Graduate Program in Vision Science (MS, PhD)
- VSCI-V 700 Introduction to Vision Science I (4 cr.) The first of a two-semester sequence of courses that provides a comprehensive introduction to vision science. The course is designed for graduate students enrolled in Vision Science, but is also suitable for students from other disciplines who are interested in the eye and vision.
- VSCI-V 701 Introduction to Vision Science II (4 cr.) The second of a two-semester sequence of courses on vision science. V 700 and this course constitute a breadth requirement for Ph.D. students in Vision Science.
- VSCI-V 705 Ocular Surface Biology (4 cr.) Basic biology and physiology of the ocular surface, including the cornea, conjunctiva, and tear film.
- VSCI-V 707 Retinal Imaging (2-3 cr.) The fundamental methods used in imaging the human retina will be examined, including types of illumination and delivery methods, optical techniques for detection, interaction of light and tissues, systems integration, and selection of imaging modalities based on scientific goals.
- VSCI-V 717 Visual Development in Infancy and Early Childhood (3 cr.)
An introduction to structural and functional development of the human visual system and the methodology used to study visual development.
- VSCI-V 725 Introduction to Retinal Disease Research (3 cr.) P: Permission of the Instructor This course will examine the underlying structural and functional systems that support our rich visual experience and are damaged by retinal disease.
- VSCI-V 754 The Motility of the Eye (4 cr.) P: V 665 or equivalent. Quantitative and qualitative study of eye movements and myologic reflexes, monocular and binocular, and related phenomena.
- VSCI-V 765 Vision Sciences Seminar (1 cr.) Students in the Ph.D. program in Vision Science are required to take this seminar and make a presentation annually.
- VSCI-V 768 Special Topics in Vision Science (1-4 cr.) Covers topics that are not offered on a regular basis. Possible topics include cell and molecular biology as it relates to the eye and vision, comparative studies of the vertebrate eye, current research, experimental design, optical and ophthalmic instruments, pathology, and pharmacology. This course may be taken for credit more than once when different topics are covered.
- VSCI-V 791 Quantitative Methods for Vision Research (3 cr.) Introduction to communication theory approach to problems in vision. Topics include the sensory nerve code, representation of nerve messages by orthogonal functions, sampling theorem, linear filters, Fourier analysis in one and two dimensions, analysis of directional data, stochastic processes, and signal detection theory.
- VSCI-V 792 Ethical Issues in Scientific Research (1 cr.) This required course explores the ethical issues and dilemmas raised by research in the biological sciences.
- VSCI-V 793 Critical Evaluation of Peer Reviewed Publications in Vision Science (1 cr.) This course provides experience to students to critically evaluate literature in the area of vision research. Students will meet for two hours each week for an eight week period. Evaluation will be based on attendance, reading assignments and class participation.