Academic Policies & Procedures
Scholastic Standards
Probation and Dismissal
A student is placed on academic probation following any enrollment period in which he or she fails to attain a minimum program cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0.
A student on academic probation must reflect on past academic challenges through an online self-assessment module and meet with an identified business academic advisor for one required appointment during the probation semester. At this appointment, the student and the advisor will discuss challenges and outline strategies for academic improvement and success.
A student who attains a subsequent semester GPA and a program cumulative GPA below a 2.0 will be dismissed from the Kelley School. At the discretion of the Probation Committee, a student may also be dismissed from the Kelley School if he or she fails to meet the requirements of the probation policies.
For more information about academic probation and academic success initiatives, go to