
Historical Performance

  • Joanna Blendulf (Baroque cello and viola da gamba)
  • Dana Marsh (performance practice and voice)
  • Richard Seraphinoff (natural horn)
Professors of Practice
  • Ingrid Mathews (Baroque violin)
  • Jonathan Oddie (historical keyboards)
Academic Specialist
  • Kathie Stewart (historical keyboard curator)
Adjunct Lecturers
  • Charles Keith Collins (Baroque bassoon)
  • Clea Galhano (recorder)
  • Dawn Kalis (harpsichord)
  • Hsuan Chang Kitano (harpsichord/fortepiano)
  • Kris Kwapis (cornetto and Baroque trumpet)
  • Judith Malafronte (voice)
  • Liza Malamut (early trombone and sackbut)
  • Keith Northover (historical clarinets)
  • Margaret Owens (Baroque oboe)

Academic Bulletins

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Previous Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins.