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College of Arts and Sciences (College) Bloomington Campus Supplement: Table of Contents



College of Arts
and Sciences (College)
Bloomington Campus
Supplement 2008–2010

College of Arts and Sciences (College) 
Kirkwood Hall 104 
130 S. Woodlawn 
Bloomington, IN 47405  
Local (812) 855-1821 
Fax (812) 855-2060 
Contact College

Additional Programs

List of Approved Outside Minors
Kelley School of Business
School of Education

List of Approved Outside Minors

A student may complete up to three minors. The following minors from schools other than the College of Arts and Sciences may be included in that total, and may be listed on the transcript of a College of Arts and Sciences student who completes the appropriate requirements. Minors are listed on the transcript at the point of graduation. Students should see the relevant school and also the College of Arts and Sciences Recorder’s Office (Kirkwood Hall 001) for further information.

Business—Undergraduate (Kelley School of Business)
Dance (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
Educational Studies (Education)
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (Kelley School of Business)
Environmental Management (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Environmental Science and Health (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Exercise Science (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
Fund Raising and Resource Development (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
Health Systems Administration (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Human Development and Family Studies (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
Human Resources (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Informatics (Informatics)
Information Systems (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Information Technology (Informatics)
Labor Studies for Liberal Arts (Labor Studies)
Legal Studies (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Management (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Marketing (Kelley School of Business)
Music Studies (Jacobs School of Music)
Nonprofit Management (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Nutrition (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
Policy Studies (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Public and Environmental Affairs (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Public Finance (Public and Environmental Affairs)

Special Minors
Business minor for Apparel Merchandising majors
Business minor for Telecommunications majors

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Kelley School of Business

Students certified to earn a bachelor’s degree in the College of Arts and Sciences who have already completed 26 or more credit hours of college course work that count toward graduation may obtain the minors listed below from the Kelley School of Business by successfully completing the business course work given for each. Any course in which the student receives a grade below C– may not be used to fulfill a minor requirement. An overall grade point average of 2.000 is required to earn each minor. All 300- and 400-level course work must be completed on the Bloomington campus. None of the course work may be taken by independent study/correspondence, distance education, or “Courses to Go.” The College of Arts and Sciences limits the number to 22 credit hours outside the College that will count toward a degree. Students who are unclear about these rules should check with the College Recorder’s Office, Kirkwood Hall 001. Students may apply online for the Minor in Business on the College Recorder’s Office Web site (college.indiana.edu/recorder).

Apparel Merchandising and Telecommunications have established their own requirements for a minor in business; students majoring in those areas should consult with their major advisor.

Minor in Business

The basic Minor in Business is intended for non-business majors who have personal or career goals that will be reinforced by business course work.


  1. Successfully complete the following courses:
    1. BUS A200 or A201 or A202 (3 cr.)
    2. BUS K201 (3 cr.), with a grade of C or higher (see note below)
    3. BUS L201 (3 cr.)
  2. Successfully complete four of the following additional elective courses:
    1. BUS F300 (3 cr.)
    2. BUS G300 (3 cr.)
    3. BUS M300 (3 cr.)
    4. BUS P300 (3cr.)
    5. BUS Z302 or J306 (3 cr.)

ECON E201 is recommended to round out the student’s minor in business but not required.

Minor in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

The 21 credit Minor in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management is intended for non-business majors who have aspirations and goals in business that will require entrepreneurial skills. Such students might plan to open businesses of their own or work for smaller and/or family-owned businesses. As an alternative to the more traditional minor in business, the minor in entrepreneurship and small business management could fulfill such students’ educational needs while allowing them to pursue their career goals more directly.


  1. Successfully complete the following courses
    1. BUS A200 or A201 or A202 (3 cr.)
    2. BUS K201 (3 cr.), with a grade of C or higher (see note below)
    3. BUS L201 or L311 (3 cr.)
    4. BUS W212 (3 cr.)
    5. BUS M300 (3 cr.)
    6. BUS W300 (3 cr.)
  2. Successfully complete one of the following elective courses (Note: Students who matriculated to IU Bloomington prior to fall 2003 do not need to take an elective for this minor):
    1. BUS F300 (3 cr.)
    2. BUS G300 (3 cr.)
    3. BUS P300 (3cr.)
    4. BUS Z302 or J306 (3 cr.)

Minor in Marketing

This 21 credit minor is intended for non-business majors who have aspirations and goals in business that will require marketing skills. As an alternative to the more traditional Minor in Business, the Minor in Marketing fulfills such students’ educational needs while allowing them to pursue their own career goals more directly.


  1. Successfully complete the following courses:
    1. BUS A200 or A201 or A202 (3 cr.)
    2. BUS K201 (3 cr.), with a grade of C or higher (see note below)
    3. BUS L201 (3 cr.)
    4. BUS M300 (3 cr.)
    5. BUS M311 or M312 (3 cr.)
  2. Successfully complete two of the following additional elective courses:
    1. BUS M311 or M312 (if not used for required course above) (3 cr.)
    2. BUS F300 (3 cr.)
    3. BUS G300 (3 cr.)
    4. BUS P300 (3cr.)
    5. BUS Z302 or J306 (3 cr.)

Important Note The College of Arts and Sciences requires a grade of C– or higher in each course (except for K 201, which requires a grade of C or higher) and an overall GPA of 2.000 in all courses required for the minor.

Students should meet with an advisor from their major department to ensure that program planning is accurate.

BUS A200 Note Students may complete A100 and either A201 or A202 instead of A200 for either minor (A100 is a prerequisite for both A201 and A202).

BUS K201 Note Computer Science majors may substitute CSCI C211 for K201 in either minor.

Note for All Business Minors All 300- and 400-level course work must be completed on the Bloomington campus. None of the course work may be taken by independent study/correspondence, distance education, or “Courses to Go.”

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School of Education

Minor in Educational Studies

The educational studies minor is designed for undergraduates outside the School of Education interested in education as a field of study, i.e. as a social institution, public policy arena, or as a developmental process. Students seeking a minor in Educational Studies are required to complete a total of 15 credit hours of course work. Students interested in the education minor must meet with a School of Education Academic Advisor to identify a course plan and have the minor entered onto their undergraduate program record.

Requirements 15 credit hours in education courses, including:

  1. One of the following foundations courses: EDUC F205 or H340
  2. One of the following developmental/learning courses or course sequences:
    1. P314
    2. P251
    3. P248, P254, and M101
    4. P312 and P313
    5. PSY P315
  3. 6–9 credit hours of electives chosen from following list of education courses.
  4. At least 6 credit hours must be at the 300–400 level.

Electives (all courses are 3 cr. unless otherwise noted)

General Education

  • * EDUC F200 Examining Self as Teacher
  • EDUC G203 Communication in the Classroom

Educational Psychology

  • * EDUC P251 Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers
  • * EDUC P248 Development of the Healthy Student
  • * EDUC P254 Educational Psychology for Teachers of All Grades
  • EDUC M101 Field Experience (1 cr.)
  • * EDUC P312 Learning Theory into Practice and Co-requisite
  • * EDUC P313 Adolescents in a Learning Community
  • EDUC P314 Life Span Development
  • PSY P315 Developmental Psychology

Foundations of Education

  • * EDUC F205 Study of Education & the Practice of Teaching
  • EDUC F401 Topical Exploration in Education
  • * EDUC H340 Education and American Culture
  • EDUC A 308 Legal Issues for Secondary Teachers
  • EDUC E310 Legal/Ethical Issues
  • EDUC H380 Latino Education across the Americas

Art Education

  • * EDUC M135 Self Instruction in Art (1–3 cr.)
  • * EDUC M200 Artifacts, Museums & Everyday Life

Computer Education

  • * EDUC W200 Using Computers in Education
  • EDUC W210 Survey of Computer Based Education
  • EDUC W220 Technical Issues in Computer Based Education

Language Education

  • EDUC X401 Critical Reading in the Content Area
  • EDUC L408 Young Adult Literature for a Diverse Society
  • EDUC L441 Bilingual Education: Introduction
  • EDUC X460 Books for Reading Instruction Reading
    EDUC X470 Psycholinguistics for Teachers of Reading

Mathematics Education

  • EDUC M302 Algebra Throughout the Secondary Curriculum (1 cr.)
  • EDUC M302 Math Modeling Throughout the Secondary Curriculum (1 cr.)
  • EDUC M302 Calculus Throughout the Secondary Curriculum (P: M212) (1 cr.)
  • EDUC M302 Probability and Statistics Throughout the Secondary Curriculum (1 cr.)

Multiculutural Education

  • * EDUC E300 Elementary Education for a Pluralistic Society
  • * EDUC M300 Teaching in a Pluralistic Society
  • EDUC T450 Cultural/Community Forces and the Schools

Special Education

  • * EDUC K205 Introduction to Exceptional Children

Individualized Research (By Arrangement With Individual Faculty)

  • EDUC K490 Research in Special Education (1–3 cr.)
  • EDUC E490 Research in Elementary Education (1–3 cr.)
  • EDUC L490 Research in Language Education (1–3 cr.)
  • EDUC P490 Research in Educational Psychology (1–3 cr.)
  • EDUC S490 Research in Secondary School (1–3 cr.)
  • EDUC W450 Research in Instructional Computing (1–3 cr.)
  • EDUC X490 Research in Language Education (1–3 cr.)

Courses marked with an ( * ) asterisk meet teacher education program requirements as specified.

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Bloomington, IN 47408-4060

Last updated: 12 March 2025 07 26 40

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