
Public Affairs

  • SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.) P: MATH-M 014 or equivalent. R: MATH-M 118. An introduction to statistics. Nature of statistical data. Ordering and manipulation of data. Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Elementary probability. Concepts of statistical inference decision: estimation and hypothesis testing. Special topics discussed may include regression and correlation, analysis of variance, nonparametric methods. Credit not given for SPEA/PSY/CJUS/MATH K300 and ECON E 270/E 370, SOC-S 250, or PSY/MATH-K 310.
  • SPEA-K 301 Statistics Laboratory (1 cr.) This course is an optional module to accompany SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques and must be taken concurrently with K 300. The course focuses on application techniques being taught in K 300. This course will allow students to obtain tutoring with specific problems. Sessions are linked to K 300 lectures.
  • SPEA-V 100 Current Topics in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) Readings and discussion of current public issues and problems. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 130 Representative Bureaucracy and Social Equity (3 cr.) Diversity has become a central theme of public policy, as America has struggled to expand on the Constitution's charge to promote the general welfare. The broad parameters of diversity are discussed, including the concepts of representative bureaucracy, social equity, and affirmative action and equal employment opportunity responses to the problem.
  • SPEA-V 160 National and International Policy (3 cr.) This course will discuss current debates about United States public policy on the national and international levels. Some policy issues covered are economics, crime, security, health, and energy. Credit not given for both V 160 and V 170.
  • SPEA-S 160 Honors—National and International Policy (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 160; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions (3 cr.) An introduction to urban policy issues. Topics include political, social, and economic foundations and development of cities and suburbs; urban planning; poverty; and other selected urban problems. Credit not given for both V 161 and V 264.
  • SPEA-S 161 Honors—Urban Problems and Solutions (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 161; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 170 Introduction to Public Affairs (3 cr.) Broad coverage of public affairs through critical and analytical inquiry into policy making at all levels of government. Particular emphasis on intergovernmental relations as they affect policy in the federal system. Credit not given for both V 160 and V 170.
  • SPEA-V 181 US Policy and Administration (3 cr.) The policy making and implementation process in the United States is complex and effects the daily lives of citizens in a profound way. This course will introduce that process and highlight the forces have shaped some of the most salient policy battles of the last decade.
  • SPEA-V 182 Policy-making around the World: Comparative and International Approaches (3 cr.) This course introduces students to the fields of comparative and international policy. The first part explores how and why governments around the world make policy choices and how these choices affect their citizens. The second part introduces students to how governments work together with other actors to solve global problems.
  • SPEA-V 184 Law and Public Affairs (3 cr.) (Bloomington only.) This course provides a basic understanding of the origins, process, and impact of law in the making and implemen­ting public policy. Students learn who has power to make and implement laws, the different forms law takes, how to find and interpret law, and key principles of law that shape public affairs. 
  • SPEA-V 185 Management of Public Problems and Solutions (3 cr.) (Bloomington only.) This course introduces students to the theory, skills, and processes of management across sectors. Topics of accountability, decision making, collaborative partnerships, and social equity are highlighted in considering how managers develop solutions for increasingly difficult governance problems.
  • SPEA-V 186 Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance (3 cr.) (Bloomington only.) This course explores the budgetary process that governs spending in the public sector. It also describes the various revenue sources available to public and non-profit sectors and the accounting documents that are used to record financial activities in the public and non-profit sectors.
  • SPEA-V 200 Competitive Debate Seminar (1 cr.) This course is designed for students who wish to participate in the intercollegiate and competitive debate program. The Competitive Debate Seminar will be dedicated to advancing each particulars students understanding of debate concepts and theory, topic research, and practice debate rounds.
  • SPEA-V 201 International Policy-making Practicum: Model United Nations (3 cr.) This course prepares students to participate as delegates at an intercollegiate conference simulating UN negotiations. Students will learn about the history and institutions of the UN. They will become deeply knowledgeable about the nations they represent and understand how national interest, power, and international institutions affect policy outcomes.
  • SPEA-V 202 Contemporary Economic Issues in Public Affairs (3 cr.) P: ECON-E 251 OR ECON-B 251 (Bloomington only.) This course reinforces and deepens economic skills by applying basic economic concepts and models to a variety of areas, including tax, social, health, regulatory, environmental, and macroeconomic policy. Issues examined include the motivation for intervention in the economy, they types of intervention, and the predicted effects of policies.
  • SPEA-V 203 The Call of Public Service: History, Philosophy, Values and Outcomes (3 cr.)

    Many people want to contribute in some positive way to their community, country, or cause. This contribution can be called “public service,” which is an important institution pursued widely and valued globally. The course examines its historical evolution, relationships to world religions and philosophies, motivations, values, and outcomes.

  • SPEA-V 212 Statistics for Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.) The objectives of this course are to impart the concepts and tools of statistical analysis to students who may pursue additional coursework or careers in the public, private, or nonprofit sectors in arenas as diverse as governmental affairs, environmental manage­ment, and health management. Course assumes students have limited familiarity with statistics.
  • SPEA-S 220 Honors—Law and Public Affairs (3 cr.) (Bloomington only.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 220; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 221 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.) This course provides a broad overview of the U.S. nonprofit sector. Topics include the sector's size and scope and its religious, historical, and theoretical underpinnings. It also examines perspectives on why people organize, donate to, and volunteer for nonprofit organizations, and looks at current challenges that the sector faces.
  • SPEA-V 226 Managing Emergency Services (3 cr.) This course is designed to advance students' understanding of the chief administrator's role in directing police, fire, and emergency medical services on a day-to-day basis and during major disasters. This will include the challenges of planning for a major disaster, and managing the emergency and post recovery period.
  • SPEA-V 236 Managing and Leading Organizations (3 cr.) Managing and Leading Organizations (3 cr.) Course introduces domestic and global challenges of management in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors. Examines a range of management concepts and how they can be applied in a contemporary setting. Topics include the organizational environment as well as employee attitudes, cognition, behavior, and performance.
  • SPEA-S 236 Honors—Management Concepts and Applications I in Public and Private Organizations (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 236; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 241 Management Foundations and Approaches (3 cr.) This course examines core functions of management and the political socio-economic context within which organizations operate in different sectors of employment. It is organized into five main parts: what management entails; approaches to the study of management; contextual factors; core issues; and management functions. Course concludes with a capstone exercise.
  • SPEA-S 241 Honors—Management Foundation and Approaches (3 cr.) (Bloomington only.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 241; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 246 Elements of Governmental and Nonprofit Financial Accounting Cycle (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 186. This course is designed to prepare students for next level courses in governmental accounting and reporting; nonprofit accounting and reporting; and health accounting and finance.
  • SPEA-V 252 Career Development and Planning (1-3 cr.) Course highlights include: identification of work values and personality preference, a career research assignment, networking assignments designed to prepare students for contact with employers, in-depth tutorial and feedback concerning how to craft a marketable resume and cover letter, and development of an overall career development plan.
  • SPEA-V 260 Topics in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) Study of selected issues in public affairs. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 261 Using IT in Public Affairs (3 cr.) Course explores IT and computing in public affairs. Topics include basic IT concepts, project proposals, network and infrastructure design, security, ethics, data and document management, cloud computing, and IT futures. Applications include using office suites, website development, and building spreadsheets and statistics, and databases. Recommend basic understanding of computer operations.
  • SPEA-V 263 Public Management (3 cr.) This course is an examination of the management process in public organizations in the United States. Special attention will be given to external influences on public managers, the effect of the intergovernmental environment and, in particular, problems of management in a democratic, limited government system.
  • SPEA-S 263 Honors—Public Management (3 cr.) (Bloomington only.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 263; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 264 Urban Structure and Policy (3 cr.) An introduction to urban government and policy issues. Topics include urban government structure and policy making, the economic foundations and development of cities, demography of cities and suburbs, land-use planning, and other selected urban policy problems. Credit not given for both SPEA-V 161 and SPEA-V 264.
  • SPEA-V 267 American Humanics Management Institute (1 cr.) Students attending the American Humanics Management Institute (AHMI) are required to participate in orientation meetings to plan for AHMI and raise funds for the trip. AHMI is held annually in January. Permission of the American Humanics Campus Director is required. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 268 American Humanics Topics (1-3 cr.) Topics covering specific American Humanics competencies reflecting the particular needs and interests of participating students and the local advisory board for the program. Topics may include risk management, fundraising, board and committee development, and nonprofit marketing. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 270 Survey of Administrative Techniques (3 cr.) Introduction to principles of management and systems theory for the administration of public agencies. Credit not given for both SPEA-V 270 and SPEA-J 310.
  • SPEA-V 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3 cr.) A survey of the incidence of terrorism around the world. Overviews of ongoing conflicts with terrorist organizations in various countries are interspersed with analyses of significant terrorist events and public policies and responses such events create.
  • SPEA-V 275 Introduction to Emergency Management (3 cr.) An examination of the background and nature of the profession, the central theoretical debates concerning natural and human- induced disasters, mitigating and reacting to these catastrophic events, and the major roles and responsibilities of emergency managers. Current practical problems and future directions will be explored.
  • SPEA-V 320 Current Events and General Politics (3 cr.) (Washington Leadership Program only.) Course examines Federal decision makers: who are they, how they operate, and their paths. Speakers are from health care, finance, transportation, environment, homeland security, etc. Students attend Congressional hearings and write legislative briefs. Course concludes with a mock congressional hearing role playing by students.
  • SPEA-V 336 Managing External Collaboration and Networks (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 185. Course introduces students to the theory, skills, and processes of collaboration. With the rise of infinitely complex issues such as globally linked economies and climate change, there is a move to maximize organizational success by using inter-agency, -firm, or -sectoral collaborations, public/private partnerships, and public engagement.
  • SPEA-S 336 Honors—Management Concepts and Applications II in Public and Private Organizations (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 236 or SPEA-S 236. Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 336; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 339 Legal History and Public Policy (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 184 This course will cover a specific policy issue in American history (such as race relations or political protest/dissent) during specific time periods and focus on the role played by the U.S. Supreme Court in dealing with that issue.
  • SPEA-S 339 Honors-Legal History and Public Policy (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 220 or S 220 Course covers same material as SPEA-V 339; honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration (3 cr.) Structure of local government in the United States, federalism and intergovern­mental relations, policy problems faced by local officials, and the implications of these problems for local government administrators.
  • SPEA-V 346 Introduction to Government Accounting and Financial Reporting (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 246 (Bloomington only); BUS-A 200 or BUS-A 201 (Indianapolis only); or permission of the instructor. An introduction to government accounting, including comparison with accounting for the private sector; intended as background for the use of financial administrators. The course deals primarily with municipal accounting.
  • SPEA-S 346 Introduction to Government Accounting and Financial Reporting (3 cr.) Course covers same material as SPEA-V 346; honors students will complete advanced coursework.  
  • SPEA-V 348 Management Science (3 cr.) P: SPEA-K 300, MATH-M 025, or MATH-M 118. Introduction to management science models and methods for policy analysis and public management. Methods include decision analysis, linear programming, queuing analysis, and simulation. Computer-based applications are included. Prior familiarization with com­puters is recommended, though not required.
  • SPEA-V 350 Introduction to Development Administration (3 cr.) Introduction to the administration of development activities in poor countries. Examines key problems, including the complexity of development, the interplay of external donors and domestic administration, and the difficulties of organizing and managing development efforts. Combines cases and textual readings, allowing the student to analyze actual programs, policies, and projects.
  • SPEA-V 352 Personal Career Planning (1 cr.) Investigation of careers, the world of work, and the career-planning process. The focal point is on students and their goals. Provides assistance in developing practical, meaningful, and realistic insights into the nature of making a public career choice in today's world. Credit awarded for either SPEA-V 352, BUS-X 420 or ASCS-Q 299.
  • SPEA-V 356 Introduction to Nonprofit Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 246 (Bloomington only); BUS-A 200 or BUS-A 201 (Indianapolis only); or consent of instructor. This course covers concepts and processes of nonprofit accounting and financial reporting, with exploration of differences between for-profit, governmental, and nonprofit systems. Examples will be drawn from health organizations, welfare agencies, charities, and educational institutions.
  • SPEA-V 361 Financial Management (3 cr.) Presents the basic theory of financial management and its application to short- and long-term financing decisions by managers. Topics include: financial statement analysis; time value of money; capital budgeting concepts and techniques; securities valuation; cost of capital and optimal capital structure; risk and uncertainty; investment strategy and portfolio management.
  • SPEA-V 362 Nonprofit Management and Leadership (3 cr.) Students in this experiential course prepare themselves for this field as well as public and private sector jobs that intersect with the nonprofit sector. This course provides an overview of nonprofit management practices, including governance, leadership, planning, performance measurement, marketing, finances, ethics, team management, and staff and volunteer relations.
  • SPEA-S 362 Honors—Nonprofit Management and Leadership (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 362; in addition, honors students complete advanced course projects that apply to actual problems faced by nonprofit leaders.
  • SPEA-V 365 Urban Development and Planning (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 161. This course identifies the major problems associated with urban development in the United States, and investigates the potential of public planning strategies and tools to deal with these problems. An emphasis is placed on the application of analytical approaches to problem definition and solution.
  • SPEA-S 365 Honors-Urban Development and Planning (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 161 or S161. Course covers same material as SPEA-V 365; honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.) This course provides an introduction to the management of people in public organizations. Focus is on Behavioral Science in Management and related analytical and experiential applications.
  • SPEA-S 366 Honors—Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 366; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 368 Managing Government Operations (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 348. Application of analytical techniques to operating decisions in the public management sector. Cases are used extensively to illustrate the application of techniques (such as charting, capacity and demand analysis, forecasting, performance measurement, decision analysis, queuing/simulation, Markov modeling, and cost-effective analysis) to design, scheduling, inventory assignment, transportation, and replacement decisions.
  • SPEA-V 369 Managing Information Technology (3 cr.) Analysis and discussion of information technology as applied to problem solving and management in public and non-profit sectors. Topics include management, infrastructures, policies, and concepts such as scalability, manageability, security, and cost of technology. Focus is on high-level issues surrounding IT and the strategic positioning of IT in all sectors of business. Recommended: SPEA-V 261 or BUS-K 201.
  • SPEA-S 369 Honors—Managing Information Technology (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 369; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3 cr.) P: SPEA-K300 or equivalent. This course will introduce the student to the basic methods, issues, analytical techniques, and ethical considerations of evaluation research.
  • SPEA-S 370 Honors-Research Methods Applied Research (3 cr.) P: SPEA-K300 or equivalent. Course covers same material as SPEA-V 370; honors students will complete advanced coursework. 
  • SPEA-V 371 Financing Public Affairs (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 202 (Bloomington only); SPEA-V 170 (Indianapolis only); A survey of economic and political theories of market failures, public expenditure evaluation, economic stabilization, systems of redistribution, and fiscal federalism. Examples and applications to contemporary government decisions.
  • SPEA-S 371 Honors-Financing Public Affairs (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 160 or SPEA-S 160(Bloomington only); SPEA-V 170 (Indianapolis only); or ECON-E 201, E 202. Course covers same material as SPEA-V 371; honors students will complete advanced coursework.  
  • SPEA-V 372 Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 170, ECON-E 201 or E 202 (Indianapolis only). Study of fiscal management in public agencies, including revenue administration, debt management, and public budgeting.
  • SPEA-S 372 Honors—Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 372; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 373 Human Resource Management in the Public Sector (3 cr.) The organization and operation of public personnel management systems, with emphasis on concepts and techniques of job analysis, position classification, training, affirmative action, and motivation.
  • SPEA-S 373 Honors—Human Resource Management in the Public Sector (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 373; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 374 Intermediate Public Budgeting and Finance for Public Affairs (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 186. The public and non-profit sectors provide resources and produce goods and services that are crucial for a well-functioning society. This requires plans for production, financing, and accounting. This course uses V186 a base to explore these issues.
  • SPEA-V 376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the origins, process, and impact of law in the making and implementing of public policy. The course's major objective is to provide students with the substantive concepts necessary to understand the judicial system and law in its various forms.
  • SPEA-V 377 Legal Process and Contemporary Issues in America (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 220 (Bloomington only); SPEA-V 376. An introduction to the U.S. legal system, including the Constitution, courts system, and administrative law in federal and state agencies. Readings and discussion center around current issues affected by the legal process.
  • SPEA-S 377 Honors—Legal Process and Contemporary Issues (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 377; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 378 Federal Government Processes (3 cr.) In this class, through detailed examination of the legislative process, the budget process and the regulatory process, students will explore Federal Government processes and how they aid and hinder programmatic implementation. The skills and knowledge discussed in this class help students understand the inner workings of the Federal Government.
  • SPEA-S 378 Honors—Policy Processes in the United States (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-­V 378; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 379 Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of program evaluation as it relates to public affairs, criminal justice, health policy, and environmental science with particular emphasis on measuring program outcomes. The course is designed for students who envision themselves working in management, policy-making, or research roles.
  • SPEA-V 380 Internship in Public and Environmental Affairs (0-6 cr.) P: permission of instructor. Open to interested students upon approval of the faculty. Students are placed with public agencies or governmental units for assignment to a defined task relevant to their educational interests in public affairs. Tasks may involve staff work or research. Full-time participants may earn up to 6 credit hours. Course is graded S/F (Satisfactory/Fail). May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 381 Professional Experience (1-6 cr.) Students will be required to fulfill a minimum of 120 hours of professional relevant work.
  • SPEA-V 386 Case Studies for Policy Analysis (3 cr.) This course focuses on analyzing case studies of public policies using a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including application of the principles and concepts of intermediate microeconomic theory.
  • SPEA-S 386 Honors-Case Studies for Policy Analysis (3 cr.) Course covers same material as SPEA-V 386; honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 387 Public Administration and Emergency Management (3 cr.) An examination of the American federal system and how it affects policy making and emergency management. Topics include government programs, participation of agencies and actors from all three levels of government, the nonprofit sector, and the private sector. Administrative processes involved in managing major hazards and disasters will be presented.
  • SPEA-V 388 American Humanics Internship (3-6 cr.) American Humanics, Inc. requires an internship of 300 to 600 contact hours. A minimum of 3 credit hours is required. Credits will be given at the rate of 1 hour = 100 internship hours. Permission of the American Humanics Campus Director is required.
  • SPEA-V 389 Risk and Hazard Mitigation (3 cr.) An examination of the principles and practice of risk and hazard mitigation at all levels of government and private industry. The tools, techniques, resources, programs, intergovern­mental relationships, public-private partner­ships, and the broader social context involved in planning for organizational and business continuity and implementing risk reduction strategies are covered.
  • SPEA-V 390 Readings in Public and Environmental Affairs (0-3 cr.) P: permission of instructor. Independent readings and research related to a topic of special interest to the student. Written report required. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 391 Honors Readings in Public and Environmental Affairs (1-3 cr.) P: approval of instructor and SPEA honors advisor. Restricted to students in SPEA Honors Program. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 401 Financial and Cost-Benefit Analysis (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 202 (Bloomington only). This course familiarizes students with the principles of financial analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and Kaldor / Hicks accounting. Topics include net present value calculation; net annual worth; public and private decision criteria; and market data adjustment for taxes, rents, and other market distortions.
  • SPEA-S 401 Honors-Financial & Cost-Benefit Analysis (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 361 (Bloomington only). Course covers same material as SPEA-V 401; honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 402 Human Behavior and Energy Consumption (3 cr.) We face many barriers that prevent us from conserving energy and other natural resources. This course is aimed at decreasing energy use in independent of top down regulations. Students will understand the nature of energy, the importance of behavior, and how to create, and evaluate behavioral change.
  • SPEA-V 404 Advanced Public Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 185. This course advances the effective management of public organizations by presenting a range of theories and ideas relevant to management and leadership of organizations and the people within them. Topics and skills include organizational structure, decision making, implementing new government programs, innovation, and assessing government performance
  • SPEA-V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3 cr.) This course focuses on Congress as a policy-making body in the U.S. public law system. It covers the constitutional framework for congressional operations, as well as technical aspects of the legislative process such as bill drafting and analysis, the role of leadership, and the prerogatives of individual members.
  • SPEA-S 405 Honors—Public Law and the Legislative Process (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 405; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 406 Public Law and the Electoral Process (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to facilitate understanding of the interaction of electoral politics and policy. It covers the legal framework of the evolution of the "right" to vote, the impact of the judiciary on the structure of elections, limitations on campaign practices, and the importance of legislative districting and its control.
  • SPEA-V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 184 The purpose of this course is to build understanding of government relations work as applied to careers in the field. It covers the historical evolution of the constitutional right to petition the government with an under­standing of the limitations imposed upon the process. The interaction of public and private sectors is included.
  • SPEA-S 407 Honors—Public Law and Government Relations (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 407; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 409 Federal Policymaking and the Hearing Process (3 cr.) Using a structured speaker series as a base, this class exposes students to policy decision makers in the legislative and executive branches. The class requires students attend Congressional hearings, write hearing memos, and finishes the semester with a student run mock hearing.
  • SPEA-V 412 Leadership and Ethics (3 cr.) This course is designed to examine the complex leadership issues and challenges facing communities and to explore how citizens and government can work together to address these challenges. This includes exploration of how the problems, conflicts, and dilemmas encountered by leaders when making decisions must be considered within an ethical framework.
  • SPEA-V 413 Food Systems and Community Resilience (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of the food system in the U.S., focusing on the system shaping the food we eat, and the resilience of people, communities, and the environment. It explores community food system development in relation to food security and food sovereignty as catalysts to resilient communities.
  • SPEA-V 414 National Security Bureaucracy and Policy (3 cr.) Course is designed for students interested in US national security and bureaucracy policy and process, who want to work in the field, or who want to understand the nature of international security threats to the US. Course traces foundations, evolution, and future of national security bureaucracy and the policy process.
  • SPEA-V 415 Data Science in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.) Course provides a practical experience for students to acquire useful, marketable skills in Data Science. Students will learn to effectively manage and analyze data with the purpose of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues and communicate findings to a larger audience.
  • SPEA-V 420 Financial Management and Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations (3 cr.) The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the role of financial management in modern not-for-profit organization. The course therefore covers applications of budgeting, financial and management accounting principles and procedures, and financial analysis for nonprofit organizations.
  • SPEA-V 421 Metropolitan Development (3 cr.) Discussion of the process of development in metropolitan regions. Includes topics such as economic development, land use evolution, and demographic change. Consideration of relevant policy issues.
  • SPEA-V 422 Transportation Policy Analysis (3 cr.) This course examines current issues in transportation to identify the key analytic and management issues that must be considered in developing effective public policy. Particular emphasis will be placed on examining the rationale for and actual impact of existing government policies, and on analyzing the likely impacts of policy alternatives.
  • SPEA-V 424 Environmental Law, Justice, and Politics (3 cr.) An introduction to U.S. environmental politics and policy, focusing on the institutions and political actors involved in environmental protection. It emphasizes the difficult political, economic, and social justice questions that arise in the context of managing current and future public health and ecological risks.
  • SPEA-V 424 Homeland Security: Policy and Practice (3 cr.) This course examines homeland security policy through its practice in security agencies. Students will analyze primary sources and policy objectives, and survey U.S. homeland security through historical and recent incidents. Students will evaluate current events, and their implications for federalism, fiscal policy, civil liberties and future policymaking.
  • SPEA-V 427 International Development Finance (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of international financial tools utilized in development finance. It first develops a basic foundation in financial, credit and macroeconomic concepts. It then evaluates the instruments of financing development in countries that lack the capacity to raise sufficient capital to foster a higher quality of life.
  • SPEA-V 432 Labor Relations in the Public Sector (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 373 (Bloomington only). An introductory overview of labor relations in the public sector. Course includes the development, practice, and extent of the collective bargaining process and adminis­tration of the labor agreement by state and local governments.
  • SPEA-S 432 Honors—Labor Relations in the Public Sector (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 432; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 434 NGO Management for International Development (3 cr.) Coursework prepares students for employment in international development. It covers a range of theoretical material and practical skills, answering questions like: What role do NGOs play in developing countries? How do we define and measure NGO success or failure? How do NGOs fundraise, plan, evaluate and collaborate on programs?  
  • SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (3 cr.) This course introduces students to the theories and techniques of alternative dispute resolution. The course covers interest-based negotiation, mediation, arbitration, fact-finding, early neutral evaluation, and other techniques used in business, labor relations, environmental disputes, family relations, and international affairs.
  • SPEA-S 435 Honors—Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 435; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 436 Communication for Government and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) This course will develop an appreciation regarding the critical nature of communication by managers in the public and nonprofit sector. It will introduce students to the skills critical for effective communication as professionals.
  • SPEA-S 436 Honors—Communication for Government and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA‑V 436; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 437 Public Transportation (3 cr.) The class will explore the basis of passenger transportation, including the models of bus, rail, paratransit, and taxi. Passenger Transportation Management Elements: Human Resources, Finance, Operations, Scheduling, Maintenance and Planning. Federal Policy; Program funding options: policy development, Interagency programs, and the Federal Authorization process. Mobility options: volunteer programs, car sharing, ridesharing and coordinated programs.
  • SPEA-V 438 Mass Media and Public Affairs (3 cr.) Course analyzes the role of the media in the formation of public policy, including the responsibility of journalists, legal and ethical constraints, business pressures and their effects, impact of technology, and similar issues.
  • SPEA-V 439 Debates in Public Finance (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 202 (Bloomington only). This course familiarizes students with the tools required to objectively analyze the potential impacts of various government policies. It covers important policies at the federal, state and local levels of government including income, sales taxes and property taxes, and mandatory and discretionary spending. Debt administration is also included.
  • SPEA-V 441 Topics in Financial Management and Policy (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 372. Various topics focusing on financial management and policy are examined in state and local settings. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 442 Topics in Budgeting or Cost-Benefit (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 372. Various topics in budgeting or cost-benefit analysis are examined. Course may be repeated for different topics.
  • SPEA-V 443 Managing Workforce Diversity (3 cr.) The composition and nature of the workforce is changing. Managers must decide how to accommodate real differences among the members of their organizations. This course seeks to provide information for practitioners who hope to integrate an understanding of workforce diversity into their management style and professional behavior.
  • SPEA-V 444 Public Administrative Organization (3 cr.) A review of research findings and analysis of the operation of public agencies and their performance.
  • SPEA-V 447 Federal Budget Policy (3 cr.) Examination of the institutions and processes involved in putting together the annual federal budget, with emphasis on the role of the Appropriations and Budget Committees in Congress, on the White House, and on the Office of Management and Budget in the executive branch. Selected major policy areas will be considered.
  • SPEA-V 449 Senior Policy Seminar (3 cr.) Discussion of the role of policy analysts in government. Applications of analytical tools to substantive policy areas such as transportation, community development, education, poverty, manpower, and health.
  • SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) Extensive analysis of selected contemporary issues in public affairs. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 451 Social Policy and the Aging (3 cr.) A focused examination of government and the elderly. Public policy and administration of income, health, housing, employment, and social service programs, as well as analysis of the context of aging policy.
  • SPEA-V 454 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) R: SPEA-V 221 or SPEA-V 362. This course introduces students to the tools and managerial strategies that will support effective human resource management in nonprofit organizations and in the public agencies that work closely with nonprofits or with volunteers.
  • SPEA-V 456 Topics in Public Law (3 cr.) Extensive analysis of selected contemporary issues in public law. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 457 Human Resources Training and Development (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 373. This course provides both a conceptual and pragmatic framework for understanding the needs of an organization for its employees' development and methods and strategies to best meet those needs. The course focuses on real-life examples through case studies and will deconstruct strategies, explore opposing viewpoints, and practice course creation.
  • SPEA-V 458 Fund Development for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) Course builds an understanding of the practice, philosophy, law, and theory of fundraising. Students establish an organization's value base and mission, prepare funding appeals, evaluate readiness for a campaign, assess funding sources, implement fundraising vehicles, evaluate effectiveness, and discuss stewardship of contributions.
  • SPEA-V 460 Intergovernmental Relations (3 cr.) Overview of the dynamics of multi- organizational governance in the United States. Examination of federal and other systems. Structure and operations of intergovernmental programs and the role of managers within these systems.
  • SPEA-V 461 Computer Applications in Public Affairs (3 cr.) P: BUS-K 201. This course is designed to provide students with the essentials of computer hardware and software needed to operate effectively in a public sector environ­ment. The course will emphasize public sector applications using software packages or microcomputers and minicomputers.
  • SPEA-V 462 Community Development (3 cr.) The process and outcomes of local citizen-based efforts to improve social, economic, and cultural conditions. Interaction of public and nonprofit sectors in community revitalization. Experiences, cases, and problems involving both rural and urban settings.
  • SPEA-V 463 Interpersonal Relations in the Workplace (1-4 cr.) Key interpersonal skills will be modeled through a variety of media and experiences. Students will practice these skills and receive feedback. Students will be expected to participate in structured experiences designed to give them insight into their behavior and how it will affect their ability to achieve personal and professional objectives.
  • SPEA-S 463 Honors—Interpersonal Relations in the Workplace (1-4 cr.) Requires consent of SPEA Honors advisor. Course covers same content as SPEA-V 463; however, honors students will complete advanced coursework.
  • SPEA-V 465 Geographic Information Systems for Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.) Students will learn the concepts, methodologies, and perspectives essential for using geographic information systems (GIS) to address critical public affairs issues. Through course projects, students will learn how to use desktop and Internet-based GIS applications and will develop complementary skills related to designing and implementing GIS applications for public-sector organizations.
  • SPEA-V 470 Community Development Workshop (3 cr.) This course will be conducted as an undergraduate research workshop. The focus will be on community development problems, such as long-range planning, the delivery of government services, or local economic development. The research topic of the course will change each year and will be announced the previous semester.
  • SPEA-V 471 Urban Management Systems (3 cr.) This course is designed to extend the student's skill in applying a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods to the problems of urban government planning and management.
  • SPEA-V 473 Management, Leadership, and Policy (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 236 Management Concepts and Applications I and SPEA-V 336 Management Concepts and Applications II for Bloomington only; P: SPEA-K 300 and SPEA-V 370 for Indianapolis only. This course seeks to integrate learning across the public affairs curriculum. Students will review and reflect about their learning in management, leadership, and policy. Experiential methods–service learning, projects, cases, and exercises–will be used to help students apply theory, concepts, and skills.
  • SPEA-V 475 Database Management Systems (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 261, V 369, or equivalent. Students learn contemporary theories and methodologies regarding design, use, and management of database systems among public-sector organizations. The course provides hands-on experience with tools such as entity-relationship diagrams, query languages, database manage­ment software; and an understanding of critical database management issues such as security, backup, and recovery.
  • SPEA-V 476 Compensation Strategy and Systems (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 373. The purpose of this course is to understand the complexity behind successful compensation systems that link organizations to the people they employ. Students will study topics of direct and indirect compensation, internal and external pay equity, and theories of public service motivation and how they apply to the three sectors.
  • SPEA-V 477 Strategic Human Resource Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 373. This class covers the fundamental elements of Strategic Human Resource Management. The course builds on students' foundations of knowledge of HR methods and practices from the perspective of managers and practitioners working in the public and non-profit sectors.
  • SPEA-V 478 Employment Law for Human Resource Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 184. This course focuses on employment laws that are relevant to the Human Resource Manager. Students will study employment  laws and court cases that will provide them with the practical legal knowledge they need as a future HR professional working in the public and/or non-profit sectors.
  • SPEA-V 479 Employee Recruitment and Selection in the Public Sector (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 373. This course will provide an in-depth examination of organizational staffing process in the public sector but is also relevant to the private and non-profit sectors. Effective employee selection and talent utilization for increasing organizational effectiveness will be covered. Other topics include the planning process, retention, and identifying talent.
  • SPEA-V 481 Grant Writing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to prepare students for grant proposal development. Students will explore various skills including how to identify appropriate grant sources; conceptualize, write and submit a grant proposal for funding; prepare a grant budget; and evaluate grant proposals.
  • SPEA-V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (0-15 cr.) SPEA Abroad Program: Study of selected topics in public affairs. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 490 Directed Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (0-3 cr.) To be arranged with the individual instructor and approved by the chairperson of the undergraduate program. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 491 Honors Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (1-3 cr.) P: Approval of instructor and SPEA honors advisor. Restricted to students in the SPEA Honors Program. May be repeated for credit.
  • SPEA-V 499 Honors Thesis (3 cr.) Required of seniors in the Honors Program. Research and paper to be arranged with individual instructor and approved by the campus SPEA Honors Program director. May be repeated for credit.

Academic Bulletins

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