Regulations and Procedures
Academic Standing-Graduate
Students are in good standing in the Jacobs School of Music if they are admitted to a music degree or diploma program, if they are making satisfactory progress toward that degree, and if they are not on academic probation.
Academic Warning, Academic Probation, and Dismissal
A graduate or diploma student will receive an academic warning after any semester in which
- the student’s semester GPA falls below 3.0; or
- the student receives a grade below B in major ensemble; or
- the student receives a grade below B in a course required for the major field; or
- the student completes fewer than the number of credits required for his or her academic program; or
- the student receives an unsatisfactory grade in a review course taken to satisfy a proficiency requirement.
A graduate or diploma student will be placed on academic probation after any semester in which
- the student receives academic warning letters in consecutive semesters; or
- the student’s cumulative GPA (representative of at least two semesters) falls below 3.0; or
- the student receives a grade of F in a major ensemble; or
- the student receives a grade of F in a course required for the major field; or
- the student accumulates two or more unsatisfactory grades in review courses taken to satisfy a proficiency requirement.
To be removed from academic probation, a student must meet the terms specified by the Jacobs School of Music. Students on academic probation are not eligible for financial aid from the Jacobs School of Music.
A graduate or diploma student will be subject to dismissal from the school when
- the student receives an academic warning while on probation; or
- the student is subject to probation a second time while already on probation; or
- the student’s semester GPA falls below 2.0; or
- the student fails for a second time to achieve a satisfactory grade in the same review course taken to satisfy a proficiency requirement; or
- the student fails to complete all proficiency requirements and departmental prerequisites within five semesters’ enrollment as a doctoral student; or
- the student does not fulfill the terms of academic probation; or
- the student engages in an act of academic misconduct; or
- the student fails, in the judgment of the director of graduate studies, to make satisfactory progress toward the degree.
Application for Degrees or Diplomas
All candidates for degrees or diplomas (except for the M.A. and Ph.D., which are applied for in the University Graduate School) must complete an application for graduation no later than the third week of the semester in which they expect to graduate. Forms are available in the music undergraduate and graduate offices.