Degree InformationLiberal Learning at Indiana University Liberal Learning at Indiana UniversityAt the core of Indiana University, as at all distinguished universities and undergraduate institutions, is the College of Arts and Sciences. The College provides the means for undergraduates to acquire a liberal arts education: an education that broadens the student’s knowledge and awareness in the major areas of human knowledge, significantly deepens that awareness in one or two fields, and prepares the foundation for a lifetime of continual learning. The distinguishing mark of the university is that its faculty are engaged in the discovery and dissemination of knowledge, thereby offering students an unusually rich opportunity to gain a liberal education. A liberal arts education begins with the premise that one’s world and one’s self are worth knowing. To understand our world, we must know something about its physical, biological, cognitive, social, cultural, and spiritual dimensions. The liberal arts provide these perspectives on knowledge to serve as the basis for a full and effective professional and personal life. No better preparation for success in the professions exists than a strong liberal arts education, and our experience demonstrates that the liberal arts help develop the rigor of mind needed for advanced study in any field and for the pursuit of a richer life through the enlargement of mind and spirit. By its very name, a liberal arts education suggests that broadness of study is a primary concern. It inspires openness and breadth of mind, regard for values unlike our own, and respect for the creative processes of diverse disciplines. The liberal arts emphasize cultural, social, and biological change and assess the impact of technological progress on the world’s environment. They generate appreciation and understanding of many societies’ past accomplishments and provide the basis for future insight and enterprise. At Indiana University, the liberal arts curriculum of the College of Arts and Sciences directs its students to achieve 11 major goals:
The liberal arts education of the College of Arts and Sciences provides the fundamental knowledge, skills, and experience essential for a full, rich, and rewarding life. Such an education taps many of the capacities that we as human beings possess. It offers us fuller lives, in understanding and expressing ourselves and in relating to others. These arts and sciences are preprofessional in the best sense. They serve as a foundation for many professions, many ways of earning a living. More than training for today’s occupations, a liberal arts education offers students the foresight and flexibility they will need as they move on to careers and technologies not yet known or imagined. Finally, a liberal arts education develops the qualities of mind that are needed by informed and responsible people. Any decision or action—whether personal or professional—informed by knowledge, rationality, and compassion makes the greatest contribution to a better world. The College of Arts and Sciences: The TraditionThe education offered by the College of Arts and Sciences is based on a tradition established when Indiana University was founded in 1820 as a liberal arts institution. What are now departments in the College served then as the core of the university from which all the other schools and units developed. Today the College continues its central role in the mission of Indiana University. The College not only offers more than 50 baccalaureate majors leading to the Bachelor of Arts, the Bachelor of Science, and the Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees; it also provides much of the general education for undergraduate students in the Schools of Continuing Studies; Education; Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; Informatics; Journalism; Public and Environmental Affairs; Social Work; the Kelley School of Business; and the Jacobs School of Music. At the heart of the College’s tradition is excellence in teaching based on excellence in research. College faculty, who are at the forefront of their disciplines, teach at all levels of the curriculum, from freshman through senior and graduate courses. Although the content of courses has changed as society has changed and knowledge has developed, the College faculty has always sought to provide students with specialized knowledge in a major field of study that is enriched by a broad liberal arts education. For more than 185 years, the mission of the faculty has been to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives to help them develop an understanding of themselves and the world around them through a combination of specialized and general study. The present degree requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences relate these principles to the modern world. Fundamental skills courses in writing, mathematics, and foreign language provide opportunities for students to develop communication and computational skills for use in their own society as well as for use in understanding other societies. The Topics curriculum and distribution requirements are designed for students to acquire broad familiarity with the general areas of human knowledge by taking courses in the arts and humanities, social and historical studies, and natural and mathematical sciences. The culture studies requirement enables students to enrich their understanding of their neighbors in a shrinking world. These courses serve as the foundation upon which students can develop a major program of study. Because of the richness and diversity of its more than 50 majors, the College offers students a variety of counseling services to help them take full advantage of their opportunities at Indiana University. Academic assistant deans in the College can answer specific questions or talk with students about their goals. Academic advisors in each department in the College are eager to help students understand the special requirements and options of the department, and are also happy to discuss general degree requirements and the best options for their completion. Finally, counselors in Arts and Sciences Career Services in the Career Development Center will help students understand how to combine their liberal arts education and their career goals in satisfying employment. Admission to Indiana UniversityMost incoming freshmen admitted to Indiana University first enter the University Division, which provides them with academic advising. Because freshmen are not usually admitted directly into a major, all freshmen are expected to meet the admission standards outlined in the freshman application materials. These materials and additional information are available from: Office of Admissions International students should request the International Application for Admission from: International Admissions Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy of Indiana UniversityIndiana University pledges itself to continue its commitment to the achievement of equal opportunity within the university and throughout American society as a whole. In this regard, Indiana University will recruit, hire, promote, educate, and provide services to persons based upon their individual qualifications. Indiana University prohibits discrimination based on arbitrary consideration of such characteristics as age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Indiana University shall take affirmative action, positive and extraordinary, to overcome the discriminatory effects of traditional policies and procedures with regard to the disabled, minorities, women, and Vietnam-era veterans. The university director of affirmative action is responsible for carrying out the affirmative action program for units in central administration. In addition, there is an affirmative action officer on each campus who develops and administers the program there. Entering the College of Arts and SciencesAlthough freshmen generally spend their first year in the University Division, the College of Arts and Sciences encourages them to visit departments in which they are interested to discuss possible programs with faculty members and academic advisors. Freshmen planning to earn bachelor’s degrees in the College can begin to satisfy degree requirements in the first year. Declaring a Major in the College Students who wish to earn a major in the College of Arts and Sciences must complete 26 credit hours of course work that can count toward a degree in the College with a minimum cumulative College of Arts and Sciences grade point average of 2.000. Students must also complete the English composition requirement. When students in the University Division have satisfied the entry requirements, they will be certified to the major department listed on their record. To declare or change the major listing, students in the University Division should see their freshman advisor or go to the University Division Records Office, Maxwell Hall 030. Changing Majors Once in the College of Arts and Sciences, students who wish to change their majors should see the College advisor for the new major they want. Exploratory Students Students wishing to pursue baccalaureate degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences who have not yet chosen majors and who have completed no more than 55 degree credit hours may enter the College as exploratory students. Exploratory students are assigned an advisor who will help them clarify their interests and aptitudes and guide them toward appropriate majors. Students who are already admitted to the College and who wish to change majors or schools may also declare that they are exploratory on approval of the exploratory advisor. Students who are declared exploratory or who wish to learn more about the exploratory option should call the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Kirkwood Hall 012, at (812) 855-1647 to arrange an appointment. Students may remain in the exploratory category only for a limited period. All College of Arts and Sciences students must declare and complete a major in the College to be eligible for graduation. Direct Admit Program Incoming freshmen with strong high school records and an interest in majoring in one or more College of Arts and Sciences departments may apply for direct admission into the College of Arts and Sciences. For more information, send e-mail to Transfer StudentsTransfers from Undergraduate Programs in Other Schools on the Bloomington Campus Transfers to and from Other Indiana University Campuses Transfers from Other Indiana University Campuses to the College Transfers from Other Colleges and Universities Applications for transfer admission are evaluated on the basis of a number of factors, including the following:
For application deadlines, please refer to the Office of Admissions Web site at www. Acceptance of credit from other institutions will be determined by the Office of Admissions, and the applicability of credit toward degree requirements in the College will be determined by the dean. Only credits earned at Indiana University will count toward a student’s cumulative grade point average. Courses from other colleges and universities transfer as credit only, with the exception of courses that transfer into a student’s major; the grades associated with these courses are factored into the student’s major grade point average. Students with Learning DisabilitiesStudents with a learning disability, hearing impairment, speech impairment, or any other disability that may affect their ability to fulfill a requirement of the College should contact the Office of Disability Services for Students, Franklin Hall 096, (812) 855-7578, prior to registering. Requirements will not be waived for students with disabilities; however, some modifications may be made within specific courses. Students seeking such modifications should do so early in their academic career to ensure timely progress to degree completion. Degrees and Majors OfferedBachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)The College of Arts and Sciences offers the Bachelor of Arts degree with the following majors:
African American and African Diaspora Studies For further information, refer to individual departmental descriptions and degree requirements. To locate departments, see the “Index” in the 2008–10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin or the “Table of Contents” in this supplement. Return to Degrees and Majors Offered Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Interdepartmental MajorsThe College of Arts and Sciences offers the Bachelor of Arts degree with the following interdepartmental majors: African American and African Diaspora Studies and English For further information, refer to individual departmental descriptions and degree requirements. To locate departments, see the “Index” in the 2008–10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin or the “Table of Contents” in this supplement. Return to Degrees and Majors Offered Bachelor of Science (B.S.)The College of Arts and Sciences offers the Bachelor of Science degree with the following majors: Apparel Merchandising For further information, refer to individual departmental descriptions and the degree requirements. Students planning to earn the B.S. degree should see an advisor in the department offering the major. To locate departments, see the “Index” in the 2008–10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin or the “Table of Contents” in this supplement. Return to Degrees and Majors Offered Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)The College of Arts and Sciences offers courses leading to Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in the School of Fine Arts and in Musical Theatre (Department of Theatre and Drama). For further information, refer to “Fine Arts” and “Theatre and Drama” and the degree requirements that follow those sections in the 2008–10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin or the “Table of Contents” in this supplement. Return to Degrees and Majors Offered CertificatesAs part of completing the bachelor’s degree and in addition to completing the requirements for the major, students may earn certificates in the following interdisciplinary areas: African Studies To locate departments, see the “Index” in the 2008–10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin or the “Table of Contents” in this supplement. Return to Degrees and Majors Offered Secondary Teacher CertificationStudents who receive degrees in the College can, if they plan their course work carefully, receive certification to teach in secondary schools. Students should consult the School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin. Students should also contact the academic advisor in their major department and an advisor in the School of Education for full details. Students planning teacher certification may need to complete more than 122 credit hours. Return to Degrees and Majors Offered General Requirements for Bachelor’s DegreesAcademic counseling for each student in the College is provided by a faculty member or an academic counselor from the student’s major department before each semester’s enrollment. Although academic counseling is intended to provide effective guidance and students are encouraged to seek the counsel of their advisor, students are responsible for planning their own programs and for meeting the following degree requirements for graduation. Academic Advisement Report Academic Advisement ReportThe online Academic Advisement Report is available to all students. Students should use this system to monitor their progress toward meeting degree requirements. Information about the system is available from the registrar, from academic advisors, and from the College of Arts and Sciences Recorder’s Office (Kirkwood Hall 001). Return to General Requirements for Bachelor's Degrees General RequirementsStudents must complete a minimum of 122 credit hours to graduate. At least 100 credit hours must be earned in courses offered by the College of Arts and Sciences. Students may select the remaining 22 credit hours in the College or from courses outside the College. Exceptions: Students satisfying requirements for a teaching certificate may take a maximum of 29 credit hours outside the College if the courses selected are required for teaching certification. Students planning teacher certification may need to complete more than 122 hours and should contact their major advisor and an advisor in the School of Education early in their degree program. Students should also consult the School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin.
Return to General Requirements for Bachelor's Degrees Academic Policies and ProceduresIn planning their academic programs, students should be aware of the following policies and procedures of the College of Arts and Sciences:
Return to General Requirements for Bachelor's Degrees Course Requirements for the Bachelor of ArtsThe course requirements for the B.A. degree are summarized here to provide an overview of the program. Students must also complete the general requirements for bachelor’s degrees and the B.A. requirements described on the following pages (fundamental skills, distribution, culture studies, major concentration). Students may test out of all but 3 credit hours (Intensive Writing) of the fundamental skills requirement. Requirements completed in one area may, under certain conditions, also fulfill requirements in other areas. See section titled “Foreign Language” regarding credit in foreign language study. The requirement for the major ranges from 25 to 42 credit hours, depending on the department.
Fundamental Skills RequirementsStudents must meet requirements in writing, mathematics, and foreign language. Writing WritingStudents must complete English composition and intensive writing requirements. English Composition This part of the writing requirement may be fulfilled in any one of the following ways:
Note:Courses taken under these options, except for English W131, W143, and W170, may, if they are so designated, be applied toward distribution requirements. Intensive Writing This part of the writing requirement may be fulfilled by completing one intensive writing course at or above the 200 level after completing the English composition requirement. Normally, intensive writing sections are taught by faculty in small sections or by individual arrangement and include a series of written assignments evaluated with close attention to organization and expression as well as to substance and argument. Graded revision of assignments is a requirement of all intensive writing courses and of all special arrangements for intensive writing. Students must check the listings for courses in the online Schedule of Classes each semester to make certain that the course section they have chosen fulfills the requirement. Intensive writing credit will not be awarded for written work in courses that are not listed as intensive writing unless special arrangements have been completed and approved prior to the relevant deadline. All special arrangements are subject to the approval of the College. Students who wish to arrange an individual intensive writing component for a course or section that is not listed as intensive writing must obtain the approval of the faculty director of undergraduate studies of the department of their major concentration as well as that of the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office of the College of Arts and Sciences (Kirkwood Hall 012). The deadline for obtaining the requisite approvals is the end of the second week of instruction for regular semester-length courses, the end of the first week of instruction for eight-week courses, and the end of the first week of instruction for a course taught in a summer session. Return to Fundamental Skills Requirements MathematicsStudents must demonstrate mastery of a fundamental skill in mathematics, which is defined as a level of proficiency equivalent to three years of high school math. This proficiency is needed for study in many courses throughout the College of Arts and Sciences curriculum. Students may demonstrate mastery of a fundamental skill in mathematics in any one of the following ways:
Students entering the College who have scored below 400 on the SAT mathematics section or below 20 on the ACT mathematics sections are advised to enroll in MATH M014 before fulfilling the mathematics requirement. Students with incomplete records can take a placement test administered by the Department of Mathematics. Return to Fundamental Skills Requirements Foreign LanguageStudents pursuing the B.A. or B.F.A. degree must complete the study of a single foreign language through the second semester of the second year of college-level course work. (See departmental listings in this supplement and in the 2008–10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin for B.S. foreign language requirements. Note also that the second semester of the second year of American Sign Language is numbered as Speech and Hearing Sciences A300.) All or part of this requirement may be fulfilled by performance on placement examinations. Completion of high school foreign language courses is not accepted as a basis for exemption. Students may fulfill the entire foreign language requirement by placing into the third-year level. With the permission of the College, students whose native language is not English may fulfill the foreign language requirement through demonstrated proficiency in their native language. Students interested in this option should contact the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Kirkwood Hall 012, as early in their undergraduate careers as possible. Special Credit Option Students whose scores on the language placement exam place them in or beyond the second semester of language study in one of the languages listed below may be eligible for special credit in that language. Students must apply for the special credit, and the following rules apply:
Foreign Language Courses Course sequences that fulfill the foreign language requirement may be offered in the languages listed below. Students should consult the departmental course descriptions for specific courses. Students interested in less frequently taught languages must confer directly with the appropriate department; availability of multiple semesters cannot be guaranteed. To locate departments that offer these languages, see the “Index” in the 2008-10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin or the notes below.
Akan Return to Fundamental Skills Requirements
Distribution RequirementsSpecially designated courses that count for distribution requirements are classified in the following areas:
Specific courses that fulfill distribution requirements are designated by abbreviations following the course titles. (See symbols in parentheses above.) A complete list of courses that fulfill the distribution requirements is located in “Appendix II.” A special category of distribution courses called Topics is offered: COLL E103 counts in the Arts and Humanities distribution requirement; COLL E104 counts in Social and Historical Studies; COLL E105 counts in Natural and Mathematical Sciences. Any student who matriculated in the summer of 2001 or subsequently and who is a candidate for any bachelor’s degree offered by the College of Arts and Sciences is required to complete one Topics course on the Bloomington campus. Courses that fulfill the Topics requirement are designated by the abbreviation “TFR” following the course titles. A complete list of courses that fulfill this requirement is located in “Appendix III.” Students are encouraged to take this course in their first year; in any case, they should plan to take their Topics course no later than the first semester of their second year. Students who transfer from other institutions, from other IU campuses, or from other IU Bloomington schools must also successfully complete one Topics course. To ensure that they gain a rich and varied education, the College requires students to complete 12 courses for distribution requirements. These 12 courses must be distributed according to the following rules:
Arts and HumanitiesDistribution courses in this area help students think about the complexity of human experience, appreciate the range of human thought and emotion, learn about varieties of aesthetic expression, and grapple with moral issues. Courses that fulfill the Arts and Humanities distribution requirement are designated by the symbol A & H following the course titles. Return to Distribution Requirements Social and Historical StudiesDistribution courses in this area analyze social institutions, the behavior of individuals in social contexts and historical settings, and changes in social conditions over time. Students are introduced to theories and methods for studying social experience and behavior. Courses that fulfill the Social and Historical Studies distribution requirement are designated by the symbol S & H following the course titles. Return to Distribution Requirements Natural and Mathematical SciencesDistribution courses in this area provide an appreciation of the physical and biological environment, introduce students to systematic investigation of that environment, show the value of experimental methods for understanding natural laws, and explore the role and methods of the mathematical sciences. Courses that fulfill the Natural and Mathematical Sciences distribution requirement are designated by the symbol N & M following the course titles. A complete list of courses that fulfill distribution requirements is located in “Appendix II.” Return to Distribution Requirements Culture Studies RequirementCulture studies courses introduce students to cultural systems different from that of mainstream America. The courses expose students to sets of values, attitudes, and methods of organizing experience that may not be obtained from the predominant American culture. Such exposure should lead students to understand the nature and limitations of their own cultural conditioning. Students must observe the following guidelines when fulfilling the culture studies requirement:
Major Concentration Requirements (B.A.)Students have three options for fulfilling the major concentration requirements for the B.A. degree: major, double (or triple) major, or interdepartmental major. Detailed requirements are to be found in the departmental statements in this supplement and in the 2008–10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin. Some departments require students to complete a minor in addition to the major. Some of the rules below also apply to minors.
Double or Triple Major The College offers a double or triple major for the B.A. degree with the following requirements:
Whether a student plans two majors or three majors, a total of only one course may be cross-listed. With the approval of the departments and of the College, that one course may be listed in two majors or may be listed in all three majors if appropriate. No further cross-listing is allowed in the student’s multiple majors on one degree. Students interested in having a third completed major recognized at the point of graduation should contact the College Recorder’s Office, Kirkwood Hall 001, for further information. Interdepartmental Major Interdepartmental majors are available in some disciplines for students who are pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree and who wish to combine two disciplines or subjects into an interdepartmental concentration area. Such students are required to complete a minimum of 40 credit hours in the interdepartmental major. For interdepartmental majors, no program may require more than 62 credit hours in the major. However, especially for students considering graduate school, a maximum of 22 major credit hours taken in excess of 62 may be counted toward the 122 minimum credit hours required for the degree if the student has not exceeded the maximum of 22 credit hours allowable for courses outside the College. In no case may the total of outside credit hours and excess major credit hours exceed 22 credit hours. The following interdepartmental majors are available (students should consult the appropriate departmental listing for details): African American and African Diaspora Studies and English, African American and African Diaspora Studies and History, African American and African Diaspora Studies and Religious Studies, African American and African Diaspora Studies and Sociology, Economics and Mathematics, Economics and Political Science, English and African American and African Diaspora Studies, History and African American and African Diaspora Studies, Linguistics and Speech and Hearing Sciences, Mathematics and Economics, Philosophy and Political Science, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Political Science and Economics, Political Science and Philosophy, Psychology and Speech and Hearing Sciences, Religious Studies and African American and African Diaspora Studies, Religious Studies and Philosophy, Sociology and African American and African Diaspora Studies, Speech and Hearing Sciences and Linguistics, and Speech and Hearing Sciences and Psychology. Major Concentration Requirements (B.F.A. and B.S.)Because of the unique nature of each of the B.F.A. and B.S. degrees offered in the College, students should consult the specific degree program listing in this supplement and in the 2008–10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin for information on the course requirements for a B.F.A. or B.S. degree. College of Arts and Sciences Optional MinorsGeneral Information General InformationMany departments in the College of Arts and Sciences offer minors of at least 15 College of Arts and Sciences credit hours. Students majoring in one department (e.g., English) may satisfy the requirements for a minor in a different department (e.g., Religious Studies). A student may complete up to three minors. Students’ majors and minors listed in this supplement may be listed on their transcripts. Students planning to complete a minor should consult the advisor in the department in which the minor is offered. Two departments (Spanish and Portuguese; Psychological and Brain Sciences) require that students in those departments complete a minor or concentration of courses in a different department. Students with majors in those departments should check with the advisor about requirements for the minor. For students majoring in other departments, the minor is optional. Return to College of Arts and Sciences Optional Minors List of MinorsThe following minors are available in the College of Arts and Sciences: African American and African Diaspora StudiesAfrican Languages (Department of Linguistics) American Studies Animal Behavior Anthropology Apparel Merchandising Archaeology Asian American Studies Astronomy and Astrophysics Biology Central Eurasian Studies Central Eurasian Studies with Language Certification Chemistry Classical Civilization Cognitive Science Communication and Culture Comparative Arts (Department of Comparative Literature) Comparative Literature Computer Science Creative Writing (Department of English) Criminal Justice Dutch Studies (Department of Germanic Studies) East Asian Languages East Asian Studies Economics Economics and Political Science English European Union Folklore French Gender Studies Geography Geological Sciences German Germanic Studies Greek (Department of Classical Studies) Hebrew (Jewish Studies Program) History History and Philosophy of Science History of Art (School of Fine Arts) India Studies International Studies Italian Latin (Department of Classical Studies) Latin American and Caribbean Studies Latino Studies Leadership, Ethics, and Social Action Linguistics Mathematics Medieval Studies Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Norwegian (Department of Germanic Studies) Philosophy Physics Political Science Political Science and Economics Portuguese Psychology Religious Studies Russian and East European Studies Russian and East European Studies with Language Certification Slavic Languages and Literatures Social Science and Medicine (Department of Sociology) Sociology Sociology of Work and Business Spanish Speech and Hearing Sciences Speech and Hearing Sciences (Preprofessional) Studio Art (School of Fine Arts) Telecommunications Theatre and Drama West European Studies Yiddish Studies (Department of Germanic Studies) Return to College of Arts and Sciences Optional Minors Completing Minor RequirementsIn completing requirements for minors, students should be aware of the following College of Arts and Sciences policies and procedures:
For specific minors, see departmental statements in this supplement and in the 2008–10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin. For minors outside the College of Arts and Sciences that can be listed on a College student’s transcript, see “Additional Programs” in this supplement and in the 2008–10 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin. Return to College of Arts and Sciences Optional Minors Courses Outside the College of Arts and SciencesA candidate for a bachelor’s degree in the College of Arts and Sciences must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 100 credit hours in courses offered by the College. Jacobs School of Music courses that are listed in the College’s distribution chart, “Appendix II,” in this supplement in history, literature, composition, and theory of music may be counted among the 100 credit hours inside the College of Arts and Sciences. School of Informatics courses in Computer Science that are listed in the College’s distribution chart, “Appendix II,” in this bulletin may be counted among the 100 credit hours inside the College of Arts and Sciences. Students may select the remaining 22 credit hours from courses in the College of Arts and Sciences and/or from courses outside the College. The College does not accept certain types of credit, including engineering, technology, or self-acquired competency credits. Students satisfying requirements for a teaching certificate may take a maximum of 29 credit hours outside the College if the courses selected are required for teaching certification. Students planning teacher certification may need to complete more than 122 credit hours and should confer with their major advisor and an advisor from the School of Education early in their academic careers. Students should also consult the School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin.
Last updated: 12 March 2025 07 41 32
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