Regulations and Procedures
Academic Regulations
Audit Policy
The Jacobs School of Music of Indiana University has a long tradition of openness in its performing and academic activities. Students and visitors to the campus may benefit from opportunities to attend lectures, rehearsals, lessons, or other activities. These activities may range from informal observation for a limited number of sessions to the following regulations:
Permission to observe classes informally is at the discretion of the supervising teacher. Limitations in seating capacity may make it impossible to include auditors or observers. Permission to audit formally (i.e., with registration and fees) is primarily the responsibility of the supervising teacher, but is subject to the following regulations:
- Students may not register as auditors for any class that involves class participation. This includes classes in written theory, sight singing, ear training and keyboard, instrumental techniques, ballet, and others. To determine if a class falls under this provision, the student should consult the chair of the department in which the class is given.
- Students may register as auditors for music performance classes (applied music), but they will not be counted as part of the faculty load, and they will not perform themselves. To observe or audit a lesson, students must have permission not only from the supervising teacher, but also from the student whose lesson is being heard.
- Formal auditing or informal observation of classes is not intended as preparation for exemption or proficiency tests. Permission to observe or audit a class may be denied by the supervising faculty member on this basis.
- Music majors may not audit graduate review courses in music theory or M501 Proseminar in Music History and Literature.
- Official audit status for a class requires the approval of the professor in charge. During the first week of classes, the student should obtain written approval from the professor. This approval will need to be taken to the Registrar's Office so that they can add the class to the student's schedule as an auditor. There is a fee of $25/credit hour.
- No class that has been officially audited may be used towards degree credit of any kind in the Jacobs School of Music unless (a) the student passes a validation examination and any other requirements of the course under the supervision of the professor teaching the course, (b) the student has met any prerequisites for the course (to be verified by the approving faculty member), and (c) the student pays full tuition for the course.