Degree Requirements

Second Bachelor's Degree Requirements

You are eligible to pursue a second degree if you: 

  • Have been admitted to a degree granting school at IUB before applying for a concurrent second degree.
  • Have certified into the School of Education and the school you are pursuing the other degree through.
  • Have earned at least a 2.50 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) in the School of Education.
  • Have earned at least a 2.50 GPA in the content/major of the education degree and the required GPA in the content/major of the second degree if it is outside the School of Education.
  • Be in good academic standing according to School of Education policy.

Certain degree combinations are prohibited: 

  • You may not pursue a second degree that is the same as the content area of the education major (i.e., B.S. in Education: World Language: Spanish Education major and a B.A. or B.S. from the College of Arts and Sciences in Spanish)
  • You may not simultaneously pursue degrees at the undergraduate and graduate levels or enter graduate status while pursuing a second undergraduate degree (exception: B.S. / M.S.Ed. in Secondary Education).

In order to earn a second degree, you must successfully complete all second degree requirements:

  • You must complete all requirements associated with your second degree as they are outlined in that school's Bulletin that corresponds with your requirement term.
  • The academic department offering the second degree will determine how many credit hours from the education degree may count towards the second degree.
  • The requirement term for the second degree will be your IU Bloomington matriculation date unless the second degree major was not established until after your matriculation date, in which case the requirement term for the second degree will be the first term in which it was offered.
  • If you drop the first degree and still want to graduate with a bachelor’s degree awarded by the School of Education, you must complete all requirements associated with the School's degree as they are outlined in the School of Education Bulletin that corresponds with your requirement term.
  • You must submit a separate graduation application for each degree; this is the mechanism for ensuring that all degrees are awarded at the same time. You must graduate with all undergraduate degrees simultaneously.

Individuals who have completed a Bachelor's degree and want to return to the institution to complete teacher certification must do so through a graduate program.

Academic Bulletins