Policies & Procedures

Degree Requirements


In Bloomington, the following course double-count policies are for admitted SPEA students only. Non-SPEA majors cannot double cunt courses with any SPEA academic program.

  • SPEA Minors: Admitted SPEA students earning a SPEA minor may double count up to six (6) credit hours of minor courses with any other SPEA acadmeic program. Each SPEA minor must have at least nine (9) credit hours that do not count toward any other SPEA academic program.
  • SPEA Certificates: Admitted SPEA students earning a SPEA certificate may double count up to six (6) credit hours of certificate requirements with any other SPEA academic program. The remianing SPEA certificate credit hours cannot be applied toward any other SPEA academic program.  
  • SPEA Double Majors: Admitted SPEA students earning two SPEA majors within the same degree may double count up to six (6) credit hours of major courses for both majors. Since, SPEA core courses are common to both majors, only specific to the majors (not core courses) are subject to the double-counting limit.
  • Dual Degrees: Admitted SPEA students earning two SPEA degrees may double count up to six (6) credit hours of core or major courses for both degrees.

In Indianapolis, generally courses taken to meet a specific degree requirement cannot be double-counted (i.e., used to satisfy any other degree requirement). Students earning a SPEA major, minor, or certificate may double-count two courses across any allowable combination of these programs. The following restrictions apply: 1) students are limited to two minors and 2) SPEA students may not earn a certificate or minor in the same area as their major.

Academic Bulletins

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