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Kelley School of
Business 2008-2010
Academic Bulletin

Undergraduate Program
Kelley School of Business  
Indiana University  
1309 East Tenth Street, BU224  
Bloomington, IN 47405  
Local: (812) 855-0611  
Contact Undergraduate Program

Kelley School of Business

Mission of the School
Guiding Principles
History of the Kelley School of Business
Organization of the School
Services and Facilities
Student Organizations
Scholarships and Awards

Mission of the School

The mission of the Kelley School of Business is to transform lives, organizations, and communities through education and research.

Guiding Principles

The Kelley School is consistently ranked among the top 20 business schools in the nation. Many of our major areas of study are ranked in the top five among public schools. Our high standing and success derive from the following principles:

  • Ethics. Maintaining the highest ethical standards with whomever we interact. This is a matter of respect, trust, and personal integrity and is the foundation of our individual performance and our professional excellence. We accept no less in ourselves and expect no less from others.
  • Collaboration. Providing a collaborative environment that emphasizes mutual respect, individual initiative, innovation, and the pursuit of excellence.
  • Culture of excellence. Enrolling women and men of great character, accomplishment, and leadership ability, and hiring faculty who are not only thought leaders and outstanding scholars, but who are also committed to excellence in teaching.
  • Diversity. Creating a culture that embraces diversity in all its many forms.
  • Innovative curriculum. Providing innovative and relevant curricula that focus on developing critical-thinking skills, exploring complex problems, decision-making under uncertainty, taking responsibility for one’s actions, and leadership.
  • Utilization of technology. Maintaining our leadership in the pervasive and effective use of technology in serving our students.
  • Global perspective. Embracing a global perspective that permeates the content of our courses and influences the topics and contexts of our research.
  • Extensive alumni network. Maintaining strong ties and lifetime relationships with our alumni in ways that further their career ambitions and the school’s educational and research objectives.
  • Civic responsibility. Creating a culture that encourages outreach, service, and rigorous research.
  • Essential partnerships. Creating and sustaining our national and international relationships with corporate and academic partners that provide opportunities for students, faculty, and alumni of the Kelley School of Business.

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100 + Years of Excellence: The History of the Kelley School of Business

The Kelley School of Business is one of the world’s premiere business schools. Business education at Indiana University dates back over a century and a half to the first Indiana University catalog, dated 1830-31, which included political economy in the curriculum. From this first course, during the remainder of the century there developed a Department of Political Economy, later referred to as the Department of Economics and Social Science; it was early courses in these areas that grew into what is now referred to as the “core program” of study in the Kelley School.

In 1902, several business courses were introduced and listed in the university catalog. These commerce courses constituted the last two years of a four-year course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree. The first two years were spent completing a pre-commerce requirement and included all the required courses of the liberal arts curriculum of that period. In 1904, the first business catalog, referred to as the Commercial Course Number, was published.

Thus was established, a century ago, the pattern of building a program of professional education for business upon a liberal arts base—a pattern maintained throughout the years and currently emphasized in the education of the Kelley student. In 1920, a separate School of Commerce and Finance was organized. The school became a member of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business in 1921; in 1933 it was renamed the School of Business Administration and placed under the direct control of its own faculty. In 1938, the title of the school was shortened to the School of Business.

The Junior Division (now the University Division) of the university was established for all first-year students in 1942. After that, enrollment in the School of Business did not include freshmen until 1995, when the Direct Freshman Admission Program began. Graduate coursework in business administration, first authorized in 1936, expanded rapidly after World War II. Programs for the degrees of Master of Business Administration and Doctor of Business Administration were instituted in 1947. In 1961, the designation of the area of study formerly referred to as the Graduate Division of the School of Business was changed to the Graduate School of Business. With the reorganization of the university in November 1974, the School of Business began operating at two campuses—Bloomington and Indianapolis.

Although business courses were offered as early as 1916 on the Indianapolis campus, a degree was not available there until the M.B.A. program was launched in 1962. The bachelor’s degree in business became available at the Indianapolis campus following the 1969 merger of Indiana University with Purdue University in that city. Beginning in 1969, a divisional structure emerged in Indianapolis with an assistant chairperson at its head. In 1969-70, complete undergraduate degree programs were offered for four major areas in business, as were three two-year certificate programs.

In 1997, E. W. Kelley, an undergraduate alumnus of the Indiana University School of Business, donated $23 million to assist the school in its mission to provide the premiere business program in the nation. To honor the generosity of his gift, the IU School of Business was renamed the Kelley School of Business.

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Organization of the School

The school’s resident faculty, composed of more than 190 members, is its basic governing body. The various programs and curricula, as well as all major policy considerations, are reviewed and approved periodically at meetings of the entire resident faculty. Administrative support for the school is provided by the Office of the Dean, by a chair in each of the school’s seven academic departments, and by a chair of each of the academic programs. The Academic Council, made up of those administrators mentioned above, along with two elected faculty representatives, administers Kelley School of Business policy. In addition, a number of committees appointed by the dean recommend to the faculty various academic and operating policies. At various times, these committees are also assigned specific administrative responsibilities.

The school’s administration manages its programs on both the Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses. The Office of the Dean consists of the Dean, the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, the Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, and the Assistant Dean for Finance and Operations. Administrative support for instructional programs is provided by six organizational units: the School of Business Undergraduate Program Office (Bloomington and Indianapolis), the M.B.A. Office (Bloomington), the Office for the M.B.A./Career Integrated Program (Indianapolis), the Doctoral Program (Bloomington), the Graduate Accounting Programs (Bloomington), the Information Systems Graduate Program (Bloomington), and the Office of the Director of Kelley Direct (Bloomington and Indianapolis). Assistance with Kelley admission, academic advising, and degree certification are provided by professional staff members assigned to each of these organizational units.

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Services and Facilities

Academic Advising

All undergraduate business students have the opportunity to work with academic advisors. The business academic advisors have offices in the Kelley School and are available to help students in setting academic goals, realizing the skills needed for success, selecting courses, and addressing general and special problems related to their business programs. Advisors are available by appointment, which may be scheduled by calling (812) 855-0611. Business advisors are also available for walk-in, phone, and e-mail advising; see the Kelley Undergraduate Program website for details.

Undergraduate Career Services

Director: Susie Clarke, B.S. (Indiana University, 1979)

Senior Associate Director: Scott Zanger, M.S. (Indiana University, 1991)
Associate Directors: Mark Brostoff, M.H.A. (Washington University, 1982); Theresa Green-Ervin, M.A. (University of Alabama, 1999); Deborah Morris, B.S. (Indiana University, 1990)

The Kelley School of Business has one of the most highly regarded career services departments in the nation. Each year, hundreds of companies send representatives to the Kelley School to interview prospective candidates with business career aspirations. Other firms provide information regarding opportunities of interest to both graduating students and juniors seeking internships. Undergraduate Career Services coordinates the recruiting programs, makes information available regarding all job openings brought to its attention, and refers qualified students to companies that do not interview locally. Its extensive website of continuously updated career resources is available at https://ucso.indiana.edu/cgi-bin/index.cfm.

Undergraduate Career Services is located in the Kelley School, in room BU P100; it serves as a meeting ground for all Indiana University Bloomington undergraduates seeking business careers and for business organizations seeking to employ them. To utilize these services, all students must complete our career education requirements. For those seeking business internship opportunities, this means completing the IU Bloomington BUS-X 220 class, Career Perspectives. For those seeking full-time career opportunities, this means completing the IU Bloomington BUS-X 420 class, Career Planning and Placement. We recommend that all students take X420 in the second semester of the junior year and no later than the first semester of the senior year. In these two courses, every effort is made to assist students in evaluating personal career potential, determining where individual skills can be best used, organizing job search campaigns.

The Business/School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) Library

The Business/School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) Information Commons Associate Librarian and Head: Steven L. Sowell, M.L.S. (University of Maryland, 1976), M.S. (Indiana University, 2002)
Associate Librarian and Associate Head: Nels Gunderson, M.L.S. (Indiana University, 1977)
Librarian and Librarian for Business/SPEA Monographs: Michael Parrish, M.A. (Indiana University, 1962)

The Business/SPEA Library has been a leader in the introduction of electronic access to information. Students enjoy the speed and convenience of information retrieval through the Internet and online systems that link index and abstract databases and provide full-text. Among the systems now available at the Business/SPEA Information Commons are: Factiva, Business Source Premier, Investext Plus, ABI/Inform, RDS Business Reference Suite, Sports Business Research Network, Thomson Research, Baseline, Lexis/Nexis Academic, Bloomberg, Hoover’s Online, and MarketResearch.com. In addition to its electronic resources, the library has a collection of nearly 130,000 volumes (with 8,000 new additions annually) and subscribes to more than 1,000 journals.

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Student Organizations

Kelley students are active in many of the hundreds of student organizations at Indiana University, including a number of business-related organizations that either recognize outstanding performance or enable students to develop their interests in various fields. Since 1923, top business students at Indiana have been recognized through the international honor society Beta Gamma Sigma. Undergraduate membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is restricted to the top 10 percent, or fewer, of the senior class and the top seven percent, or fewer, of the junior class.

The faculty of the Kelley School recognizes that student organizations enhance the academic environment and the educational programs of the school. They expect students to participate in the many activities and events sponsored by undergraduate student organizations as a way to develop the leadership skills and professional maturity that cannot be taught in the classroom. The school supports its undergraduate organizations and strongly urges academically successful students to become active members of one or more of the following organizations, which were operational as of the bulletin printing.

Kelley Student Government (http://kelley.iu.edu/ksg/)—The Kelley Student Government (KSG) represents the official voice of the Kelley School of Business undergraduate student body and works together with the faculty and staff of the Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Program to influence curriculum and policy changes. The KSG Student Ethics Committee encourages ethics within the Kelley School through programming, education, and policy initiatives. Through the participation of student organization presidents, KSG serves member organizations by promoting collaboration and information sharing.

Civic Leadership Development (http://kelley.iu.edu/civic/)—Founded in 1988, the Civic Leadership Development program (CLD) enhances the Kelley School of Business academic preparation with opportunities for students to increase awareness of local, national, and global social challenges. Under the guidance of a full-time professional staff member, CLD offers several participation venues including strong direct community service, motivational meetings, a lecture series, Topic Groups, fundraising, and leadership experience. CLD also offers Alternative Spring Break, a program that selects and prepares students for in-depth service experiences throughout the United States and abroad.

Kelley School of Business Ambassadors (http://kelley.iu.edu/ugrad/life/sba.cfm)—The Kelley School of Business Ambassadors (SBA) help us attract the best and brightest prospective students. The SBAs share their personal stories at daily information sessions for prospective students and families, mentor incoming business freshmen, act as Day Hosts to visiting students, attend recruitment and open house events, assist with new marketing and recruitment initiatives, and participate in chat sessions with prospective and incoming students.

Other Organizations
AIESEC (http://www.aiesecindiana.org/)
Alpha Kappa Psi (http://www.indiana.edu/~akpsi/)
Asian Business Society
Beta Alpha Psi (http://www.indiana.edu/~bap/)
Business Careers in Entertainment Club (http://www.indiana.edu/~bcec/)
Business in China
Career Perspectives Society
Delta Epsilon Pi (IU DECA)
Delta Sigma Pi (http://www.indiana.edu/~dsp/)
Environmental Business Club
Future Leaders of Business
Global Sales Leadership Society (http://www.iugsls.com/)
International Business Association (http://www.indiana.edu/~iba/)
Investment Banking & Capital Markets Workshop (http://www.kelley.iu.edu/ibw/)
Investment Banking Club (http://www.kelley.iu.edu/ibw/)
IU Real Estate Club
Kelley Capital Investments
Kelley Consulting Group (http://www.kelleyconsultinggroup.com/)
Kelley in Private Equity & Venture Capitalism
Kelley Investing Club
Kelley Marketing X
Kelley Microfinance Initiative
Kelley School Diversity Council
Kelley School of Business Direct Admit Freshman Council
Kelley School of Business Toastmasters International
Kelley Student Alumni Partners
Kelley Student Government
Legal Studies Club
Mitte Society (http://www.kelley.iu.edu/mitte/)
National Association of Black Accountants (http://www.nabainc.org/)
Retail Studies Organization (http://www.indiana.edu/~amo/)
Seek Day
Society for Research Scholars
Student Accounting Society (http://kelley.iu.edu/sas/)
Students In Free Enterprise (http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dfsn7swj_0ggzxfj)
Supply Chain and Operations Management Association (http://www.indiana.edu/~scoma/)
Technology Management Club
Undergraduate Black MBA Association
Undergraduate Finance Club (http://www.iufinance.com/)
Undergraduate Investment Club (http://www.indiana.edu/~uic/)
Undergraduate Marketing Club
Women in Business (http://www.iub.edu/~wib/)
Young Entrepreneurs Association

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Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships available through the Kelley School are based primarily on academic achievement and/or financial need. Eligible candidates must be certified as students in the Kelley School. A student transferring from another institution must complete at least one semester of full-time study at Indiana University before being admitted to the Kelley School and considered for scholarships. For further information, please contact the Undergraduate Program Office in the Kelley School or visit www.kelley.iu.edu/ugrad.

Eligibility for need-based scholarships and federal financial aid is determined by the IU Office of Student Financial Assistance, Franklin Hall 208. To apply for most types of financial aid, students should complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It is available from high school guidance counselors or at the FAFSA home page: www.fafsa.ed.gov. Students should remember to list IU’s federal school code of 001809 as one of the college choices (step five), and be sure to file the FAFSA as soon after January 1 as possible (and definitely before March 1). Information about financial aid procedures is available at www.indiana.edu/~sfa, or by calling the Office of Student Financial Assistance at (812) 855-0321.

Dean’s Honor List
All undergraduate students in the Kelley School with a semester grade point average of 3.5 or higher are recognized on the Dean’s Honor List. Students whose names appear on the Dean’s Honor List after either a semester or summer session are honored on Founders Day during the spring semester.

Academic Distinction
Academic distinction for excellence in scholarship is awarded at Commencement to a limited number of students graduating in business with the Bachelor of Science degree. The number so honored will not exceed 10 percent of the graduating class in the school for that year. Graduates whose grade point averages are in the highest 1 percent and who complete at least 60 credits at Indiana University are graduated with “highest distinction”; those whose grade point averages are in the next highest 4 percent and who complete at least 60 credits at Indiana University are graduated with “high distinction”; and the remaining 5 percent who complete at least 60 credits at Indiana University are graduated with “distinction.” Graduates receiving these honors have them so noted on their diplomas and in the Commencement program and are eligible to wear the cream and crimson fourragère at Commencement. Students must complete their final semester with a grade point average sufficient to warrant the diploma and transcript notation of academic distinction.

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