Policies & Procedures
Student Rights and Responsibilities
SPEA Indianapolis fully supports the rights and responsibilities of students as defined in the IUPUI Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. The Student Codespells out the expectations for faculty and students, and it provides the framework for SPEA's judicial process.
A student is entitled to rights in the pursuit of his or her education; freedom from discrimination and harassment; and freedom of association, expression, advocacy, and publication. A student also has the right to contribute to university governance, to receive accommodations for disabilities, and to access records and facilities. In accordance with federal law, student records are confidential and are available to other persons only under specific conditions as outlined in university regulations.
A student is responsible for upholding and following all applicable codes of conduct, including the IUPUI Student Code and SPEA's policy on classroom etiquette and disorderly conduct, and for obeying all applicable policies and procedures and all local, state, and federal laws. A student is responsible for facilitating the learning process, attending class regularly, completing class assignments, and coming to class prepared. In addition, a student is responsible for planning his or her own academic program, planning class schedules, and for meeting the requirements for his or her degree or certificate programs. Faculty and academic advisors are available to assist students in meeting this responsibility. A student is responsible for maintaining and regularly monitoring his or her university accounts, including e-mail and bursar accounts. A student is responsible for using university property and facilities in the pursuit of his or her education, while being mindful of the rights of others to do the same. A student is responsible for upholding and maintaining academic and professional honesty and integrity.
More information can be found on the SPEA-IUPUI bulletin website at http://bulletin.iupui.edu/.