Regulations and Procedures

Graduate Revalidation Procedures

This section describes methods of revalidating graduate courses and proficiency requirements. Revalidation may be required when the time limit for completion of a degree or diploma has expired. See "Time Limit" sections for diplomas, master's degrees, and doctoral degrees in this bulletin.

Revalidating Coursework

MA and PhD students are subject to the revalidation policies of the University Graduate School:

For students in all other diplomas and graduate degrees, coursework may be revalidated by demonstrating currency of knowledge or skills contained in the course(s). The method of revalidation is subject to the approval of the chair of the department offering the course and the director of graduate studies.

For performance-based courses such as lessons, recitals, and chamber music, currency may be demonstrated by procedures such as passing a departmental audition, assessment of recent professional activities, or performance of a recital.

For other courses, currency of knowledge may be demonstrated by procedures such as passing an examination specifically on the material covered by the course, completing a more advanced course in the same subject area with a sufficient grade, passing a comprehensive examination (such as the doctoral qualifying examinations) in which the student demonstrates substantial knowledge of the content of the course, teaching a comparable course, or publishing scholarly research demonstrating substantial knowledge of the content and fundamental principles of the course. If the qualifying examination is used for the purpose of revalidation, the number of credit hours to be revalidated by this method is limited to six.

The ensemble requirement does not need to be revalidated.

Revalidating Proficiency Requirements

Students may revalidate the music theory and music history proficiencies by:

  • completing two more-advanced courses with sufficient grades in the same subject area, subject to the approval of the chair of the department offering the courses and the director of graduate studies
  • teaching a comparable course
  • passing the appropriate graduate entrance examination
  • by completing the appropriate proficiency course with a sufficient grade.

When used for revalidation, the graduate entrance examinations may be attempted only once.

Students may revalidate the keyboard proficiency by passing the appropriate keyboard proficiency examination or by completing an approved course with a sufficient grade as described in Keyboard Proficiency Examination.

Students may revalidate the language grammar proficiency by passing the appropriate Music First-Year Language Examination (

Students may revalidate the language diction proficiency by passing the appropriate voice department diction examination. When used for revalidation, the diction examinations may be attempted only once.

Academic Bulletins

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Previous Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins.