Arts and Humanities
The following courses will apply to the IU Bloomington GenEd Arts and Humanities requirement if taken in Summer 2012, Fall 2012, or Spring 2013.
- AAAD-A 112 Black Music of Two Worlds
- AAAD-A 131 Early African American and African Diaspora Literature
- AAAD-A 132 Recent African American and African Diaspora Literature
- AAAD-A 150 Survey of the Culture of Black Americans
- AAAD-A 169 Introduction to African American Literature
- AAAD-A 249 African American Autobiography
- AAAD-A 252 African American Art I: African Heritage
- AAAD-A 277 Images of Blacks in Films: 1903–1950s
- AAAD-A 278 Contemporary Black Film
- AAAD-A 290 Sociocultural Perspective of African American Music
- AAAD-A 295 Survey of Hip Hop
- AAAD-A 297 Popular Music of Black America
- AAST-A 200 Asian American Literature
- AAST-A 201 Asian Diaspora Experience
- AMID-D 191 Design Studies: Form and Function
- AMST-A 200 Comparative American Identities
- AMST-A 202 U.S. Arts and Media
- ANTH-A 208 Topics in the Anthropology of the Arts and Expressive Behavior
- ANTH-E 208 Global Jazz, Reggae, and Hip-Hop: African Diasporic Music Beyond the African Diaspora
- CLAS-C 101 Ancient Greek Culture
- CLAS-C 102 Roman Culture
- CLAS-C 205 Classical Mythology
- CLAS-C 206 Classical Art and Archaeology
- CLLC-L 110 Collins Seminar: Text, Image, Sound
- CLLC-L 210 Collins Colloquium: Culture, the Arts, and Society
- CMCL-C 121 Public Speaking
- CMCL-C 130 Public Speaking, Honors
- CMCL-C 190 Introduction to Media
- CMCL-C 205 Introduction to Communication and Culture
- CMCL-C 207 Topics in Cultural Analysis and Interpretation
- CMCL-C 208 Image Cultures
- CMCL-C 209 Topics in Rhetoric and Public Culture
- CMCL-C 220 Performing Human/Nature: Defining Relationships with the Environment
- CMCL-C 222 Democratic Deliberation
- CMCL-C 228 Argumentation and Public Advocacy
- CMCL-C 238 Communication in Black America
- CMLT-C 111 Reading the World
- CMLT-C 147 Images of the Self: East and West
- CMLT-C 151 Introduction to Popular Culture
- CMLT-C 155 Culture and the Modern Experience: An Interdisciplinary and International Approach
- CMLT-C 200 Honors Seminar
- CMLT-C 205 Comparative Literary Analysis
- CMLT-C 216 Science Fiction, Fantasy, and the Western Tradition
- CMLT-C 217 Detective, Mystery, and Horror Literature
- CMLT-C 219 Romance and the Western Tradition
- CMLT-C 251 Lyrics and Popular Song
- CMLT-C 252 Literary and Television Genres
- CMLT-C 255 Modern Literature and Other Arts: An Introduction
- CMLT-C 257 Asian Literature and Other Arts
- CMLT-C 261 Introduction to African Literature
- CMLT-C 262 Cross-Cultural Encounters
- CMLT-C 265 Introduction to East Asian Poetry
- CMLT-C 291 Studies in Non-Western Film
- COGS-Q 240 Philosophical Foundations of the Cognitive and Information Sciences
- COLL-C 103 Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities
- COLL-S 103 Freshman Seminar in Arts and Humanities
- EALC-E 100 East Asia: An Introduction
- EALC-E 110 Popular Culture in East Asia
- EDUC-M 200 Artifacts, Museums, and Everyday Life
- ENG-L 111 Discovering Literature
- ENG-L 112 Experiencing World Cultures through Literatures in English
- ENG-L 203 Introduction to Drama
- ENG-L 204 Introduction to Fiction
- ENG-L 205 Introduction to Poetry
- ENG-L 206 Introduction to Prose (Excluding Fiction)
- ENG-L 207 Women and Literature
- ENG-L 210 Studies in Popular Literature and Mass Media
- ENG-L 213 Literary Masterpieces I
- ENG-L 214 Literary Masterpieces II
- ENG-L 220 Introduction to Shakespeare
- ENG-L 223 Introduction to Ethnic American Literature
- ENG-L 224 Introduction to World Literatures in English
- ENG-L 230 Introduction to Science Fiction
- ENG-L 240 Literature and Public Life
- ENG-L 241 American Jewish Writers
- ENG-L 249 Representations of Gender and Sexuality
- ENG-L 295 American Film Culture
- ENG-W 103 Introductory Creative Writing
- FINA-A 206 Classical Art and Archaeology
- FINA-A 226 Survey of Medieval Art
- FINA-A 231 The Age of Giants: Art in the Time of Leonardo and Michelangelo
- FINA-A 234 Renaissance Florence
- FINA-A 280 The Art of Comics
- FINA-D 210 Digital Art: Survey and Practice
- FINA-F 100 Fundamental Studio--Drawing
- FINA-F 101 Fundamental Studio--3D
- FINA-F 102 Fundamental Studio--2D
- FINA-H 100 Introduction to Art History and Visual Culture for Non-Majors
- FINA-N 110 Introduction to Studio Art for Nonmajors
- FINA-N 130 Digital Imagery for Nonmajors
- FINA-N 198 Introduction to Photography for Nonmajors
- FINA-S 270 Sculpture I
- FINA-S 271 Introduction to Figurative Sculpture
- FINA-S 291 Fundamentals of Photography
- FOLK-E 112 Black Music of Two Worlds
- FOLK-E 295 Survey of Hip Hop
- FOLK-E 297 Popular Music of Black America
- FOLK-F 101 Introduction to Folklore
- FOLK-F 111 World Music and Culture
- FOLK-F 131 Folklore in the United States
- FOLK-F 225 Forms of Commemoration
- FOLK-F 235 Personal Narratives: A Course in Folklore and Literature
- FOLK-F 252 Folklore and the Humanities
- FOLK-F 256 Folklore and the Supernatural
- FRIT-M 222 Topics in Italian Culture
- FRIT-M 234 Florence in Florence
- FRIT-M 235 Rome, the City and the Myth
- GLLC-G 210 Global Village Colloquium
- HISP-S 220 Chicano and Puerto Rican Literature
- HISP-S 265 Topics in Hispanic Literature in Translation
- HON-H 211 Ideas and Experience I
- HON-H 213 Madness and Melancholoy
- HON-H 232 Meaningful Writing
- HON-H 233 Great Authors, Composers, and Artists
- HON-H 234 Literature of Time and Place
- HON-H 235 Religion in Literature, Music, Art, and Performance
- HON-H 239 Gender across the Disciplines
- HON-H 242 Animal Ethics
- HPER-D 231 Introduction to Dance Studies
- INTL-I 201 Culture and the Arts: International Perspectives
- JSTU-J 203 Arts and Humanities Topics in Jewish Studies
- JSTU-L 280 David: The Man and the King
- JSTU-L 285 Guns and Roses: Representations of Soldiers & War in Modern Hebrew Literature
- MUS-P 110 Beginning Piano Class 1, Non-Music Majors
- MUS-P 120 Beginning Piano Class 2, Non-Music Majors
- MUS-T 109 Rudiments of Music
- MUS-T 151 Music Theory and Literature I
- MUS-Z 101 Music for the Listener
- MUS-Z 111 Introduction to Music Theory
- MUS-Z 120 Music in Multimedia
- MUS-Z 171 Opera Theater Series I
- MUS-Z 172 Opera Theater Series II
- MUS-Z 201 History of Rock 'n' Roll Music I
- MUS-Z 202 History of Rock 'n' Roll Music II
- MUS-Z 203 History of Rock 'n' Roll Music III
- MUS-Z 211 Music Theory II
- MUS-Z 250 Choral Masterworks: Singing Through History
- MUS-Z 260 Music in American Society
- NELC-N 212 Contemporary Literatures of the Middle East (in English Translation)
- PHIL-P 100 Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL-P 105 Thinking and Reasoning
- PHIL-P 135 Introduction to Existentialism
- PHIL-P 140 Introduction to Ethics
- PHIL-P 145 Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy
- PHIL-P 150 Elementary Logic
- PHIL-P 201 Ancient Greek Philosophy
- PHIL-P 211 Modern Philosophy: Descartes through Kant
- PHIL-P 240 Business and Morality
- PHIL-P 242 Applied Ethics
- PHIL-P 246 Introduction to Philosophy and Art
- POLS-Y 105 Introduction to Political Theory
- REL-A 210 Introduction to the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
- REL-A 220 Introduction to the New Testament
- REL-A 230 Introduction to Judaism
- REL-A 250 Introduction to Christianity
- REL-A 270 Introduction to Islam
- REL-B 210 Introduction to Buddhism
- REL-B 220 Introduction to Hinduism
- REL-C 210 The Liberal Tradition in U.S. Religious History
- REL-D 250 Religion, Ecology, and the Self
- REL-R 102 Religion and Popular Culture
- REL-R 133 Introduction to Religion
- REL-R 152 Jews, Christians, Muslims
- REL-R 153 Religions of Asia
- REL-R 160 Religion and American Culture
- REL-R 170 Religion, Ethics, and Public Life
- SLAV-C 223 Introduction to Czech Culture
- SLAV-P 223 Introduction to Polish Culture
- SLAV-R 123 Masterworks of Russian Short Fiction
- SLAV-R 223 Introduction to Russian Culture
- SLAV-R 224 Contemporary Russian Culture
- SLAV-R 263 Pushkin to Dostoevsky
- SLAV-R 264 Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn
- SLAV-S 223 Introduction to Balkan and South Slavic Cultures
- SLAV-U 223 Introduction to Ukrainian Culture
- THTR-T 100 Introduction to Theatre
- THTR-T 101 Script Analysis for the Theatre
- THTR-T 120 Acting I: Fundamentals of Acting