Optician/Technician Program (AS)
Financial Aid
The Indiana University Bloomington Office of Student Financial Assistance offers information and assistance concerning a variety of grants, loans, and other student financial aid. These include but are not limited to Federal Pell Grants, SSACI grants for Indiana residents, Federal Direct Student Loans, and the Federal Work-Study Program.
Application for student financial aid is made by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.ed.gov and having the information sent to IU Bloomington at School Code 001809. Apply between January 1 and March 1 each year for the academic year beginning in late August. The March 1 date is an actual deadline for Indiana state grants and a priority date for other types of federal aid. If you file after March 1, you will still be considered for Pell Grant and Federal Direct Loans, but you may miss out on other valuable financial aid opportunities.
The IU Office of Student Financial Assistance is located in Room 208, Franklin Hall, Bloomington, IN 47405; (812) 855-0321; Web site: www.indiana.edu/~sfa. The School of Optometry also has its own part-time financial aid administrator available for in-person or telephone appointments. You may make contact by phone at (812) 855-1917 or by e-mail at iuoptfa@indiana.edu.