Policies & Procedures
School Standards
Academic Integrity
This is a basic principle requiring that students take credit only for ideas and efforts that are their own. Academic dishonesty violates that principle and undermines the bonds of trust and cooperation among members of the university community. Penalties and procedures that are applicable when academic misconduct or dishonesty occurs are provided in the SPEA Student Honor Code (http://www.indiana.edu/~spea/career_services/about_us/student-code-of-conduct/SPEA%20Student%20Honor%20Code.shtml), and the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. The policy on academic dishonesty is also published each semester in the Bloomington Enrollment and Student Academic Information Handbook. Indianapolis publishes its policies in the Undergraduate Student Handbook, which is distributed annually to incoming students, and in the Syllabus Addendum, which is distributed to all students each semester.
Indianapolis Statement on Civility
SPEA, which is a professional school, expects students to conduct themselves in a courteous and civil manner in interactions with professors, staff, and fellow students. Examples of discourteous behavior during class include reading the newspaper, working crossword puzzles, listening to headphones, using computers to surf the Web or for other non-class activities, talking or laughing with others, arriving late, and so forth. These behaviors are distracting to the instructor, to staff, and to classmates, and SPEA faculty and staff will address these problems as they arise either in class or on an individual basis. Disorderly conduct that interferes with teaching, research, administration, or other university or university-authorized activity will not be tolerated, and it may result in disciplinary action, including possible suspension and/or expulsion from the university.