Distinctions & Opportunities
Opportunities Outside the College
List of Approved Outside Minors
Students in the College may complete and have listed on their transcripts up to three minors, including specified minors on the below list from other IU schools. Courses from outside the College, except where indicated otherwise, do not count as part of the 100 “inside” credit hours required for graduation. However, College students can count up to 20 credit hours from outside of the College toward the 120 credit hours required for graduation. For information about “outside minors,” students should contact the relevant school, the College of Arts and Sciences Recorder’s Office (Owen Hall 003), and the academic advisor(s) for their major(s).
Note: The following four requirements apply to minors offered and transcripted by the College:
- any course in which the student receives a grade below C– cannot be used to fulfill a minor requirement;
- the grade point average of all courses taken in fulfillment of minor requirements must be at least 2.000.
- students must complete at least 9 credit hours in the minor on the Bloomington campus;
- students must complete at least 9 credit hours at the 300–400 level.
The following “outside minors” are available to students from the College:
- Business—Undergraduate (Kelley School of Business)
- Counseling (Education)
- Education Policy (Education and Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Educational Studies (Education)
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (Kelley School of Business)
- Environmental Management (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Environmental Science and Health (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Exercise Science (Public Health)
- Financial Literacy (Kelley School of Business)
- Fundraising and Resource Development (Public Health)
- Gerontology (Public Health)
- Global Health Promotion (Public Health)
- Health Systems Administration (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Human-Centered Computing (Informatics and Computing)
- Human Development and Family Studies (Public Health)
- Human Resources (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Informatics (Informatics and Computing)
- Information Systems (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Information Technology (Informatics and Computing)
- Labor Studies (Social Work)
- Law and Public Policy (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Management (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Marketing (Kelley School of Business)
- Medical Sciences (School of Medicine)
- Music Studies (Jacobs School of Music)
- Nonprofit Management (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Nutrition (Public Health)
- Policy Studies (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Public and Environmental Affairs (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Public Finance (Public and Environmental Affairs)
- Public Health (Public Health)
- Security Informatics (Informatics and Computing)
- Social Welfare Advocacy (Social Work)
- Youth Development (Public Health)
The following "special minors" are available to College students pursuing select majors: