
Secondary Education (A+S)

  • EDUC-A 308 Legal and Ethical Issues in Education (3 cr.) P: Must have at least Sophomore standing. Students examine legal and ethical issues in schools by (1) identifying various legal and ethical dilemmas in order to articulate and defend solutions; (2) applying constitutional, statutory, and case law; (3) increasing legal literacy including "preventative law;" and (4) discussing social justice (e.g., SES, race, nationality, religion, gender, LGBTQ+, disability).
  • EDUC-A 329 Data-Informed Decision-Making in Education (3 cr.) This course provides students with an introduction to the sources and types of data in educational organizations and how this information can be used for decision-making related to learning, teaching, and leadership.
  • EDUC-S 301 Socio/Cultural Contexts of Teaching (8 cr.) This interdisciplinary, team-taught seminar provides a foundation for preparing teachers who are caring advocates of youth from all cultural, racial, socioeconomic, and linguistic backgrounds. Perspectives from educational psychology; social, cultural, philosophical and historical foundations; and multi-cultural education are integrated around themes of teaching and learning in a multicultural society.
  • EDUC-S 302 Curriculum Teaching in Learning Inclusive Classrooms (8 cr.) Through case based learning students explore and develop connections among learning theories, curriculum design, teaching strategies, media and educational technology to foster high levels of student learning within inclusive classrooms. Builds upon Block 1 in the I & SJ program.
  • EDUC-S 303 Topics in Secondary Education (0.5-3 cr.) P: Department consent. Admission to the Teacher Education Program. Various topics will be covered in this course in order to incorporate timely professional issues in the secondary curriculum. Variable course title. May be repeated.
  • EDUC-S 348 Foundations of EDE I (3 cr.)
  • EDUC-S 400 Field-Based Seminar in Teacher Education (1-6 cr.) P: EDUC-S 400 or department consent. Instructor’s permission required. Discussion of issues in secondary education and exploration of problems of the field. Students spend approximately one day each week in the schools, satisfying performance standards for teacher certification. Graded S/F. May be repeated.
  • EDUC-S 401 Teaching Social Justice in Middle and Secondary School (3 cr.) This interdisciplinary seminar accompanies the student's special methods course and field experience. It focuses on literacy in multicultural context, multicultural curriculum design, and culturally relevant pedagogy. Curriculum projects are implemented in a middle or secondary school setting.
  • EDUC-S 402 Capstone Seminar: Professional Growth and Practice (4 cr.) This seminar is linked to the student teaching experience. It includes counseling theory and practice, legal and ethical issues in teaching and critical reading in the content areas. The seminar meets daily for two weeks prior to and one week after student teaching and at arranged times during student teaching.
  • EDUC-S 405 The Middle and Junior High School (3 cr.) The course provides future middle and junior high teachers with an understanding of how early adolescent students and school structures impact curriculum, instruction and classroom management decisions. The course meets the middle/junior high school endorsement requirement for elementary school majors.
  • EDUC-S 485 Principles of Secondary Education (2-3 cr.) The background and objectives of our secondary schools. Contributions made by the curriculum and extracurriculum to these objectives. Contributions of the teacher to the guidance program.
  • EDUC-S 490 Research in Secondary Education (1-3 cr.) Individual research in secondary education. Variable title. May be repeated.
  • EDUC-S 497 Principles and Purposes of Health Occupation in Vocational Programs (3 cr.) Historical. legislative, and theoretical foundations of health occupations training and service. Emphasis on roles, responsibilities, and functions of the health occupations vocational educator.

Academic Bulletins