Bloomington Programs
License Addition Programs
Students completing a primary teaching license may add license additions in the following areas. Current additions range between 18 and 32 credits. It may not be possible to complete the additions as part of the basic 120 credit hour degree plan. See a School of Education Academic Advisor for program details and applications.
- Computer Educator License Addition: The Computer Education License (CEL) program will equip teachers to use technology integration methods, manage a computer lab, and provide enrichment experiences for students in settings at the same level as their original license. The license addition also permits secondary teachers to teach specific technology courses in middle, junior, and high school settings. The 21 credit hour program is available to currently licensed teachers and teacher candidates who are completing an initial license in a recognized Teacher Education Program.
- English as a New Language License Addition: A license addition in English as a New Language (ENL) will prepare teachers to work with students of different linguistic and cultural backgrounds in the classroom. Candidates must demonstrate oral proficiency in English as well as competence in a world language equivalent to two semesters of university world language or two years of high school world language. Requirements include a combination of graduate and undergraduate courses.
- Health Education: Contact the School of Public Health for details.
- Journalism License Addition: This license addition is available to students completing a Secondary or All-grades settings primary license. The journalism addition prepares students to supervise student media publications. The addition is offered by the Media School and requires 29 credits of course work in the field.
- Mathematics Middle Grades License Addition: This 32 credit hour program is available to students completing or holding an elementary level license (middle grades are part of the secondary license) who are interested in teaching mathematics in departmentalized middle schools. It includes 17 credit hours of mathematics, 9 hours of professional education and a 6 credit hour practicum.
- Physical Education: Contact the School of Public Health for details.
- Reading License Addition: Students interested in specializing in reading instruction may add this 18 credit hour addition to their primary license program. The program features linguistics, professional roles, methods, and a practicum.
- Secondary Special Education/Exceptional Needs License Addition: Teacher candidates completing a secondary license may add a 27 credit hour license addition to their primary fields. This addition prepares teachers to work with mild intervention strategies for special education students at the secondary level. The program focuses on socially and emotionally disturbed behaviors, assessment, intervention, and assistive technology. The course work is coupled with field experiences and a practicum.
- Theatre License Addition: Secondary license students can add the theatre license addition to their program in order to teach theatre arts. The program includes 32 credits of course work; this includes 21 in theatre content, 3 in teaching methods, 2 in field experiences and a 6 credit student teaching practicum.