Schoolwide Courses
Globalization and Overseas Studies
Global Foundations Core
All Kelley undergraduate students take the three courses of the Global Foundations Core in the sophomore year: BUS-D 270, BUS-X 271 or X272, and BUS-G 202. These courses are I-Core prerequisites and must be completed with grades of C or better. Although D270 is the prerequisite for X271/X272, the Global Core courses do not need to be completed in the same semester. The G-Core courses are designed to help students understand the global nature of business and to learn how to analyze the implications for doing business in other countries.
- BUS–D 270 The Global Business Environment (1.5 cr., 8 wks) P: sophomore standing. The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the environments facing managers and corporations who are operating in the global economy. Thus, participants should acquire awareness of, and an appreciation for, the diversity and complexity of the global environment. More specifically, the successful completion of this course should enable participants to understand and analyze how global forces shape corporate strategy. This course should be of interest to all business students; as citizens, consumers, workers, and as future business leaders they must take account of domestic and global dimensions when making decisions.
- BUS–X 271 Global Business Analysis (1.5 cr.) P: D270 with C. This set of 8-week course options follows D270 and provides an opportunity to dig deeper into country analysis from the perspective of a business discipline. Students may select any course on the BUS-X 271 list (A271, D271, F271, G271, M271, P271, etc.). These courses capitalize on the increasing diversity and expertise of faculty from all departments. Topics could include such things as: contemporary issues like the Great Recession; geographic regions or trading markets; environmental and economic development issues; challenges of global sourcing; labor markets; or legal and regulatory issues.
- BUS–X 272 Global Business Immersion (3 cr.) P: D270 with C. These courses are alternates to the X271 options and similar in topics, except that they are 3 credits and include a travel component. After 8 weeks in the classroom, students travel - as a group - to the country or region emphasized in the course. In that location, they participate in relevant site visits while completing the academic parts of the course. As with X271, students may select any course from BUS-X 272 list (A271, D271, F271, G271, M271, P271, etc.).
- BUS–G 202 Business, Government and Society (2 cr.) P: ECON-E 201 or ECON-S 201 with a grade of C or better. This course is intended to make you aware of the broad range of ways in which the non-market environment—especially government policy—affects business, and give you an understanding of the process through which businesses and other special interest groups create and change the rules of the game under which they function. In today’s economy, successful business strategy entails more than outmaneuvering rival companies; managers must also devise strategies to cope with the global, non-market forces that confront businesses and other forms of organization. Managers need to understand how public policy is made and how special interest groups, including their own businesses, can affect the policy process. This is true both for the CEO of a multinational corporation dealing with multiple governments and the administrator for a local partnership trying to deal with city officials.
Study Abroad
- BUS–X 480 Professional Practice Abroad (3 cr.) P: Departmental authorization and enrollment in a Kelley School of Business overseas study internship program. Students will receive credit for an internship completed abroad with required completion of academic deliverables. Counts as an international business elective.