Graduate Division

General Requirements for Doctoral Degrees

Dissertation and Final Project

Instructions for the development of a topic proposal may be obtained from the Music Graduate Office. The same office manages the scheduling of the dissertation or final project public presentation. Students desiring to undertake the public presentation during the summer term should consult the Music Graduate Office before March 15.

In order to make the final project public presentation (where required), a DM student must be a candidate for the degree and have completed all other degree requirements, including recitals. The public presentation may take one of a number of formats as outlined on the Music Graduate Office website:

A PhD or DME student must be a candidate for the degree in order to defend a dissertation. The defense of the dissertation is oral and is normally based upon the dissertation, although it may also touch on the major field literature or any field of general music interest that the research committee deems pertinent.

Academic Bulletins

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Previous Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins.