies for School and College Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 502) Application of innovative strategies for the teaching of health education. Attention is given to conceptualizing instruction, specifying instructional objectives, planning units and lessons, utilizing various instructional methods, selecting and using instructional materials, and evaluating teaching effectiveness.
- SPH-H 504 Breastfeeding: Practice and Policy (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 504) This course focuses on breastfeeding practice and policy. Strategies for planning program design to improve breastfeeding practices along with different interventions for supporting breastfeeding in the community are discussed. World Health Organization (WHO) policies and recommendations on breastfeeding practice are also highlighted.
- SPH-H 510 Organization of School Health Programs (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 510) Consideration of the coordinated school health program (CSHP) as a health promotion model that contributes to both health and education outcomes. Addresses the role and function of CSHP at the national, state, and local levels. Includes strategies for addressing child and adolescent health across multiple program components.
- SPH-H 511 Advanced Emergency Care (3 cr.) P: SPH-H 160 or equivalent. (Formerly HPER-H 511) This graduate course includes research in emergency care, teaching techniques for first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); and automated external defibrillators (AEDs); and assisting with SPH-H 160 labs. Students who complete the course become eligible for American Red Cross Instructor authorization.
- SPH-H 512 Understanding the Medicated Student/Client (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 512) A nonmedical introduction for teachers, administrators, agency personnel, and others who work with children or adults on sustaining prescription medications. Examines how such medications affect the performance of students or clients. Additional topics include drug actions, interactions, indications, contraindications, and side effects.
- SPH-H 514 Health Education Pedagogy in Pre-K and Elementary Years (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 514) Designed to assure that pre-service and in-service teachers acquire the knowledge and essential skills to implement effective health education curricula. Topics include: current child health problems, health content standards, effective teaching strategies, developmentally appropriate content, curriculum development, lesson and unit planning, evaluation, and integration of health topics into traditional subjects.
- SPH-H 515 Human Sexuality Education in Schools (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 515) Competencies in human sexuality education are identified for teachers, administrators, nurses, and other school personnel. Specific activities include developing a comprehensive vocabulary in human sexuality education, establishing effective communication skills, and reviewing various educational techniques and materials relevant to the teaching of human sexuality.
- SPH-H 518 Alcohol and Drug Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 518) Alcohol and drug abuse in American society are probed in a comprehensive yet practical manner. Physiological, psychological, sociological, theological, and legal dimensions of the issue are explored through lectures, group discussions, guest speakers, and audio-visual presentations. Discusses principles of teaching and counseling in drug education programs.
- SPH-H 519 Contemporary Issues in Health Promotion (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 519) Surveys a variety of contemporary issues related to lifestyle and health behavior, including Centers for Disease Control and prevention priority health risks. Social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health promotion, such as poverty, social capital, and mass communication, etc., will also be discussed.
- SPH-H 520 Death Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 520) Helps prepare educators and health-related personnel dealing with death education and/or dying and death in the work setting. Educational methodology and materials, helping/supportive strategies, and background content about death and dying.
- SPH-H 521 Consumer Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 521) Consumer decision-making models, interpretation and assessment of available information related to consumer issues, and identification of consumer awareness and protection resources. Emphasis on the health educator's role in a consumer-based society.
- SPH-H 522 Promoting Women’s Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 522) Examines the relationships of women to health and health care, with attention to health concerns unique to women and common to both sexes throughout the life span. Emphasizes current information related to women's health issues and the health educator's role in women's health.
- SPH-H 524 Gerontology: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 524) An overview of areas in the study of aging, focusing on health, psychological aspects, and policy issues. Includes theoretical approaches to aging and current research in these areas. In-depth literature reviews provide focus and enhanced knowledge of chosen areas.
- SPH-H 526 AIDS and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 526) In-depth examination of the health and social impact of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases in the United States and worldwide, with particular attention to theoretical models of individual prevention behavior.
- SPH-H 528 Issues in Substance Abuse (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 528) Various drugs including alcohol, sedative-hypnotics; narcotic-analgesics; cocaine; xanthines; cannabis; hallucinogens; and over-the-counter, prescription, and other substances causing health problems in our culture are identified and discussed. Emphasis on history, symptoms of use and abuse, and the role of the health educator in prevention and referral.
- SPH-H 530 International Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 530) Major trends and issues related to international health, including health care systems, nutrition, family planning, distribution and nature of communicable and chronic diseases, and preventive measures in selected countries. Special emphasis on problems that can be prevented through health education programs.
- SPH-H 550 Workshop in Health Education (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 517) Interesting topics of relevance to individuals in school and public health and related disciplines are conducted in workshop fashion under the direction of faculty members. Emphasizes practical application, group involvement, and the use of resource personnel. Specific topics vary. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-H 552 Instructional Planning for Public Health Settings (3 cr.) Planning for implementation of innovative approaches to health instruction in diverse public heath settings. Learners acquire skills for conceptualizing and targeting instruction; specifying instructional objectives; planning lessons and units; utilizing effective instructional methods; selecting instructional materials; and evaluating teaching effectiveness.
- SPH-H 555 Issues in Human Sexuality and Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 555) Issues, problems, and scientific concepts of human sexual expression in contemporary society, with particular attention to their relationships to individual health and the development of a healthy sexuality.
- SPH-H 562 Health Program Evaluation (3 cr.) P: Previous program planning course/ experience; Permission of advisor. (Formerly HPER-H 594) Identifies relevant evaluation concepts, measures, models, and techniques. Presents utilization-focused strategies for communicating program theory, involving relevant stakeholders, analyzing data, and reporting results.
- SPH-H 585 Practicum in College Death Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 527) Includes the study of death education methodology, preparation of learning activities dealing with death and dying, evaluation of student papers, and leading discussion sections of SPH-H 220 Death and Dying.
- SPH-H 595 Practicum in College Sex Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 540) Includes the study of sexuality education methodology, preparation of learning activities dealing with human sexuality, evaluation of student papers, and leading discussion sections of SPH-F 255 Human Sexuality.
- SPH-H 599 Master's Thesis (15 cr.) P: School approval of the student's master's thesis committee membershiip. (Formerly HPER-H 599) Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-H 601 Curriculum Development for School and College Health (3 cr.) P: SPH-H 502 with B– or higher. (Formerly HPER-H 601) The theory and practice of curriculum development in health education, including philosophy and principles of curriculum development; scheduling and sequence of health instruction; yearly, unit, and lesson planning; course of study preparation; evaluation strategies; and practical procedures for organizing a curriculum development project.
- SPH-H 610 Professional Applications in Health Education (3 cr.) P: SPH-H 552 Learners acquire or enhance the skills and knowledge needed to implement public health education programs in diverse settings. Students will build skills for applied settings needed to fund, conceptualize, design, deliver, and evaluate programs consistent with health education concepts.
- SPH-H 623 School Health Program Management (3 cr.) P: SPH-H 510 or equivalent with a B– or better. (Formerly HPER-H 623) Focuses on knowledge and skills to manage a local school health program, with emphasis on systems change theory, needs assessment, program planning, program management, coalition development, team building, social marketing and advocacy, policy development and implementation, and long-term sustainability.
- SPH-H 635 Health Promotion in the 21st Century (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 635) Health promotion has evolved as a major strategy to improve population health. WHO defined it as enabling people to increase control over, and improve their health. The course provides health professionals with theoretical, technical, organizational, economic, political, and systems skills to establish and evaluate health promotion programs domestically and internationally.
- SPH-H 645 Travel Study (3 cr.) P: Permission of sponsor. (Formerly HPER-H 645) Planned study tours of school and public health programs throughout the United States and selected foreign countries are conducted under the direction of a faculty sponsor. Specific tours vary. Only S/F grades given.
- SPH-H 650 Seminar in Health Education (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 617) Contemporary topics in the area of health education are studied under the direction of faculty members with specialized areas of expertise. Specific topics vary.
Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-H 653 Practicum in School Health Management (3 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3. Permission of Instructor. Practicum experiences must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-H 653) Culminating practical management experiences are completed in appropriate school settings under direction of a faculty member. Seminars are held periodically throughout the practicum. Evaluation is on an S/F basis only.
- SPH-H 661 Legal Issues in Health Promotion (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 625) Role of constitution, legislatures, agencies, courts, and public in shaping public health policy. Includes Constitutional authority, limits on governmental intervention, tensions between protecting society's interests and preserving individual rights, reading legal documents, recognizing legal issues, communicating with attorneys, and strategies to increase public understanding and influence on laws affecting health.
- SPH-H 662 Acquiring & Managing External Funds for Health and Human Services (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 695) Develop skills to acquire and manage external funds for health and human services research and development in academic, public-, not-for-profit, and private-sector agencies, including establishing a research or development career trajectory; identifying sources of funds in areas of interest; preparing a proposal and budget for funding; and managing funded projects.
- SPH-H 681 Readings in Health Education (15 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Permision of instructor. Reading proposals must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-H 641) Planned readings in specialized areas of professional interest are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate teaching faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students, Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-H 682 Research in Health Education (15 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission. (Formerly HPER-H 640) Research projects are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate teaching faculty. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-H 685 Practicum in Health (110 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission; Practicum experiences must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-H 643) Practical learning experiences are completed in appropriate professional settings under the direction of a faculty member. Seminars are held periodically throughout the practicum. Evaluation is on an S/F basis only.
Repeatable for up to 10 credits.
- SPH-H 696 M.P.H. Field Experience in Professional Health Education (17 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission; Internship experiences must be approved in advance. Public health skills are developed through professional experiences in public health settings facilitated by preceptors and supervised by faculty. Regular critiques will be held with supervisors, written progress reports and development of a major independent project are required. Graded on S/F basis only.
- SPH-H 697 Internships in Health Promotion (3 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission; Internship experiences must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-H 642) Professional internships in school or agency settings are completed under the direction of a faculty member. Internship experiences are available only upon completion of course work for a master's degree. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-H 698 M.P.H. Culminating Experience in Professional Health Education (12 cr.) P: Permission of academic advisor; Students must be in their final year of the MPH program to enroll in the fall SPH-H 698 course. Enrollment in the spring SPH-H 698 course requires successful completion (passing grade) of the fall SPH-H 698 course. Students must enroll in SPH-H 698 for 1 credit fall semester and 1 credit spring semester in their final year of the MPH program. C: C: SPH-H 696 This course provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate the extent to which they have met the MPH Program Competencies in Professional Health Education. Graded on S/F basis only. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-H 750 Advanced Seminar in Health Behavior (13 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0 and advanced graduate student status. (Formerly HPER-H 717) Advanced topics in the area of health behavior are studied under the direction of faculty members with specialized areas of expertise. Specific topics vary.
Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-H 764 Doctoral Seminar in Health Education (13 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0. (Formerly HPER-H 777) Reviews research techniques in health education and critiques examples of current and completed research projects and other professional literature. Particular attention is given to dissertations being planned or in progress. Only S/F grades given.
- SPH-H 791 Readings in Health Behavior (110 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission; Reading proposals must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-H 741) Planned readings in the area of health behavior are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate teaching faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced doctoral students. Repeatable up to 10 credits.
- SPH-H 792 Research in Health Behavior (110 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission; Project proposals must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-H 740) Research projects in the area of health behavior are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate teaching faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced doctoral students. Repeatable for up to 10 credits.
- SPH-H 799 Ph.D. Dissertation (130 cr.) (Formerly HPER-H 799) Repeatable for credit.
- Human Development and Family Studies - SPH-F
- SPH-F 510 African American and Latino Families (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-F 510) Relevant issues related to the socio-culture context of African American and Latino Families will be explored. Specific focus will be on understanding how these issues influence the home environmental life for these ethnic families.
- SPH-F 531 Human Development I: Preconception through Age 6 (3 cr.) P: 6 credits of Social/Behavioral Sciences or equivalent or consent of instructor. (Formerly HPER-F 531) An in-depth look at children from preconception to age 6; balancing theory, application and research, presenting a picture of the whole child situated in realistic, everyday cultural contexts.
- SPH-F 532 Human Development II: Ages 6-19 (3 cr.) P: 6 credits of Social/Behavioral Sciences or equivalent or consent of instructor. (Formerly HPER-F 532) This course incorporates scientific and personal experience in examining middle youth to adolescence developments. We will discuss theories of development and view our beliefs through the lenses of such theories, paying attention to ways research supports, questions, or contradicts perspectives in society about development.
- SPH-F 533 Human Development III: Adulthood (3 cr.) P: 6 credits of Social/Behavioral Sciences or equivalent or consent of instructor. (Formerly HPER-F 533) Emphasizes developmental reciprocity between adults and their multiple social, psychological, cultural, and biological environments. Promotes the student's examination of in-depth and specified focus in several salient areas for the purpose of deepening their foundational understanding of adult development.
- SPH-F 541 Effects of Divorce on Children (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-F 541) In-depth examination of how a parental divorce affects children both in the short term and years later. Particular focus is on how to minimize these effects and on how social attitudes and beliefs influence social policy.
- SPH-F 543 Family Life Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-F 543) Philosophy, principles, assumptions, and history of family life education, with emphasis on theoretically based curriculum development. Strategies, methods, and resources for developing curricula to address contemporary family life.
- SPH-F 544 Parent Child Relationships: Theoretical, Research, and Practical Aspects (3 cr.) P: 6 credits of social and behavioral sciences or equivalent. (Formerly HPER-F 544) A thorough and comprehensive review and discussion of the theory, research and practical aspects of the parent child relations within their culture and historic context.
- SPH-F 546 Issues in Human Development and Family Studies (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor; other prerequisites, depending on topic. (Formerly HPER-F 546) Interrelatedness of different aspects of growth and development; review, discussion, and evaluation of current issues in human development and family studies. Topic may vary.
Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-F 550 Seminar in Human Development and Family Studies (13 cr.) P: Prerequisites vary depending on topic. (Formerly HPER-F 517) Analysis and interpretation of various aspects of family study; stresses theoretical and/or empirical formulations with emphasis on critical discussion and evaluation. Topics may vary. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-F 553 Teaching Sex Education (3 cr.) P: SPH-F 255 or equivalent and consent of instructor. (Formerly HPER-F 553) Philosophy, content, methods, resources, and evaluation that relate specifically to the teaching of sex education.
- SPH-F 555 Leading Family Process Discussion Groups (3 cr.) P: 3 credit hours of social science course work and interview with professor. (Formerly HPER-F 555) Students will lead psycho-educational discussion groups in family process including family influences, communication, intimacy, parent-child relationships, loss, and divorce. Students will also be required to assist with various administrative tasks related to that discussion.
- SPH-F 557 Stress and Resilience in the Family and Community (3 cr.) P: 6 credits of Social/Behavioral Sciences or equivalent or consent of instructor. Addresses normative and non-normative family and community stress, social support, meaning construction and coping in family and community. Includes resilience factors that ameliorate effects of stress on families and communities.
- SPH-F 558 Workshop in Human Development and Family Studies (3 cr.) P: SPH-F 150 or SPH-F 258 or equivalent or consent of instructor. (Formerly HPER-F 558) Topics of relevance to individuals in HDFS and related disciplines are discussed in workshop fashion under direction of faculty. Emphasis on practical application, group involvement, and use of resource personnel. Topics vary. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-F 559 Special Problems: Human Development and Family Studies (13 cr.) P: Permission of department. (Formerly HPER-F 559) Independent work on problems of special interest to student. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-F 597 Internship in Human Development and Family Studies (3 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission. (Formerly HPER-F 542) Professional internships in appropriate settings completed under the direction of a faculty member. Internship experiences must be approved in advance. Evaluation is on an S/F basis only.
- SPH-F 598 Non-thesis Project in Human Development and Family StudiesTitle (3 cr.) P: A detailed proposal must be submitted to supervising professor before work can begin. (Formerly HPER-F 598) Individual application of student's area of study to the solution of a problem, under supervision of an advisor.
- SPH-F 650 Seminar in Human Development and Family Studies (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-F 617) Contemporary topics in the area of Human Development and Family Studies studied under the direction of faculty members with specialized areas of expertise. Specific topics vary. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-F 654 Conceptual Frameworks in Human Development and Family Studies (3 cr.) P: 6 credits of Social/Behavioral Sciences or equivalent or consent of instructor. (Formerly HPER-F 654) Critical examination and survey of major HDFS theories and conceptual frameworks. Integrative analysis of the way contemporary research and practices are informed by theoretical bases. Addresses interplay between basic tenets of theories/ conceptual frameworks and socio-historical context in which they developed.
- SPH-F 656 Families and Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-F 656) The interface between the family and health systems. Explores relationship between family functions and various aspects of health and health care of family members. Emphasis on students' understanding of ways of using the strengths and overcoming the weaknesses of family systems in influencing health behavior.
- SPH-F 691 Readings in Human Development and Family Studies (15 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Reading proposal must be approved in advance; Instructor permission. (Formerly HPER-F 691) Planned readings in specialized areas of professional interest are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate teaching faculty. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-F 692 Research in Human Development and Family Studies (15 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Project proposals must be approved in advance; Instructor permission required. (Formerly HPER-F 640) Research projects are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate teaching faculty. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-F 697 Internships in Human Development and Family Studies (110 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.; Instructor permission required. (Formerly HPER-F 642) Professional internships are completed under the direction of a faculty member. Evaluation is on an S/F basis only.
- SPH-F 698 M.P.H. Culminating Experience in Family Health (12 cr.) P: Students must be in their final year of the MPH program to enroll in the fall semester SPH-F 698 course. Enrollment in the spring semester SPH-F 698 course requires successful completion (passing grade) of the fall semester SPH-F 698 course. Students must enroll in SPH-F 698 for 1 credit in the fall semester and 1 credit in the spring semester in their final year of the MPH program. C: SPH-F 696 and permission of academic advisor. This course provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate the extent to which they have met the MPH Program Competencies in Family Health. Graded on S/F basis only.
Repeatable for credit.
- Leadership - SPH-L
- Nutrition and Dietetics - SPH-N
- SPH-N 517 Research Presentations in Nutrition Science (1 cr.) P: Seminar presentations covering research in nutrition science. (Formerly HPER-N 517) Seminar presentations covering research in nutrition science. Weekly research seminars presented by graduate students and graduate faculty or visiting faculty. Each student will prepare to present either a review of research literature or results of a research study they have conducted. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-N 520 Food Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 118 or equivalent. (Formerly HPER-N 520) Advanced study in the chemical and physical properties of food as related to use, quality, and preparation. Students will conduct library research to prepare a critical review of selected topics in novel areas of food chemistry and technology.
- SPH-N 530 Advanced Human Nutrition (3 cr.) P: SPH-N 231 and CHEM-C 341/R 340 or equivalents, or consent of instructor. (Formerly HPER-N 530) Function of carbohydrates, protein and fat in human metabolism, energy balance, and review of current literature.
- SPH-N 531 Medical Nutrition Therapy (3 cr.) P: SPH-N 231 and PHSL-P 215, or equivalents. (Formerly HPER-N 531) Emphasis on the physiology, etiology, and dietary intervention in various diseased states. Includes in-depth analysis and reporting of a disease state and the role of diet and clinical research in its management.
- SPH-N 532 Advanced Human Nutrition II (3 cr.) P: SPH-N 530. (Formerly HPER-N 532) Emphasis is placed on vitamins, minerals, water, and phytochemicals.
- SPH-N 533 Medical Nutrition Therapy Application (3 cr.) P: Prerequisite or concurrent with SPH-N 531. (Formerly HPER-N 533) Application of diet therapy principles. Includes food preparation, designing special diets, and evaluating case studies. Effect of lifestyle and socioeconomic variables.
- SPH-N 536 Community Nutrition (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-N 536) Emphasizes eligibility criteria and services available through community programs and includes service-learning activities in the community. Students apply knowledge of diet and health surveys and principles of community assessment and education to the development and implementation of a local nutrition intervention.
- SPH-N 539 Special Problems: Nutrition and Food Science (3 cr.) P: Instructor permission required. (Formerly HPER-N 539) Independent work on problems of special interest. Topic may vary.
- SPH-N 550 Dietary Assessment Techniques (2 cr.) (Formerly HPER-N 550) Instruction and practice using Nutrition Data System for Research software for the collection and analyses of 24-hour dietary recalls. Activities include analyses of recalls, food records, menus, and recipes.
- SPH-N 600 Nutrigenomics (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 483 or SPH-N 530. (Formerly HPER-N 600) The study of nutrigenomics, the interaction between nutrition and an individuals genome or responses of an individual to different diets. Lecture/discussion of techniques and models, nutrient-gene interactions and events affecting cardiovascular disease, cancer and other conditions. Implications for food technology, public health and policy.
- SPH-N 601 Phytonutrients (3 cr.) P: Prerequisite or corequisite: SPH-N 532 or permission of instructor. (Formerly HPER-N 601) A study of phytonutrients, molecules produced by edible plants, in addition to the traditional vitamins, that influence human health, growth, metabolism, and disease risk.
- SPH-N 620 Nutrition in Sports (3 cr.) P: SPH-N 231 and PHSL-P 215, or equivalents. (Formerly HPER-N 620) The role of nutrition in athletic performance, especially the effects of various nutrition practices during training, competition, and recovery. Current concepts and controversies.
- SPH-N 650 Title (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-N 617) Contemporary topics in the area of nutrition science are studied under the direction of faculty members with specialized areas of expertise. Specific topics vary. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-N 691 Readings in Nutrition Science (15 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required. (Formerly HPER-N 641) Planned readings in specialized areas of professional interest are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-N 692 Research in Nutrition Science (15 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required. (Formerly HPER-N 640) Research projects are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students. Repeatable for credit.
- Public Health Administration - SPH-P
- SPH-P 510 Organization and Administration of Public Health Programs (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 510) Students are expected to learn principles of population-based management in order to administer programs, services, and policies within the U.S. public health system. In addition, students examine the mission, structure, and processes of local, state, and federal organizations in delivering population-based programs, services and policies.
- SPH-P 696 M.P.H. Culminating Experience in Public Health Administration (17 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required. (Formerly HPER-C 644) Public health skills are developed through professional experiences in health settings facilitated by preceptors and supervised by faculty. Regular critiques will be held with supervisors, written progress reports and development of a major independent project are required. Graded on S/F basis only. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-P 698 M.P.H. Culminating Experience in Public Health Administration (12 cr.) P: Students must be in their final year of the MPH program to enroll in the fall semester SPH-P 698 course. Enrollment in the spring semester SPH-P 698 course requires successful completion (passing grade) of the fall SPH-P 698 course. Students must enroll in SPH-P 698 for 1 credit fall semester and 1 credit spring semester in their final year of the MPH program. (Formerly HPER-N 650) This course provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate the extent to which they have met the MPH Program Competencies in Public Health Administration. Graded on S/F basis only. Repeatable for credit.
- Safety - SPH-S
- SPH-S 501 Program Development in Safety Management (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-S 501) Program development in safety management is examined, including needs assessment, programming, and evaluation options. Past, present and future management practices are critiqued; and selected safety management models (MBO, Keppner, Tregoe, MORT, Epidemiological, Systems) are analyzed. Adoption of management techniques consistent with current trends in safety risk decision making.
- SPH-S 502 Instructional Strategies for Safety Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-S 502) Approaches to the preparation and delivery of comprehensive instructional programs in safety settings; topics include principles of program organization in safety education, specifying goals and objectives for safety instruction, planning lessons and units of instruction, identifying and utilizing methods and safety resource materials, and evaluating instructional effectiveness.
- SPH-S 513 Safety Management in Business and Industry (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-S 513) Principles of safety management applicable to business and industrial settings, including accident causation theories, risk analysis and loss control, learning theories and behavioral factors applied to adult learners, selection of special educational techniques and materials, and program evaluation methods. Case studies, resource personnel, and field visitations.
- SPH-S 514 Safety Standards for Industry & Construction (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-S 514) An overview and analysis of the OSHA Standards for Industry and Construction. Review of those standards most often violated with focus on standards that address the greatest risk of severe injuries and fatalities.
- SPH-S 515 Safety Performance Measurement & Leadership (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-S 515) Various methods of measuring workplace safety performance are reviewed, including the roles, applications and limitations of leading and lagging metrics. Discussion of ways that inadequate measures create barriers for leadership, and benefits of balanced approaches to safety measurement. Measurement and leadership techniques, tools, and case studies are explored.
- SPH-S 535 Crisis and Emergency Management (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-S 535) Advanced study of natural and man-made disaster events, past management and challenges facing emergency/disaster management in private and public sector organizations. Analyze and critique educational/training strategies and best practices found in the literature focusing on prevention and management of crisis or disaster.
- SPH-S 536 Facility Emergency Planning (3 cr.) P: SPH-S 535 or instructor consent. (Formerly HPER-S 536) Advanced study in theory and practice of security, safety and emergency facility planning. This includes steps for practical implementation of facility security, safety and emergency plans. Through guided team service learning experiences students create and implement hazard assessments and facility plans.
- SPH-S 537 Threat Assessment, Mitigation and Security Planning (3 cr.) P: SPH-S 535 or instructor consent. (Formerly HPER-S 537) Threat assessment, mitigation and security planning for private and public sector organizations. Safety & Health students learn to conduct threat assessments addressing the potential use of biological, chemical or radioactive agents to destroy priority targets, and to build successful strategies reducing security threats.
- SPH-S 550 Workshop in Safety Education (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-S 517) Interesting topics of relevance to individuals in safety education and related disciplines are discussed in workshop fashion under the direction of faculty members. Emphasis on practical application, group involvement, and the use of resource personnel. Specific topics vary. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-S 552 Principles and Concepts of Workplace Safety Behavior (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-S 552) Study of the psychological and behavioral aspects of workplace safety. Identification of basic strategies and steps, including an in-depth exploration of relevant behavioral principles, processes, and systems for improving safety performance. Case studies are reviewed to identify related success factors.
- SPH-S 610 Occupational Risk Management (3 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0. (Formerly HPER-S 610) Evaluation and assessment of various workplace regulations. Seminars and directed reading focus on risk strategies utilized in recognizing, evaluating and controlling occupational and environmental hazards associated with public and private sectors.
- SPH-S 632 Managing Occupational Health Programs (3 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0. (Formerly HPER-S 632) Examines occupational health from management perspective. Recognition, evaluation and control of stressors that may cause illness or impair health. Emphasis exposure to biological agents, toxic substances, occupational disease, nanotechnology, radiology, ergonomic risk factors, regulatory compliance, risk assessment, protective equipment and engineering controls.
- SPH-S 650 Seminar in Safety Education (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-S 617) Contemporary topics in the area of safety education are studied under the direction of faculty members with specialized areas of expertise. Specific topics vary. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-S 691 Readings in Safety Education (13 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission; Reading proposals must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-S 641) Planned readings in specialized areas of professional interest are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate teaching faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students.
Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-S 692 Research in Safety Education (15 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission; Research proposals must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-S 640) Research projects are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate teaching faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students.
Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-S 695 Practicum in Safety Education (110 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission. (Formerly HPER-S 643) Practical learning experiences are completed in appropriate professional settings under the direction of a faculty member. Practicum experiences must be approved in advance. Seminars are held periodically throughout the practicum. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-S 697 Internships in Safety Education (110 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission. (Formerly HPER-S 642) Professional internships in appropriate settings are completed under the direction of a faculty member. Internship experiences must be approved in advance and are available only upon completion of course work for a master's degree. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-S 784 Advanced Seminar in Safety Management (13 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0. (Formerly HPER-S 717) Advanced topics in the area of safety management are studied under the direction of faculty members with specialized areas of expertise. Specific topics vary. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-S 794 Doctoral Seminar in Safety Education (13 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0. (Formerly HPER-S 777) Reviews research techniques in safety education and critiques examples of current and completed research projects and other professional literature. Particular attention is given to dissertations being planned or in progress. Only S/F grades given. Repeatable for credit.
- Environmental Health
- Environmental Health - SPH-V
- SPH-V 541 Environmental Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 512) Environmental health management and policy issues in public health using case-based approaches. Study of environmental health management and policy making at the local, county, state, federal and global scales.
- SPH-V 542 Principles of Toxicology (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 513) Examines the basic concepts of toxicology as they apply to public health. Covers distribution cellular penetration, metabolic concision, and elimination of toxic agents and fundamental laws governing the interaction of foreign chemicals with biological systems. Applied to public health prevention using case study format concepts.
- SPH-V 545 Exposure Assessment and Control (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 519) Addresses: methodologies and applications of exposure assessment, determination of exposure monitoring strategies, assessing dose-response and intervention control strategies, exposure assessment models, exposure route, populations at risk and ecological impacts.
- SPH-V 546 Risk Assessment Policy and Toxic Regulations (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 520) Covers hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. Through case studies, addresses concepts of risk management and their application to environmental health policies and toxic regulations.
- SPH-V 548 Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 522) Examines effects of environmental factors on human health. Covers the health effects from exposure to physical, chemical and biological agents including the contribution of social, economic and cultural factors that are related to these exposures.
- SPH-V 549 Public Health Biology (3 cr.) P: Biology and Microbiology. (Formerly HPER-V 525) This course explores pathophysiology within the context of the disciplines and profession of public health. Students will understand the pathogenesis of various disease conditions and how to identify critical points at which such pathogenesis could be prevented or interrupted through lectures and labs.
- SPH-V 650 Special Topics in Environmental Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 617) This course is designed with the flexibility to provide the student with the opportunity to explore a variety of current issues in Environmental Public Health. Topics will vary by instructor and topic. Topics might include ethics, nanotechnology, alternative energy sources, or occupational diseases. Course format will also vary. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-V 691 Readings in Environmental Health (13 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission. (Formerly HPER-V 641) Planned readings in specialized areas of professional interests in environmental health are conducted under the direction of a member of the Environmental Health graduate teaching faculty. Enrollment is limited to Advanced Graduate students, and reading proposals must be approved by faculty in Environmental Health. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-V 692 Research in Environmental Health (18 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission; Research proposals must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-V 640) Research projects are conducted under the direction of a member of the Environmental Health Graduate teaching faculty. Enrollment is limited to Advanced Graduate Students upon the approval of Faculty. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-V 696 M.P.H. Field Experience in Environmental Health Health (17 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0; Instructor permission. (Formerly HPER-V 644) Public health skills are developed through professional experiences in public health settings facilitated by preceptors and supervised by faculty. Regular critiques will be held with supervisors, written progress reports and development of a major independent project are required. Graded by S/F only.
- SPH-V 698 M.P.H. Culminating Experience in Environmental Health (12 cr.) P: Permission of academic advisor; C: SPH-V 696; Students must be in their final year of the MPH program to enroll in the fall semester SPH-V 698 course. Enrollment in the spring semester SPH-V 698 course requires successful completion (passing grade) of the fall semester SPH-V 698 course. Students must enroll in SPH-V 698 for 1 credit fall semester and 1 credit spring semester in their final year of the MPH program. (Formerly HPER-V 650) This course provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate the extent to which they have met the MPH Program Competencies in Environmental Health. Graded on S/F basis only. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-V 741 Molecular Toxicology (3 cr.) P: Principles of Toxicology. (Formerly HPER-V 704) This is a lecture, laboratory and discussion-based class. The molecular mechanisms of several toxicant classes is covered. Emphasis is placed on the effects of xenobiotics on cellular processes, including biochemical reactions and signaling pathways.
- SPH-V 743 Environmental Health Sampling (3 cr.) P: Environmental Health. (Formerly HPER-V 706) This course introduces students to the basic principles of environmental sampling and analysis to prevent or reduce public health hazards. Lectures and labs will examine sampling and analytical methods used to measure contaminants in the workplace and in community environments.
- SPH-V 745 Advanced Toxicology (3 cr.) P: Principles of Toxicology. (Formerly HPER-V 707) Advanced Toxicology is a course designed for the toxicology student interested in broadening his/her experience into the sciences of toxins (poisons) and their influences on biological systems and the environment. Course content will cover specific toxicant types (poisons, pesticides, solvents, oils, estrogen, estrogen mimics, triclosan, carcinogens, teratogens, natural toxins and pollutants), adsorption, distribution, metabolism, biological elimination, sequestration, and remediation. Lectures will cover mammalian systems with emphasis on target organs, detoxification and adverse effects. Methods to extract toxicants from soil, water, air, and plant material will be covered from journal articles, EPA published methods, and methods developed in our labs. Pesticide toxicity and organ effects will be demonstrated in invertebrate systems focusing on routes of entry, solubility, sequestration, elimination, and detoxification.
- SPH-V 747 Carcinogenesis (3 cr.) P: Principles of Toxicology. (Formerly HPER-V 709) Fundamental aspects of oncology at the cellular and molecular levels; mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression, oncogene action, DNA damage and repair, carcinogenesis by radiation, chemicals, viruses; tumor immunology, anticancer therapies through lectures and laboratories.
- SPH-V 749 Advanced Occupational Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 710) Lectures will provide an introduction to the principles and practice of occupational hygiene. Occupational hygiene is concerned with the Anticipation, Recognition, Evaluation and Control of work place hazards to health and safety.
- SPH-V 750 Current Topics in Environmental Health (2 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 703) Course organization varies from year to year. We will be examining any environmental health topic from the basis for swimming beach water quality standards to low-dose exposures to agrochemical pesticides over long periods of time. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-V 752 Toxicology in Rural Environments (3 cr.) P: Principles of Toxicology. (Formerly HPER-V 714) This course explores the way that toxicological risks are controlled in the rural environments - looking at the way that various government programs are established, organized and operated to prevent or control toxicological hazards in rural communities.
- SPH-V 753 Rural Environment Epidemiology (3 cr.) P: Principles of Toxicology. (Formerly HPER-V 715) This course offers an overview of selected important topics in rural environmental epidemiology. Epidemiologic methods for studying rural occupational and environmental determinants of disease will be presented in the context of studies of specific health outcomes, such as cancer, non-malignant respiratory diseases, adverse reproductive outcomes, and neurologic diseases.
- SPH-V 755 Rural Public Health Policy and Environmental Law (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 728) This course will discuss and explore the intricacies of rural public health law and policy analysis in a context of competing ethics, values, and powers.
- SPH-V 757 Women's Health: Law, Environment, and Health Policies (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 729) Through lectures this course will examine the preservation of wellness and the prevention of illness in women and their surrounding environments through the law.
- SPH-V 782 Environmental Health Research Rotation (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 713) This course will provide doctoral students with an opportunity to work directly with faculty and research staff in a specific laboratory.
- SPH-V 791 Advanced Environmental Health Readings (13 cr.) P: Instructor permission required. (Formerly HPER-V 741) The main goal of this variable credit hour class is to help doctoral degree students develop some of the readings skills required for successfully completing the dissertation. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-V 792 Advanced Environmental Health Research (13 cr.) P: Instructor permission required. (Formerly HPER-V 740) The main goal of this variable credit hour class is to help doctoral degree students develop some of the research skills required for successfully completing the dissertation. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-V 794 Environmental Health Seminar (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 701) The purpose of this course is to expose students to a broad range of environmental and occupational research, practice, and policy issues through seminar series. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-V 799 PhD Dissertation-Environmental Health (130 cr.) (Formerly HPER-V 799) Every dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree must represent the equivalent of at least 30 semester hours of work. Repeatable for credit.
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Biostatistics - SPH-Q
- SPH-Q 501 Introduction to Statistics in Public Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-T 591) An applied approach to the collection, organization, analyses and interpretation of data pertinent to public health and vital statistics is outlined. The application of statistical and biostatistical methods to public health is explained.
- SPH-Q 502 Intermediate Statistics in Public HealthTitle (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-T 592) This course covers fundamental statistical techniques and data analytical approaches that are commonly used in public health research. It has been designed to prepare graduate students to take advanced statistics courses and to help graduate students become independent researchers.
- SPH-Q 503 Data Mining Applications in Public Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 593) Data Mining tools extract unknown and potentially valuable information from large databases. Includes: sampling techniques; unsupervised/supervised learning methods; model validation techniques for regression and classification. Designed to provide modern data tools/methods for analyzing large datasets.
- SPH-Q 504 Construction and Analysis of Achievement Tests in Health, Kinesiology, and Recreation. (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-T 595) Construction and Analysis of Achievement Tests in Health, Kinesiology, and Recreation.Principles of construction, selection, interpretation of written achievement tests in health and safety, physical education and recreation, and other evaluative procedures; analysis of standardized tests. Project required to apply principles involved.
- SPH-Q 601 Experimental Analysis and Design (3 cr.) P: SPH-Q 502 with a grade of B or better. (Formerly HPER-T 693 ) Principles and resources for designing and analyzing experiments using ANOVA models. Includes between and within subjects designs, factorial arrangements and nested designs, analysis of covariance, trends, statistical power and effect size. Incorporates computer programs.
- SPH-Q 602 Multivariate Statistical Analysis (3 cr.) P: SPH-Q 502. (Formerly HPER-T 694) Multivariate statistical techniques and analytical procedures commonly used in applied research. The topics include matrix algebra, data screening. Multiple regression, multivariate analysis of variance and covariance, discriminant function analysis, logistic regression, and principle components and factor analysis.
- SPH-Q 603 Categorical Data Analysis (3 cr.) P: SPH-Q 501 and SPH-Q 502. (Formerly HPER-C 695) Health and health behavior science often include discrete data. Description and inference for binomial/multinomial variables using odds ratios; analysis of contingency tables; basic methods of generalized linear models (GLM); logit/logliner methods with GLM; basic analysis of categorized data using SAS.
- SPH-Q 611 Statistical Packages in Research (3 cr.) This course serves as an introduction to SAS for data management, data analysis, and statistical reporting. Emphasis is placed on data management. The course will include lectures, computer lab practices, and a final project.
- SPH-Q 696 M.P.H. Field Experience in Biostatistics (17 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required. Public health skills are developed through professional experiences in health settings facilitated by preceptors and supervised by faculty. Regular critiques will be held with supervisors, written progress reports and development of a major independent project are required. Graded on S/F basis only.
- SPH-Q 698 M.P.H. Culminating Experience in Biostatistics (12 cr.) P: Instructor permission required; Students must be in their final year of the MPH program to enroll in the fall semester SPH-Q 698 course. Enrollment in the spring semester SPH-Q 698 requires successful completion (passing grade) of the fall Culminating Experience course. Students must enroll in SPH-Q 698 for 1 credit fall semester and 1 credit spring semester in their final year of the MPH program. C: SPH-Q 696 This course provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate the extent to which they have met the MPH Program Competencies in Biostatistics. Graded on S/F basis only Repeatable for credit.
- Epidemiology - SPH-E
- SPH-E 650 Special Topics in Epidemiology (3 cr.) P: SPH-E 651 This course provides students with a core set of epidemiologic concepts and skills required to critically evaluate research reports and review literature in epidemiology and public health. Students will have opportunities to lead an article discussion, present scientific information and to write a paper critique.
- SPH-E 651 Epidemiology (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-Y 611) Epidemiology, public health's basic science, supports health monitoring, etiologic studies, intervention design and evaluation, and health policy. Health measures exercises use public data, and simulation. In a final proposal students apply epidemiologic principals to evaluate current literature, develop appropriate study design and methods, and strategies to limit threats to validity.
- SPH-E 653 Chronic Disease Epidemiology (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-Y 614) An overview of concepts in chronic disease epidemiology and etiology; study design in epidemiologic research and causal inference; major chronic diseases and trends in both the U.S. and world-wide; prevention, and screening.
- SPH-E 655 Infectious Disease Epidemiology (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-Y 619) Introduction to methods of infectious disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, cohort and case-control studies, dynamics of transmission and prevention, and vaccination programs. Determinants of diseases, distribution within the population, and their control, along with implications for policy and prevention, are discussed. Students analyze infectious disease outbreak using case studies.
- SPH-E 657 Social Epidemiology (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-Y 624) Introduction to social epidemiology, including methods and key study findings of how social factors affect health outcomes. Topics include the role of socioeconomic status, race, gender, neighborhoods, work place, and social networks, and upstream determinants such as social capital, income inequality and social policies on health.
- SPH-E 658 Advanced Epidemiology (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-Y 652) Advanced epidemiology and methodological concepts underlying the science of epidemiology. Elements of study design and implementation, data analysis and interpretation of observational studies, determinants of disease, transmission, and prevention in epidemiologic research, including issues related to causation, bias, and confounding are covered.
- SPH-E 659 Advanced Epidemiological Methods (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-Y 654) An advanced course in analytic epidemiology methods including analyzing complex descriptive epidemiology, problems of confounding and effect modification, exposure-time relationships, multivariable risk models, meta analysis, distribution and geographic data applications. Focus on interpretation of findings, study design, analytic approach, and results.
- SPH-E 691 Readings in Epidemiology (1-3 cr.) P: Instructor permission, SPH-651. Planned readings in specialized epidemiology areas of professional interest are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students, and reading proposals must be approved by faculty in Epidemiology. Repeatable once for credit
- SPH-E 692 Research in Epidemiology (1-3 cr.) P: Instructor Permission. Research projects are conducted under the direction of a member of the Epidemiology graduate faculty. This can be in the form of grant writing, or manuscript preparation, or data analysis. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students upon the approval of faculty. Repeatable three times for credit.
- SPH-E 696 M.P.H. Field Experience in Epidemiology (17 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required. Public health skills are developed through professional experiences in public health settings facilitated by preceptors and supervised by faculty. Regular critiques will be held with supervisors, written progress reports and development of a major independent project are required. Graded on S/F basis only.
- SPH-E 698 M.P.H. Culminating Experience in Epidemiology (12 cr.) P: Permission of academic advisor. C: SPH-E 696. Students must be in their final year of the MPH program to enroll in the fall semester SPH-E 698 course. Enrollment in the spring semester SPH-E 698 course requires successful completion (passing grade) of the fall semester SPH-E 698 course. Students must enroll in SPH-E 698 for 1 credit fall semester and 1 credit spring semester in their final year of the MPH program. (Formerly HPER-Y 650) This course provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate the extent to which they have met the MPH Program Competencies in Epidemiology. Graded on S/F basis only. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-E 792 Independent Research in Epidemiology (13 cr.) P: SPH-E 651; Instructor permission; Research proposal must be approved in advance. Research project is conducted under the direction of faculty member of the graduate faculty. This can be in form of grant writing, or manuscript preparation, or data analysis. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students, and project proposals must be approved in advance. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-E 793 Independent Readings in Epidemiology (13 cr.) P: SPH-E 651; Instructor permission; Readings proposal must be approved in advance. Planned readings in specialized epidemiology areas of professional interest are conducted under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. Enrollment is limited to advanced graduate students.
Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-E 794 Doctoral Seminar in Epidemiology (1 cr.) P: SPH-E 651 This course will equip students with skills to apply epidemiological concepts to critically evaluate research reports in the public health and medical literature. Students will have opportunities to lead discussions, and present their proposed dissertation studies. The class will invite guest speakers to present their research relevant to epidemiology and public health. Graded on S/F basis only.
- SPH-E 799 Dissertaion Research in Epidemiology (112 cr.) P: Qualifying exams must be passed prior to enrollment in dissertation credits. Repeatable for credit.
- Interdepartmental
- Interdepartmental - SPH-X
- SPH-X 505 Principles and Foundations of Public Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-C 505) An introduction to the five core areas of public health and the manner in which public health is related to multidisciplinary approaches to address health-related challenges in diverse communities.
- SPH-X 511 Public Relations (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-T 593) Principles of public relations, human relations, identification, and analysis of publics, problem solving, and techniques in communication media.
- SPH-X 561 Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-T 594) Sources of revenue and budgetary procedures for public leisure service agencies. Fund management, financial analysis, purchasing, contractual agreements, and other fiscal concerns.
- SPH-X 580 Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry in Public Health Research (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-T 580) This course provides an overview of origins and philosophies behind various techniques in qualitative public health research. Topics include: life history and narratives, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, case study, focus group, research question formulation, data collection techniques, and methods of analyzing qualitative data.
- SPH-X 590 Introduction to Research in Health, Kinesiology, and Recreation (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-T 590) Methods and techniques of research; potential and completed problems analyzed with view to selection of topics; standards for writing research papers.
- Interdepartmental Graduate School - SPH-G
- SPH-G 599 Thesis Research (0 cr.) P: Previous enrollment in the required number of thesis credits. (Formerly HPER-G 599) Master's students who have enrolled in 30 or more hours of graduate course work applicable to the degree and who have completed all other requirements of the degree except the thesis of final project of performance may enroll in G599. Requires section authorization. Repeatable.
- SPH-G 901 Advanced Research (6 cr.) P: Previous enrollment in the number of dissertation credits whiich is required for the student's degree. (Formerly HPER-G 901) Available to graduate students who have completed all course requirements for their doctorates, have passed doctoral qualifying examinations, and have the requisite number of degree credit hours, this course provides the advanced research student with a forum for sharing ideas and problems under the supervision of a senior researcher. Repeatable five times for a maximun of six total enrollments.
- Kinesiology
- Athletics - SPH-A
- SPH-A 581 Athletic Training Principles for the Spine (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-A 581) This course is intended to discuss advanced aspects of injury management with particular emphasis on philosophy of care for the athlete. Class lectures and discussion will focus on detailed assessment techniques and treatment of connective tissue, management of acute and chronic trauma to the spine and pelvis in sport. Particular emphasis will be placed on current research in prevention and treatment in physically active individuals.
- SPH-A 582 Current Topics in Athletic Training (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-A 582) Study of the various problems confronting an athletic trainer. These experiences are developed through lectures, demonstrations, and discussions with authorities (including physicians and lawyers) in the areas of concern.
- SPH-A 584 Administration of Athletic Training (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-A 584) Provides classroom and practical experience in developing pre-athletic physical examinations; athletic training responsibilities as viewed by the administrator of athletic programs; certification examination requirements; and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- SPH-A 585 Rehabilitation and Conditioning of Athletes (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-A 585) Introduction to the scientific background necessary for understanding, planning, and conducting conditioning and rehabilitation programs for athletes; procedures, methods, and factors for developing such programs.
- SPH-A 586 Athletic Training Principles for Therapeutic Modalities (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-A 586) Physical and chemical properties of hydro- and electrotherapy with an emphasis on the physiological and anatomical principles, techniques, and legal aspects of application.
- SPH-A 587 Athletic Training Principles for Upper Extremities (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-A 587) Evaluation and advanced management of injuries to the upper extremity including, but not limited to, the head, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. Assessment of throwing mechanics and surgical procedures needed to correct injuries will also be covered.
- SPH-A 588 Anatomical Basis of Athletic Injuries (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-A 588) A gross anatomy course focusing on the extremities. Emphasis will be placed on the link between anatomical structure, sports medicine, athletic injuries, and rehabilitative techniques. The course is designed to be a self-guided learning experience. The laboratory portion of the class will comprise the majority of time; activities include cadaver dissection, 3-D computerized images, and extremity models. However, several classroom lectures will be presented to supplement the laboratory experiences.
- SPH-A 590 Athletic Training Principles for Lower Extremities (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-A 590) Evaluation and advanced management of injuries to the lower extremity including, but not limited to, the foot, ankle, knee, hip, and sacroiliac joints. Assessment of gait, orthotic construction, and surgical procedures needed to correct severe injuries. Relevant orthopedic controversies concerning injury management.
- SPH-A 610 Introduction to Athletic Training Research (2 cr.) (Formerly HPER-A 610) This course will address a variety of introductory topics related to critical review of research in medical sciences and athletic training. Topics vary by semester. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-A 611 Advanced Topics: Athletic Training Research (2 cr.) (Formerly HPER-A 611) This course will address varied advanced topics related to experimental design and presentation of research in medical sciences and athletic training. Topics vary by semester. S/F grading. (spring semester)
Repeatable once for credit with different topic.
- SPH-A 695 Practicum in Athletic Training (2 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0. Only open to Athletic Training majors. (Formerly HPER-A 603) Practical field experience under supervision; seminar sessions. Only S/F grades given.
- Communication - SPH-C
- SPH-C 580 Sport Communications (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 580) The application of communication theories to the sport industry. Examination of public and media relations with a special focus on message development, image building and crisis management of sport organizations.
- SPH-C 582 Creative Sports Writing (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 582) This class will offer an overview of sports writing from its origins to its current status in the 21st century. The course will enable students to learn fundamentals of the sports writing process from informatic gathering to writing and editing copy. Students will gain skills necessary for working in today's sport departments and will also learn how to critically analyze others' articles. This class is about writing well and grammar counts. Students must convey stories clearly, accurately, and creatively.
- SPH-C 584 Leadership and Sport Communication (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 584) An introduction to contemporary theories and practical applications of leadership attitudes, behaviors, and strategies that help sport management professionals communicate effectively. Special attention is given to issues in understanding human behavior in organizational context, motivation, group resource maximization, managing conflict, directing organizational cultures, managing and leading through chaos and complexity, and how leaders in sport can succeed through effective professional communication.
- SPH-C 586 Understanding Sport Media (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 586) Examination of sports societal influence focusing on media issues from a socio-cultural-historical perspective. As well as, contemporary perspectives. Focus on converging worlds of print journalism, electronic media, public relations, advertising documentary and emerging technologies as expressed in the new commercial reality of sport.
- Kinesiology - SPH-K
- SPH-K 503 Workshops in Kinesiology (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 503) Designed to cover a variety of topics in the area of kinesiology. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-K 506 Computer Applications in Kinesiology (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 506) Hands-on applications in the use of microcomputers as problem-solving tools in physical education. Programming applications and problems in physical education, sport sciences, administration, athletics, and research.
- SPH-K 524 Exercise and Physical Activity for People with Disabilities (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 524) Provides in-depth knowledge regarding exercise and physical activity as it applies to people with disabilities across the life span. Topics addressed include assessment, determinants, programming, physiological responses to exercise, adaptations, and accessibility issues. Particular focus will be placed on childhood onset conditions.
- SPH-K 527 Adherence to Physical Activity (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 527) An overview of empirical research and theoretical perspectives on adherence to various forms of physical activity. Research on special populations will be emphasized.
- SPH-K 530 Mechanical Analysis of Human Performance (3 cr.) P: ANAT-A 215 or equivalent; PHYS-P 201 recommended. (Formerly HPER-K 530) Newtonian mechanics applied to human movement. Analysis of sports techniques.
- SPH-K 533 Advanced Theories of High-Level Performance (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 533) An integrative analysis of the physiological, psychological, and biomechanical principles, mechanisms, and phenomena underlying the acquisition of the capacities and abilities required for high-level physical performance.
- SPH-K 535 Physiological Basis of Human Performance (3 cr.) P: PHSL-P 215 or equivalent. (Formerly HPER-K 535) A study of physiological changes that occur with exercise. Emphasis on the cardiorespiratory, muscular, and biochemical adaptations to training, and how these affect human performance. Physiological principles are applied to athletic training, adult fitness, weight regulation, and physical therapy.
- SPH-K 536 Obesity/Body Composition (3 cr.) P: PHSL-P 215 or equivalent. (Formerly HPER-K 536) Study of a variety of contemporary issues related to obesity. Topics may include obesity and health risks, factors promoting fat deposition and metabolism, traditional versus nontraditional weight-loss programs, and adherence to weight-loss programs. Recommendations are presented for developing a comprehensive weight management program.
- SPH-K 541 Nature and Basis of Motor Skill (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 541) An overview of neural mechanisms underlying motor control. Application of neurophysiological principles to human motor performance.
- SPH-K 542 Neuromuscular Control of Movement (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 542) An overview of neural mechanisms underlying motor control. Includes applications of neurophysiological principles to human motor performance.
- SPH-K 543 Cortical Control of Human Movement (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 543) This multidisciplinary course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and neurobehavioral foundations of voluntary human movement. Seminar-based lectures will emphasize the structure and functional involvement of cortical and subcortical regions associated with purposeful action (e.g., goal-directed reaching, speech, and locomotion). In addition, case descriptions will be discussed to provide students with a link between neuropathogenesis and specific motor deficits.
- SPH-K 545 Childhood Motor Development (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 545) Study of the developmental aspects of human performance, including the processes of growth and motor development from conception to adolescence. Emphasizes research on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development and their impact on the motor behavior of children.
- SPH-K 546 Adolescent Motor Development (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 546) Study of the developmental aspects of human performance, including the processes of growth and motor development throughout adolescence. Emphasizes research on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development and their impact on the motor behavior of the adolescent.
- SPH-K 547 Developmental Movement for Children (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 547) A developmental approach to the physical education of children, covering the impact of developmental movement experiences, curriculum development, teacher behavior, class management, play environments, and a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities. Students participate in classroom instruction, group projects, and a variety of contemporary game, rhythm, and self-testing activities.
- SPH-K 550 Special Topics in Kinesiology (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 500) Selected topics in physical education. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-K 551 Medical Aspects of Disabling Conditions (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 551) Provides professionals with a working knowledge of a variety of disabling conditions and health impairments. The characteristics, etiology, and pathology, plus behavioral, cognitive, physiological, and medical implications will be discussed. Students will experience selected medical terminology and medical/behavioral management procedures of educational rehabilitation settings.
- SPH-K 552 Motor Assessment of Persons with Disabilities (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 550) Neurologic bases and factor structures of motor ability in normal and exceptional populations; movement problems associated with specific syndromes; assessment of motor development with structured and unstructured tests and checklists.
- SPH-K 553 Physical Activity and Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 553) Provides an overview of the role of physical activity in the prevention of disease and disability. Explores the health related consequences of inactivity and discusses interventions designed to increase physical activity within populations. The course will focus on obesity and it health related consequences.
- SPH-K 554 Seminar in Physical Activity and Wellness (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 554) Provides an environment in which students can explore and critically analyze areas of research relevant to physical activity, fitness, and wellness.
- SPH-K 555 Problems in Adapted Physical Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 552) A study of problems as they relate to philosophy, procedures, and practices in adapted physical education.
- SPH-K 556 Physical Activity Assessment in Public Health (3 cr.) Students will learn the theory and practice of physical activity assessment methods and technology. Physical activity assessment methodology, statistical analysis and data interpretation will be emphasized. Practical experiences using current assessment techniques will be provided. Focus will be placed on measurement and monitoring of both physical activity and sedentary behavior, as well as understanding the delineation between these two health factors.
- SPH-K 562 Exercise Prescription in Health and Disease I (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 562) Health fitness laboratory evaluation for exercise prescription for apparently healthy adults. Topics include 1) risk stratification, 2) laboratory evaluation and interpretation of blood chemistries, body composition, pulmonary functions, and exercise testing and 3) exercise prescription, with modification of prescription for pediatrics, obstetrics, and geriatrics.
- SPH-K 563 Cardiac Assessment in Exercise Testing (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 563) Physiology, assessment techniques, and interpretation of basic cardiac rhythm, 12 lead EKG, and adjunctive imaging techniques in clinical exercise testing. Introduction to basic cardiac pharmacology.
- SPH-K 565 Exercise Leadership and Counseling (2 cr.) Utilization of behavioral techniques to motivate exercise adherence in fitness and clinical programs. Hands-on application of goal setting, problem solving, social support, and other motivational techniques. Modification of exercise programs for cardiac, pulmonary, and metabolic diseases.
- SPH-K 566 Preventive/Rehabilitative Exercise Program Administration (3 cr.) An overview of program structure, management, marketing, budget, and finance for corporate fitness, preventive medicine, sports medicine, and hospital-based rehabilitation.
- SPH-K 569 Basic Pharmacologic Implication for Exercise and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 569) Basic pharmacology of cardiac, pulmonary, metabolic, and related conditions and their implications for the exercise/allied health professions. Course concludes with AHA Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider training (with certification).
- SPH-K 573 Supervision in Physical Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 573) Principles of, problems in, and procedures for administering a city physical education program from the viewpoint of a city director or school administrator.
- SPH-K 577 Seminar and Practicum in Adapted Physical Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 577) Participate in a research seminar or practicum experience related to adapted physical education. Seminar is for graduate students conducting research as part of a dissertation or thesis. Practicum is designed to provide non-thesis graduate students with experiences in real-world settings. Decisions regarding seminar or practicum enrollment must be instructor approved.
- SPH-K 578 Cognitive Ergonomics (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 599) Human factors and ergonomics refer to the study of how people interact with their work environment. This course is designed to provide an advanced level review of the cognitive principles of this science by presenting a systematic application of relevant information about human capabilities, limitations, and behaviors with regard to the design of machines and their use within specific environments. Emphasis will be placed on the interactive nature of human machine systems from an information processing perspective, and the development of ergonomic models and techniques used to assess the design of modern workplaces.
- SPH-K 580 Advanced Technology in Ergonomic Analysis (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 590) This course extends competencies in 3D CAD software for virtual world measurement and testing applications. Motion capture EMG, Force plates and Jack Human Simulation software are used to design and evaluate tools and job tasks using CAD processes.
- SPH-K 581 Participatory Ergonomics (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 591) Course presents facilitation methodologies employed by ergonomic change teams. Models, basic principles and skills practice will be presented in: organizational change, data collection, group process and training development.
- SPH-K 582 Macro-Ergonomics: Socio-technical Systems Design (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 592) Course presents ergonomics in the design of socio-technical systems. Social, technical, and environmental systems are considered as influences on the design, implementation and ergonomic evaluation of jobs and work systems.
- SPH-K 583 Physical Ergonomics (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 593) Course surveys topics in physical ergonomics. Musculoskeletal structure and function are examined in relation to commonly occurring sources of strain in workplace and total design.
- SPH-K 584 Human Error (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 594) Course presents a conceptual model of human error and associated cognitive mechanisms. This frame work is used to describe and analyze human error in the performance of tasks and use of products.
- SPH-K 585 Work Design (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 595) This course presents work design analysis methods and development tools. Course examines the way in which workers perform job tasks, how workers interact with their tools and workspace, and the operational environment.
- SPH-K 586 Industrial Design and Ergonomics (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 596) This course surveys the traditional relationships of industrial design and ergonomics. Course examines how aesthetic and functional needs directs the interaction of people with their environment.
- SPH-K 587 Assessment in Ergonomics (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 597) Students will be prepared in the use of ergonomic assessment tools and methodologies for research and professional settings. Students will receive hands-on experience in the development and implementation of ergonomic solutions.
- SPH-K 588 Ergonomics (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 588) This is an advanced level course that focuses on research and experimentation to determine the interaction between specific human physical traits and the design of tasks, equipment, and environments with the goal of matching human capabilities with demands through the application of ergonomics methods and techniques.
- SPH-K 589 Introduction to CAD in Ergonomics (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 589) This course introduces 3D CAD software and Rapid Prototyping production for research and professional ergonomic applications.
- SPH-K 599 Master’s Thesis (15 cr.) P: Submission and approval of master's thesis committee form. (Formerly HPER-K 600) Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-K 607 Internship in Ergonomics (8 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Internship must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-K 607) This course provides students a practical placement in the ergonomics profession. The placement opportunity can be used as practical hours necessary for student's professional certification.
- SPH-K 625 Physical Activity and Mental Health (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 625) A general survey of the literature. Information on both clinical and healthy populations will be presented, as will detrimental psychological outcomes.
- SPH-K 630 Biomechanics of Human Performance (3 cr.) P: SPH-K 530 and PHYS-P201 or equivalent. (Formerly HPER-K 630) Study of the mechanical principles of human motion through detailed analysis and specific movements; general applicability of the principles. Forces, moments, stability, and linear and angular momentum.
- SPH-K 631 Quantitative Mechanical Analysis of Human Motion (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 631) Newtonian study of linear and angular kinematics and kinetics of the human body. Quantitative study of sequential link chains. Computation of joint forces and torques and of muscular forces.
- SPH-K 633 Factors Affecting Human Performance (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 633) Study of human movement based on scientific foundations of human performance, including advanced kinesiological theories and neuromuscular integration.
- SPH-K 634 Respiratory Physiology of Exercise (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 634) A system approach to the pulmonary and respiratory responses to acute and chronic exercise. Emphasis on ventilatory and respiratory adaptations associated with athletic performance to physical activity in health and disease.
- SPH-K 635 Cardiovascular Physiology of Exercise (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 635) A systems approach to the cardiovascular responses to acute and chronic exercise. Emphasis on myocardial and circulatory adaptations associated with athletic performance to physical activity in health and disease.
- SPH-K 636 Cardiopulmonary Assessment Lab (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 636) A study of the biochemical adaptations that occur during acute exercise or as a result of prolonged exercise training, with emphasis on the biochemical regulators of intermediary metabolism. Laboratory techniques include bio-assay of blood-borne metabolites, muscle enzyme activity, and energy substrate storage/utilization.
- SPH-K 637 Intermediary Metabolism (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 637) An integrative analysis of the biochemical regulators of intermediary metabolism, with emphasis on the enzymatic, hormonal, and metabolic control of energy production in skeletal muscle. Biochemical principles are applied to human exercise performance.
- SPH-K 638 Biochemical Adaptations to Exercise (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 638) This course provides content on the research-based finding of 1) how exercise alters biochemical function in skeletal muscle, the liver, and adipose tissue; 2) why biochemical monitoring of athletes is necessary; 3) the methodological limitations of studies in this area; and 4) how to apply biochemical methods to monitor training.
- SPH-K 639 Laboratory Techniques for Exercise Biochemistry (2 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 639) A detailed evaluation, including hands-on practice of the laboratory skills needed in a typical exercise biochemistry laboratory. Experiences will include phlebotomy, titrations, and several spectrophotometric hematological laboratory techniques.
- SPH-K 641 Topics in Motor Integration (3 cr.) P: SPH-K 541. (Formerly HPER-K 641) A discussion of current research concerns in motor integration. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-K 651 Rehabilitation of Persons with Physical Disabilities (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 650) Identification, analysis, and evaluation of physically disabling conditions; rehabilitation procedures including muscle testing, therapeutic exercise, and exercise prescription. Identification, analysis, and evaluation of persons with physical disabilities; rehabilitation procedures including muscle testing, therapeutic exercise, and exercise prescription.
- SPH-K 652 Clinical Exercise Physiology (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 662) Advanced study of disease etiology and mechanisms of exercise intervention for cardiovascular, pulmonary, immune, and metabolic disease.
- SPH-K 664 Seminar in Physical Education (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 691) Problems in physical education. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-K 691 Readings in Physical Education (3 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Graduate GPA of at least 3.0.. (Formerly HPER-K 601) Guided readings for broadening information about and understanding of the profession. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-K 693 Independent Study and Research (3 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Graduate GPA of at least 3.0.. (Formerly HPER-K 602) Independent research conducted under the guidance of a graduate faculty member. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-K 694 Seminar in Human Performance (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 690) Topics vary. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-K 695 Practicum in Physical Education (13 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Graduate GPA of at least 3.0.. (Formerly HPER-K 603) Practical field experience under supervision; seminar discussions. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-K 696 M.P.H. Field Experience in Physical Activity (17 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Graduate GPA of at least 3.0.. Public health skills are developed through professional experiences in health settings facilitated by preceptors and supervised by faculty. Regular critiques will be held with supervisors, written progress reports and development of a major independent project are required. Graded on S/F basis only. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-K 697 Internship in Kinesiology (28 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Graduate GPA of at least 3.0.. (Formerly HPER-K 604) Off-campus professional field experience in school or agency situation under qualified supervision. Offered only after completion of course work for master's degree. Only S/F grades given. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-K 698 M.P.H. Culminating Experience in Physical Activity (12 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Students must be in their final year of the MPH program to enroll in the fall SPH-K 698 course. Enrollment in the spring SPH-K 698 requires successful completion (passing grade) of the fall culminating experience course. Students must enroll in SPH-K 698 for 1 credit fall semester and 1 credit spring semester in their final year of the MPH program. C: SPH-K 696. This course provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate the extent to which they have met the MPH Program Competencies in Physical Activity. Graded on S/F basis only. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-K 705 Experimental Laboratory Techniques (25 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 705) Experimental investigation of problems in the area of human performance, including laboratory design and advanced research techniques.
- SPH-K 791 Readings in Human Performance (25 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Graduate GPA of at least 3.0.. (Formerly HPER-K 701) Advanced readings from domestic and foreign publications in one or more areas, including biomechanics, physiology of exercise, and sports psychology (including motor learning and control). Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-K 792 Research in Human Performance (25 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Graduate GPA of at least 3.0.; Research proposal must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-K 702) Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-K 799 Ph.D. Dissertation (130 cr.) P: Instructor permission. (Formerly HPER-K 799) Repeatable for credit.
- Marketing and Management - SPH-M
- SPH-M 510 Administrative Theory of Competitive Sports Programs (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 510) Organization of high school athletics with reference to national, state, and local control. Staff, program, budget, health and safety, facilities, and other phases of administration.
- SPH-M 511 Legal Issues in the Sport Environment (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 511) An introduction to legal principles involved in amateur sport. Constitutional law issues such as athletic eligibility, NCAA due process, gender discrimination, and drug testing. In-depth explanation of tort liability. Contracts in amateur sport settings.
- SPH-M 512 Issues in Commercial Sports (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 512) An introduction to the business and legal issues confronting the commercial sport industry today. Major topics include league organization and governance, collective bargaining, antitrust law, the influence of the media, and social issues pertinent to professional sport. Focuses primarily on the NFL, MLB, and NBA.
- SPH-M 513 Sport and Higher Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 513) Examination of contemporary issues in college sport in the United States, the historical foundation of college sports, and the role of sport in higher education. Discussion of possible reforms in collegiate athletics.
- SPH-M 514 Sport Marketing and Sponsorship (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 514) Examination of strategic market planning and its impact on sport marketing. Covers elements of the marketing mix, licensing and merchandising, event marketing, and sponsorship.
- SPH-M 516 The Sport Industry (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 516) A study of the sport industry with an emphasis on developing an understanding of how firms within the sport industry create a competitive advantage.
- SPH-M 517 Contemporary Sports Law Issues (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 517) Comprehensive analysis of timely legal issues impacting participation, administration, or consumption of amateur and/or professional sports.
- SPH-M 518 Governance in Sport Management (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 518) This course provides students with an advanced study of the governance of sport infrastructures, services, and businesses, nationally and internationally. It is no longer sufficient to merely understand the domestic side of sport management. Through multiple forms of assessment and contemporary case study, this course allows students to critically analyze issues in the global governance of sport.
- SPH-M 521 History of Sport in the United States (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 521) Study of the historical development of sport as an institution in American society: the rise of organized sport, factors affecting sporting developments, sport as an influence in society, sport in education.
- SPH-M 522 The Role of Sports in Society (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 522) Significance of sports in society; examination of relationships between sports and other elements of the culture; how sports contribute to human welfare in an advanced technological society.
- SPH-M 525 Psychological Foundations of Exercise and Sport (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 525) Addresses theoretical and empirical aspects of topics, including exercise and mental health, anxiety and sport performance, "personology" and sport, overtraining, exercise adherence, and perceived exertion.
- SPH-M 581 Sales and Service Management in Sport (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 581) The application of sales and service management strategies to the sport industry. Examination of customer relationship management methods and sales techniques in sport.
- SPH-M 583 Sport Public Relations (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 583) The application of public relations practices to the sport industry. Examination of public relations strategies and techniques in sport organizations.
- SPH-M 585 American Sport through Film (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 585) The study and analysis of American sport through the use of sport films and sport documentaries. Emphasis is upon how films and documentaries portray American sport and the interaction of sport with American culture.
- SPH-M 611 NCAA Compliance (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 611) NCAA compliance policy and practice issues. Adaptation of regulations, application, and governance of the NCAA and member institutions. History, development of the membership and association regulations, enforcement and administration procedures.
- SPH-M 614 Sport Sponsorship and Retention (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 614) The application of sponsorship acquisition methods to the sport industry. Examination of sport sponsorship retention strategies and sponsorship evaluation methods in sport.
- SPH-M 615 Financial Analysis in Sport (3 cr.) P: SPH-X 561 or equivalent. (Formerly HPER-K 615) Exploration of current financial status in the main segment of the sport industry. Emphases placed on professional and collegiate sport. Topics include fee structures, financial ratios, financial impact analysis, attendance and price setting strategies, financial forecasting, relationships between financial analysis and strategic planning.
- SPH-M 677 Internship in Athletics (3 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Graduate GPA of at least 3.0. (Formerly HPER-K 606) Off-campus professional field experience in a school or agency situation under qualified supervision. Offered only after completion of course work for master's degree. Only S/F grades given. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-M 687 Internship in Sport Management (25 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Graduate GPA of at least 3.0. (Formerly HPER-K 605) Off-campus professional field experience in agency situation under qualified supervision. Offered only after completion of course work for master's degree. Only S/F grades given.
Repeatable for credit.
- Physical Activity Instruction - SPH-I
- Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Studies
- Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Human Ecology - SPH-O
- SPH-O 504 Outdoor Experiential Education: Instructional Principles and Methods (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 504) Examination of the basic techniques and practices used in outdoor programming. Of specific interest are those techniques, skills, and procedures used in the instructing, teaching and supervision of individuals and groups in outdoor environments.
- SPH-O 510 Human Heath, Quality of Life, and Natural Environments (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 506) This course approaches the issues of human health and quality of life from the perspective of the natural environments impact human health and an individual's reported sense of quality of life.
- SPH-O 512 Ecotourism: Management and Systems (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 529) Integrates various concepts of natural resource management, tourism theory, and selected business practices to examine the form, functions, and impact of resource-based tourism.
- SPH-O 514 Camping Administration (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 541) Organization and administration of camps; program planning, selection, and training of staff; campsite selection and development; and health and safety.
- SPH-O 515 Principles of Outdoor/ Environmental Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 543) Basic principles, philosophies, and methods of both outdoor education and environmental education. Enables students to associate characteristics that relate to each field as well as aspects that differentiate both. Monthly field trips.
- SPH-O 516 Outdoor Recreation Consortium (2 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 555) Conveys both practical information and direct experience to students about components of outdoor recreation and resource management. Enables students to participate in a one-week outdoor recreation consortium at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Also offers graduate students the opportunity for leadership roles associated with consortium topics.
- SPH-O 517 Advanced Ecosystem Management in Outdoor Recreation (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 545) Exploration of the principles, theories, concepts, and practical realities of ecosystem management. Enables students to design, initiate, and coordinate to completion complex projects of an ecological nature.
- SPH-O 519 Issues and Concepts in Adventure and Outdoor-Based Programs (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 567) Exploration of various issues and concepts associated with adventure and outdoor-based programs. Includes an experiential learning component. Offered in a seminar format.
- SPH-O 520 Principles of Therapeutic Outdoor ProgramsPrinciples of Therapeutic Outdoor Programs (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 512) Examination of the principles and practices inherent in the field of Outdoor Experiential Therapy (OET). Topics include the historical development of OET, research and practice-based findings, specific techniques currently in use, issues and trends in OET, and emerging developments in therapeutic and managerial adaptations for the field.
- SPH-O 521 Leadership in Challenge Education (2 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 511) SPH-O521 is a graduate-level course that investigates the philosophies, theories, research, and practice of facilitation in adventure education. We will combine elements of critical inquiry and discussion with direct experience as we shift between classroom and facilitation settings. Likewise, participants in the course will be required to negotiate and navigate the roles of student, collaborator, facilitator, and instructor as we build our understanding of what it means to engage in an educational experience through the lens of adventure facilitation. The course will include an overnight experiences at Bradford Woods, as well as integrating multiple out-of-the-classroom opportunities throughout the semester.
- SPH-O 529 Introduction to Therapeutic Outdoor Programs (1 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 564) Exploration of concepts related to the past, present, and future trends of experiential therapy. Focus on reading and reflection, experiential training, and small group facilitation and discussion.
- SPH-O 530 Outdoor Adventure Programming: Foundations and Theories (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 513) Examines the history, management, and current issues in outdoor and adventure-based programs. Special attention given to developing an understanding of organizational involvement, social and ecological issues in risk management.
- SPH-O 531 Theoretical Foundations of Adventure/Experiential Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 528) Examines the models, theories, and research applications utilized in adventure and experiential education. Emphasis placed on developing an understanding of the salient models and resultant research, and integration of that knowledge into the development of "new" models and theories.
- SPH-O 540 Wilderness in the American Mind (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 585) Examines the philosophical turmoil of formal wilderness creation in the United States. Discussion and debate of the European influences on wilderness thinking in the United States as well as examination of wilderness experiences of early European settlers to America. History of influential leaders in wilderness designations and the political climate of wilderness debates is traced.
- SPH-O 541 Visitor Behavior (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 523) Examines the theory and findings of visitor and tourism research as it is conducted in recreation and leisure settings such as parks, museums, towns, historic sites, sporting facilities, and resorts. Topics include visitor motivations, expectations, social interaction, and assessment. Students learn techniques for gathering information from and about visitors.
- SPH-O 543 Field Techniques in Environmental Education (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 556) Intensive one-week course that uses the outdoors as the laboratory to share strategies, methods, and techniques to teach environmental education concept to others. Offers training and subsequent certification in environmental education curricula such as Project Wild, Project Wet, and Project Learning Tree. These skills enable students to integrate this curriculum into their own formal or non-formal school programs.
- SPH-O 594 Seminar: Health, Life, and Environment (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-K 514) This course approaches the issues of human health and quality of life from the perspective of natural environments. The course will encompass a variety of readings, class discussion, guest speakers, and several experiential learning components (ElC's).
- Recreation - SPH-R
- SPH-R 510 Philosophy of Leisure and Recreation (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 500) Exploration of philosophical, ethical, historical, and cultural foundations for recreation in society; challenge of leisure and role of recreation in present and future environments.
- SPH-R 511 Organizational Leadership of Leisure Services (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 520) Organization and administration of public and not-for-profit agencies, with emphasis on leadership and management skills, including empowerment, envisioning, organizing, quality, and other contemporary management issues.
- SPH-R 512 Administrative, Theory and Management Practices in Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Public Lands (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 525) Investigations of how administrative theory and management practices in leisure services have changed since 1900. Involves the study of contemporary and future management issues influencing the delivery of leisure services in public and nonprofit settings. Particular emphasis given to implications for leisure service managers and organizational responses.
- SPH-R 522 Strategic Planning and Management in Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Public Lands (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 580) Introduction to the basic elements and concepts of tourism planning. Examines the planning process for developing regional tourism, as well as the most common approaches to planning for specific types of tourism and tourism-related facilities. Special emphasis given to the planning of city tourism.
- SPH-R 523 Policy Studies in Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Public Lands (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 540) Critical analysis of the historic development, current status, and changing patterns of public policy in outdoor recreation and tourism and related environmental sustainability as it pertains to the United States and selected countries. Intensive examination of selected public policy issues, particularly those affecting tourist and visitor experience and relative impacts.
- SPH-R 524 Strategic Fundraising and Partnerships for Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Public Lands (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 524) Provides basic principles of professional fund-raising including why people give, how funds are raised, legal and ethical considerations, volunteerism, and institutional advancement. Applies to a broad array of graduate students in the fields of recreation, sports, fine arts, music, and education.
- SPH-R 525 Foundations of Conservation, Parks, and Recreation (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 507) The course will explore the philosophical, ethical, historical and cultural foundations of conservation, park and recreation in America and its importance related to present environmental and social problems. The course will review current research in the field and philosophical frameworks.
- SPH-R 526 Great Lakes Park Training Institute (1 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 535) Practicum in the management of a continuing education institute for park and recreation administrators, supervisors, and technicians.
- SPH-R 528 Resource Management for Parks & Public Lands (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 542) Examination of resource management approaches to recreation resource administration, including an ecological and sociological approaches to understanding complex problems and issues, management practices, resource policies, and allocation of resources. Special focus on legal and ethical aspects of resource management, environmental protection, personnel management, and budget formulation.
- SPH-R 531 Comprehensive Recreation Planning/ Park Design (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 530) Procedures for developing community comprehensive park and recreation plans and specific plans for parks, including design characteristics for selected recreation and support facilities. Emphasis on planning policies and procedures, surveys, data gathering, and design concepts.
- SPH-R 544 Legal Aspects of Recreation Administration (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 544) Concentrates on the legal aspects of parks, recreation, tourism, and sports. Provides students with an understanding of the risk management process, negligence, intentional torts, strict liability, standards of care, and attractive nuisance.
- SPH-R 550 Special Concerns in Parks and Recreation (15 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 515) Current issues in a variety of park and recreation settings. Topics vary with instructor and year. Consult the Schedule of Classes for current information.
Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-R 571 Recreational Sports Administration (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 570) The study of recreational sports (informal/intramural/extramural/club sports) relevant to historical developments, philosophical foundations, programming implications, and administrative considerations.
- SPH-R 572 Dynamics of Recreational Sport Environment (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 571) Study of the interaction of the participant in the recreational sports environment as it relates to the individual's self-awareness, social awareness, and physical awareness. The role of sport in society, from a global perspective, is examined with particular emphasis on the recreational sport participant.
- SPH-R 573 Seminar in Recreational Sports (2 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 572) Focuses on the experiences that relate directly to the basic programmatic and administrative aspects of recreational sports services. Various topics discussed by faculty members and practitioners with specialized areas of expertise.
- SPH-R 588 Leisure and Aging (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 565) Explores the role of leisure in adult development with specific focus on the aging process, leisure needs, and leisure services. Basic concepts associated with leisure, aging, targeting leisure services, research, and public policy are presented in light of forecasting leisure demand in the 21st century.
- SPH-R 595 Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies Workshops (16 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 503) Topics of relevance to individuals in the field of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies and related areas. Specific topics vary and conducted in workshop fashion under the direction of faculty members.
- SPH-R 598 Master’s Project in Administration (24 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 539) Provides administration master's candidates with an understanding of processes, requirements, and expectations of the master's project. Provides a head start to the completion of the master's project.
- SPH-R 599 Master’s Thesis (15 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Submission and approval of thesis committee form. (Formerly HPER-R 599) Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-R 691 Readings in Recreation (15 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required.; Reading proposal must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-R 641) Individualized advanced study of specific topics under faculty direction. Topic areas within which study contracts may be developed include park/recreation administration, recreational sports administration, therapeutic recreation, outdoor recreation, tourism, armed forces recreation, and resource management. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-R 692 Research Seminar in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Studies (1 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 645) This advanced topical seminar is required of all Ph.D. students and M.S. students who intend to complete a thesis. The seminar substantively explores important topics in the conduct of evidence-based research in leisure studies.
- SPH-R 693 Independent Study and Research (15 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required.; Research proposal must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-R 640) Independent research conducted under guidance of a graduate faculty member. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-R 694 Seminar in Recreation (13 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 667) Seminars in one or more of the following emphasis areas are as indicated each semester in the Schedule of Classes: park/recreation administration, recreational sports administration, therapeutic recreation, outdoor recreation, tourism, armed forces recreation, and resource management. Repeatable for credit with different topic.
- SPH-R 695 Practicum in Recreation and Parks (16 cr.) P: Instructor permission. (Formerly HPER-R 643) Field experience as specified in written individualized contracts with supervising faculty. Practicums are available in the following areas of emphasis: park/recreation administration, recreational sports administration, therapeutic recreation, outdoor recreation, tourism, armed forces recreation, and resource management. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-R 697 Internships in Recreation and Parks (28 cr.) P: Instructor permission; Internship must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-R 642) Supervised off-campus professional field experience in appropriate agencies or other approved settings. Only S/F grades given. Internships are available in the following areas of emphasis: park/recreation administration, recreational sports administration, therapeutic recreation, outdoor recreation, tourism, armed forces recreation, and resource management. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-R 698 Capstone Studies in Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Public Lands (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 607) The course provides students enrolled in distance education MS degree program with an understanding of processes, requirements, and expectations of the profession, and serves as a portfolio type project for students to end their degree requirements. The course is designed to frame the student's experience in the master's degree allowing them to develop a creative master's level project, that is applied or theoretical, demonstrating their proficiency with the complex knowledge, skills and abilities of the field of parks, recreation, tourism and public lands.
- SPH-R 710 Social Psychology of Leisure (3 cr.) P: SPH-R 510 or instructor consent. (Formerly HPER-R 701) Students gain an understanding of the application of social psychology to one important aspect of human life-leisure behavior.
- SPH-R 711 Higher Education in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Studies (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 702) Investigation and discussion of current trends and issues affecting higher education in recreation, parks, and leisure services.
- SPH-R 712 Inquiry Methodology in Leisure Behavior (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 703) In-depth study of the realm of research in leisure behavior. Conceptual and methodological issues involved in problem formulation and application of appropriate designs.
- SPH-R 791 Advanced Readings in Recreation (15 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required.; Open only to doctoral students; Reading proposal must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-R 741) Individualized advanced study of specific topics under faculty direction. Topic areas within which study contracts may be developed are: park/recreation administration, recreational sports administration, therapeutic recreation, outdoor recreation, tourism, armed forces recreation, and resource management.
Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-R 792 Advanced Research in Recreation (15 cr.) P: Instructor permission and a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 required.; Open only to doctoral students; Research proposal must be approved in advance. (Formerly HPER-R 740) Research conducted under the direction of and with the advance approval of a member of the graduate faculty in one of the following areas: park/recreation administration, recreational sports administration, therapeutic recreation, outdoor recreation, tourism, armed forces recreation, and resource management. Repeatable for credit.
- SPH-R 794 Doctoral Seminar: Leisure Behavior (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 704) This course explores philosophy of science and inquiry methodology applied to the study of leisure. Course topics include: (a) exploration of philosophy of science; (b) appraisal of social science inquiry methodologies; (c) analysis of research paradigms, ideologies, concepts, and tools; and (d) critical evaluation of the body of knowledge about leisure. Course participants engage in the observation, review, analysis, and evaluation of research exemplars, and the practice of scientific inquiry.
- SPH-R 799 Ph.D. Dissertation (130 cr.) P: Instructor permission required. (Formerly HPER-R 799) Repeatable for credit.
- Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management - SPH-T
- SPH-T 513 Economics and Marketing for Leisure and Tourism (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 522) Marketing's role in promoting tourism destinations with focus on the effects of economic, social, cultural, technological, and legal changes in tourism. Controllable variables essential to tourism marketing success are examined in addition to how marketing guides tourism destination's business strategy.
- SPH-T 550 Foundational Issues: Research in Tourism (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 516) This class will provide an analysis of historical tourism research to provide the foundation, context, and background of contemporary issues and research agendas facing the tourism field today.
- SPH-T 552 Contemporary Issues in Tourism Studies (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 518) A critical overview of tourism studies from different social science perspectives, including politics, economy, environment, society, culture, geography, community development, psychology, and marketing.
- Wilderness and Outdoor Skills - SPH-W
- Recreational Therapy - SPH-Y
- SPH-Y 560 Professional Development for Therapeutic Recreation (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 560) Contemporary principles and understanding for the delivery of therapeutic recreational service. Opportunities to refine personal and professional philosophy of therapeutic recreation.
- SPH-Y 561 Advanced Therapeutic Recreation Processes (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 561) Techniques, approaches, procedures, and practices in the provision of therapeutic recreation service.
- SPH-Y 562 Social Psychology of Therapeutic Recreation (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 562) An examination of the social psychology of therapeutic recreation service. Emphasis on social and organizational behaviors relevant to therapeutic recreation.
- SPH-Y 563 Program Development and Consultation in Therapeutic Recreation (3 cr.) (Formerly HPER-R 563) Concerns in developing and providing therapeutic recreational programs and consultation.