
Academic Courses  

Music Pedagogy Courses 

  • MUS E130 Introduction to Music Learning (2 cr.) Introduction to the philosophy, sociology, and psychology of music. Survey of careers in music, including teaching (school and private), performing, scholarship, publishing, and technical fields. This course fulfills the pedagogy requirement for B.M. degrees.
  • MUS E303 Violin/Viola Pedagogy I (2 cr.) Learning the skills to teach beginning violin or viola students through lectures, observation of private and group lessons, and teaching children under the supervision of the instructor. Paper on a topic from the course.
  • MUS E304 Violin/Viola Pedagogy II (2 cr.) P: E303 Violin/Viola Pedagogy I. Learning to teach shifting, vibrato, and bow strokes, and exploring the repertoire of young violinists and violists. Course includes lectures, observation of private and group lessons, and teaching children under the supervision of the instructor. Paper on a topic from the course.
  • MUS E306 Cello Pedagogy (2 cr.) Comparisons of cello methods and materials, study of right-hand and left-hand techniques, observation of teaching, and practical experience teaching private and class lessons. Paper on a topic from the course.
  • MUS E312 Arranging for Instrumental and Vocal Groups (2 cr.) P: T252 Music Theory and Literature IV and T232 Musical Skills III, or equivalent for all students, and F205 Introduction to Instrumental Techniques for choral and general music education majors. Scoring for orchestra, band, and chorus.
  • MUS E315 Double Bass Pedagogy (2 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Study of techniques, practitioners, and scope of double bass pedagogy from the 18th century to the present. Weekly discussion topics; two papers required.
  • MUS E413 Harp Pedagogy (3 cr.) P: Junior standing and consent of instructor. A survey of teaching materials and methods for the harp and texts on basic musicianship. Observation of private lessons and class instruction.
  • MUS E414 Applied Harp Pedagogy (3 cr.) P: Junior standing and consent of instructor. A supervised series of private and class harp lessons.
  • MUS E459 Instrumental Pedagogy (1-3 cr.) Pedagogy classes pertaining to the individual instruments.
  • MUS E467 Techniques of String Class Teaching (3 cr.) Current pedagogical practices, procedures, and materials for string teaching for both class and private instruction.
  • MUS E470 Pedagogy of Jazz (2 cr.) Techniques and methods of teaching jazz studies, including the training of jazz bands.
  • MUS E489 Organ Pedagogy (3 cr.) Pedagogical practices, procedure, and materials for organ teaching.
  • MUS E493 Piano Pedagogy (2 cr.) Required of senior piano majors. Methods and materials for teaching individuals and classes of both children and adults. Two hours of demonstration and two hours of teaching each week.
  • MUS E494 Vocal Pedagogy (3 cr.) P: Successful completion of upper-division examination. Principles of voice production. Quality, diction, range, breathing, vocalization, dynamics, agility, and vocal hygiene as bases for an approach to voice teaching.
  • MUS E503 Violin/Viola Pedagogy I (2 cr.) Learning the skills to teach beginning violin or viola students through lectures, observation of private and group lessons, and teaching children under the supervision of the instructor. Paper on a topic from the course.
  • MUS E504 Violin/Viola Pedagogy II (2 cr.) P: E503 Violin/Viola Pedagogy I. Learning to teach shifting, vibrato, and bow strokes, and exploring the repertoire of young violinists and violists. Course includes lectures, observation of private and group lessons, and teaching children under the supervision of the instructor. Paper on a topic from the course.
  • MUS E505 Violin/Viola Pedagogy III (2 cr.) P: E503 Violin/Viola Pedagogy I and E504 Violin/ Viola Pedagogy II. Extended work and independent projects in violin and viola pedagogy. Paper and lecture on a topic from the course.
  • MUS E506 Cello Pedagogy (2 cr.) Comparisons of cello methods and materials, study of right-hand and left-hand techniques, observation of teaching, and practical experience teaching private and class lessons. Paper on a topic from the course.
  • MUS E507 Colloquium in Recorder Pedagogy (3 cr.) A survey of historical and modern methods of recorder performance and pedagogy. Students study the changes in the instrument itself as well as its role in solo and ensemble music from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. Teaching of historically appropriate skills is discussed.
  • MUS E509 Horn Pedagogy (1 cr.) Observation of two private lessons per week taught by major teachers. Term paper required.
  • MUS E510 Trumpet Pedagogy (1 cr.) Observation of two private lessons per week taught by major teachers. Term paper required.
  • MUS E511 Trombone Pedagogy (1 cr.) Observation of two private lessons per week taught by major teachers. Term paper required.
  • MUS E512 Tuba Pedagogy (1 cr.) Observation of two private lessons per week taught by major teachers. Term paper required.
  • MUS E513 Harp Pedagogy (3 cr.) A survey of teaching materials and methods for the harp and texts on basic musicianship. Observation of private lessons and class instruction.
  • MUS E514 Applied Harp Pedagogy (3 cr.) A supervised series of private and class harp lessons.
  • MUS E515 Double Bass Pedagogy (2 cr.) Study of techniques, practitioners, and scope of double bass pedagogy from the 18th century to the present. Weekly discussion topics; two papers required.
  • MUS E557 Band Arranging for Graduate Students (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Practical arranging of music for concert, marching, and pep bands. Transcriptions of appropriate selections from piano, organ, or orchestral literature.
  • MUS E559 Instrumental Pedagogy (1-3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. Pedagogy classes pertaining to the individual instruments.
  • MUS E570 Pedagogy of Jazz (2 cr.) Techniques and methods of teaching jazz studies.
  • MUS E571 Kodály Concept I (3 cr.) Methods, analysis, and solfege; materials and curriculum development. Primary.
  • MUS E572 Kodály Concept II (3 cr.) Methods, analysis, and solfege; materials and curriculum development. Intermediate.
  • MUS E573 Kodály Concept III (3 cr.) Methods, analysis, and solfege; materials and curriculum development. Advanced.
  • MUS E574 Orff Program Development I (3 cr.) Methods and materials, movement, singing and playing skills; curriculum development. Primary.
  • MUS E575 Orff Program Development II (3 cr.) Methods and materials, movement, singing and playing skills; curriculum development. Intermediate.
  • MUS E576 Orff Program Development III (3 cr.) Methods and materials, movement, singing and playing skills; curriculum development. Advanced.
  • MUS E589 Organ Pedagogy (3 cr.) An overview of historical organ method books, organ pedagogy, and supporting material. Course consists of some lecture as well as the individual student doing actual teaching (observed by the instructor) with follow-up conferences.
  • MUS E593 Piano Methods (2 cr.) Elective for master′s degree candidates in piano. Two lectures a week. Four instructors for four weeks each.
  • MUS E594 Vocal Pedagogy (3 cr.) P: Voice major or consent of instructor. Processes in voice production: respiration, phonation, articulation, and resonance. Psychological, physiological, and acoustical problems including voice classification, quality, diction, and registration will be discussed. A major paper on a related subject will also be required. Assignment of students to members of the class for supervised teaching. A study of studio procedure and practical subjects related to studio and class voice instruction.
  • MUS E690 Seminar in Piano Pedagogy and Instructional Materials I (arr. cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Teaching approaches: rational practicing, beginner’s methods, and group teaching.
  • MUS E691 Seminar in Piano Pedagogy and Instructional Materials II (arr. cr.) P: E690 Seminar in Piano Pedagogy and Instructional Materials I or consent of instructor. II. Technique, mechanics of the instrument, physiology and psychology of playing. III. Teaching repertoire, schools of pianism, memorization, and sight reading.
  • MUS E692 Seminar in Piano Pedagogy and Instructional Materials III (3 cr.) P: E690 Seminar in Piano Pedagogy and Instructional Materials I or consent of instructor. II. Technique, mechanics of the instrument, physiology and psychology of playing. III. Teaching repertoire, schools of pianism, memorization, and sight reading.
  • MUS E694 Applied Comparative Voice Pedagogy (3 cr.) P: E594 Vocal Pedagogy. Supervised individual performance of technical principles and terminology employed in vocal teaching, 1700 to the present. Concepts of breathing, phonation, resonance, and range. Diction is sung and discussed by each class member. Vocal examples from song literature.
  • MUS E695 Seminar in Vocal Pedagogy Research (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. For advanced students in voice and voice pedagogy. Formal research paper required.
  • MUS E696 Practicum in Teaching Studio Voice (3 cr.) P: E 694 Applied Comparative Voice Pedagogy or E 695 Seminar in Vocal Pedagogy Research and consent of instructor. For doctoral students in voice who have not held associate instructor positions in voice. Supervised teaching experience for secondary voice students and development of syllabi and materials for studio voice instruction.

Academic Bulletins

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Previous Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins.