
Academic Courses

Sacred Music

  • MUS C400 Research in Sacred Music (arr. cr.)
  • MUS C401 Sacred Music I (3 cr.) An introductory study and application of keyboard harmony, transposition, improvisation, hymn playing, and accompanying for the church service.
  • MUS C402 Sacred Music II (3 cr.) P: C401 Sacred Music I. Continuation of topics introduced in C401 plus open score reading, sacred music composition, console conducting, the liturgical year, and related service music.
  • MUS C403 Sacred Music III (3 cr.) P: C401-C402 Sacred Music I-II. Continuation of topics introduced in C402 plus an introduction to the history of worship and sacred music, including hymnody.
  • MUS C404 Sacred Music IV (3 cr.) P: C401-C402-C403 Sacred Music I-II-III. Continuation of topics introduced in C403 plus contemporary worship styles, the sacred music vocation, and choral literature.
  • MUS C405 Organ Construction and Design (2 cr.) A historical and interactive study of the action and pipes of the organ, from the earliest European example to the latest developments in the organ building industry. Includes a lab component where the student has hands-on experience with university organs, performing basic maintenance routines such as tuning and repair.
  • MUS C500 Independent Study in Sacred Music Practices (arr. cr.)
  • MUS C504 Keyboard Skills Review (1 cr.) Basic keyboard skills with an emphasis on hymn transposition, modulation, improvisation, sight reading, and figured bass realization.
  • MUS C505 Organ Construction and Design (2 cr.) A historical and interactive study of the action and pipes of the organ, from the earliest European example to the latest developments in the organ building industry. Includes a lab component where the student has hands-on experience with university organs, performing basic maintenance routines such as tuning and repair.
  • MUS C510 Service Playing Review (1 cr.) Foundational studies in the practical musical skills needed by a church organist: hymn playing, anthem accompanying, open-score reading, and console conducting.
  • MUS C524 Organ Improvisation (2 cr.) P: C504 Keyboard Skills Review or equivalent. Improvisation for the church organist, with emphasis on stylistic considerations, formal structures, and devices.
  • MUS C535 Introduction to Liturgy and the Arts (2 cr.) A study of the relationship between liturgy, music, and other related arts both in history and current practice.
  • MUS C540 The History of Christian Worship and Sacred Music (2 cr.) Liturgical ritual and worship practices, with special emphasis on music and hymnody, from pre-Christian roots to modern day.
  • MUS C541 Sacred Music: Philosophy and Practice I (2 cr.) An exploration of the practical demands and philosophical dimensions of a vocation in sacred music. Includes anthem repertoire, professional issues, and dynamics of leadership.
  • MUS C542 Sacred Music: Philosophy and Practice II (2 cr.) P: C541 Sacred Music: Philosophy and Practice I. Continuation of C541.

Academic Bulletins

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Previous Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins.