Programs by Campus


Cognitive Science



  • COGS-G 901 Advanced Research (6 cr.)
  • COGS-Q 510 Professional Development for Cognitive Scientists (2 cr.) Covers the skills you need to thrive in grad school and research careers beyond, including working with mentors, coming up with ideas, reading, writing (including papers and grants--you'll write and submit an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship grant or something similar), giving talks, outreach and publicity, ethical behavior, job search, and more. It's also a great opportunity to get to know your cohort of new grad students (and their research interests) in Psychology and Neuroscience (who also take the course in their first semester), and some of the faculty in all three programs who come in as guest speakers
  • COGS-Q 511 Introduction to Embodied Cognitive Science (3 cr.) This course provides a broad introduction to the growing importance of the concepts of situatedness, embodiment and dynamics in cognitive science. It covers both the key conceptual content and the historical development of these ideas. In addition, it surveys classic work in this area. Examples will be drawn from philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, robotics, and the social sciences. Class meetings will consist of a combination of lectures by the instructor, guest lectures, and student presentation and discussion of readings.
  • COGS-Q 520 (core course) Mathematics and Logic for Cognitive Science (3 cr.) Covers the mathematical backgrounds of contemporary work in cognitive science. Includes basic material on both the symbolic and connectionist approaches: machines, logics, net­works, games, and probability.
  • COGS-Q 530 (core course for PhD program) Programming Methods in Cognitive Science (3 cr.) P: Some programming experience. An introduction to computer programming methods for artificial intelligence and computer simulation of cognitive models. Emphasis on the necessary data structures and their applications to cognitive science. Programming projects may be related to state-space search for problem solving and game playing, production systems, and cognitive modeling tasks including memory models and neural simulations.
  • COGS-Q 540 (core course) Philosophical Foundations of the Cognitive and Information Sciences (3 cr.) Causal issues: cognitive architec­ture, physical embodiment, neuroscience, networks, dynamic systems. Semantic issues: meaning, interpretation, represen­tation, information flow. The role of both in language, logic, reasoning, action, perception, learning, categorization, and consciousness. Emphasis on writing, analysis, and exposition.
  • COGS-Q 550 (core course) Models in Cognitive Science (3 cr.) P: Q530 and Q560. An introduction to modeling in various areas of cogni­tive science, including computer simulation models of complex cognition, models within artificial intelligence, models based on neural mechanisms and networks, and formal and mathemati­cal models in areas such as psychology, linguistics, and philoso­phy.
  • COGS-Q 551 (core course) The Brain and Cognition (3 cr.) An introduction to neural mechanisms underlying complex cognition, and a survey of topics in neuroscience related to cognition. It provides a solid background in human biopsychology.
  • COGS-Q 560 (core course for PhD program) Experimental Methods in Cognitive Science (3 cr.) Specific goals of this course include: a) an understanding of experimental design and the resources for future studies; b) an understanding of converging measures and programmatic research; c) discussion of current controversies in experimental design; and d) hands-on experience in designing, conducting, and analyzing experiments.
  • COGS-Q 570 Behavior-Based Robotics (3 cr.) This course will present an overview of behavior-based robotics and its implica­tions for embodied cognitive science, incorporating results from artificial intelligence, robotics, ethology, and psychology. It will give students an appreciation of the difficulties associated with implementing models on robots and allow them to tack research questions in groups.
  • COGS-Q 580 Introduction to Dynamic Systems in Cognitive Science (3 cr.) Concepts from dynamical systems theory are becoming increasingly important in cognitive science, and the construction and evaluation of dynamical models requires a thorough understanding of the mathematical theory of dynamical systems in the same way that computational models in cognitive science require a thorough understanding of computation. This course provides such an introduction to dynamical systems theory, with an emphasis on the underlying mathematical ideas and tools. Although we will focus on dynamical systems formed by sets of differential equations, we will also cover discrete-time dynamical systems at several key points. The course will begin with a comprehensive study of one and two-dimensional systems and then proceed to the general case. At each step, we will examine the limit sets, stabilities, phase portraits and bifurcations that are characteristic of that dimension. Throughout the course, applications drawn from a wide variety of areas will be used to illustrate the mathematics. We will also make heavy use of computer tools for analysis and visualization.
  • COGS-Q 590 Topics in Cognitive and Info Sciences
  • COGS-Q 610 Networks of the Brain (3 cr.) This course explores the complexity of the brain and its network architecture on several different levels, including neuroanatomy, spontaneous dynamics, neurocognitive networks, development and disease states, and embodiment. Building on a basic foundation of network theory, information theory, and nonlinear dynamics, the course covers both empirical and computational studies.
  • COGS-Q 700 Seminar in Cognitive Science (1-3 cr.) Intensive study of specific topics in cognitive science. Topics and instructors will change regularly. May be repeated.
  • COGS-Q 733 (core course) Colloquium Series (1 cr.) Students will need to sign up for Q733 for 1 credit for at least four semesters prior to candidacy.  The class will meet every week. At some meetings, invited speakers will present col­loquia; at others, students will present their own work.
  • COGS-Q 799 (core course) Readings and Research in Cognitive Science (1-6 cr.) Tutorial research and study in specialized topics in Cognitive Science.
  • COGS-Q 899 (core course) Dissertation Research (1-12 cr.) Dissertation research in specialized topics in cognitive science.


CROSS-LISTED COURSES The following courses may be used to satisfy the credit hour requirement of the Cognitive Science Program.  Additional courses whose content each year is sufficiently relevant to cognitive science (including seminars, new courses or courses with topical content), may also be used to satisfy the requirements, conditional upon acceptance by the Cognitive Science Program of a petition including justification.    

Cross-listed courses that can count toward the breadth and 16 credit hours requirement:

A 501 Seminar in the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior

B 600 Seminar in Bioanthropology (when appropriate)
L 580 Semiotics and Human Ethnology
L 840 Ethnolinguistic Seminars

L 567 Evolution
Z 620 Special Topics in Zoology (when appropriate)

S 600 Research Design and Methods in Management Information Systems
S 601 Management Information Systems Research Topics in Application Systems Development
S 602 Management Information Systems in Administration and Technology

A 590 Topics in Programming
A 592 Introduction to Software Systems
A 593 Computer Structures
A594 Data Structures
B 501 Theory of Computing
B 502 Computational Complexity
B 510 Introduction to Applied Logic
B 521 Programming Language Principles
B 522 Programming Language Foundations
B 551 Elements of Artificial Intelligence
B 552 Knowledge-Based Computation
B 553 Biomorphic Computation
B555 Machine LearningB 621 Advanced Concepts in Programming Languages
B 622 Programming Language Type Systems
B 651 Natural Language Processing
B 652 Computer Models of Symbolic Learning
B 657 Computer vision
B 659 Topics in Artificial Intelligence
B 656 Web data mining
B 673 Advanced Scientific Computing
P556 Applied Machine Learning
P 515 Specification and Verification
Y 890 Theses Readings and Research

E 600 Seminar in East Asian Studies (when appropriate)
C 600 Seminar in Chinese Studies (when appropriate)

E 626 Game Theory

H 650 Theory of Knowledge and the Educational Process
P 530 Instructional Psychology
P 540 Learning and Cognition in Education
P 544 Applied Cognition and Learning Strategies
P 550 Cognition and Semiotics
P 572 Theory and Method in Learning Science
P 574 Topical Seminar in Learning Science (when appropriate)
P 591 Cognitive Assessment and Intervention
P 600 Topical Seminar in Learning, Cognition, and Instruction
P 633 Capturing learning in context "Advanced Qualitative Methods!"
P 640 Thinking and Learning in Social Contexts
P 674 Advanced Topical Seminar in Learning Sciences (when appropriate)
Q 610 Science Education Curriculum (when appropriate)
R 542 Instructional Graphics Design
R 561 Evaluation & Change in the Instructional Development Process
R 586 Practicum in Instructional Systems Technology
R 611 Instructional Technology Foundations
R 622 Learning Environments Design
R 630 Learner Analysis in the Instructional Technology Process
R 695 Topical Inquiry Seminar in Instructional Systems Technology
Y 530 Topics in Computer Analysis of Educational Data

E 714 Paradigms of Ethnomusicology
F 722 Colloquium in Theoretical Folklore/Ethnomusicology
F 738 Psychological Issues in Folklore

F 576 Introduction to French Phonology
F 577 Introduction to French Syntax
F 579 Introduction to French Morphology
F 580 Applied French Linguistics
F 603-604 History of the French Language I-II
F 670 Advanced French Phonology
F 671 Advanced French Syntax
F 672 French Dialectology
F 673 Topics in the Learning and Teaching of French
F 675 Studies in French Linguistics
F 676 Structure and Sociolinguistics of Aspects of Haitian Creole and Haitian French
F 677 French Lexicology and Lexicography
F 678 Advance French Morphology
F 679 Pidgins and Creoles

G 625 Lit and Culture: Special Topics
G 505 Introduction to Cognitive Humanities

K 542 Neuromuscular Control of Movement

X 551- Survey of the Philosophy of Science
X 552- Modern Philosophy of Science
X 755 Special Topics in the Philosophy of Science

I 502 Human-centered rsrch methods
I 590 Topics in Informatics (When Appropriate)
I 540 Human Robot Interaction
I 546 Music Information Processing: Symbolic
I 548 Introduction To Music Informatics
I 601: Intro to Complex Systems
I 690 Cybernetics and Revolution: International Histories of Science, Technology and Political Change

E 542 Introduction to Computational Bioengineering
E 599 Autonomous Robotics
E 626 Game Theory

Z 511 Database Design
Z 516 Human-Computer Interaction
Z 533 Online Searching
Z 555 Strategic Intelligence
Z 561 User Interface Design for Information Systems
Z 637 Information Visualization
Z 604 Topics in Library and Information Science
Z 639 Social Media Mining
Z 661 Concepts & Contemporary Issues in Human Computer Interaction
Z 519: Information Analytics

L 503 Survey of Linguistics
L 530 Introduction to Historical Linguistics
L 541 Introductory Phonetics
L 542 Phonological Analysis
L 543 Syntactic Analysis
L 544 Morphological Analysis
L 545 Computation and Linguistic Analysis
L 546 Semantics
L 555 Programming for Computational Linguistics
L 611 Models of Linguistic Structure
L 614 Alternative Syntactic Theories
L 625 Bilingualism and Language Contact
L 630 Lexicology
L 641 Advanced Phonetics
L 642 Advanced Phonological Description
L 643 Advanced Syntax
L 645 Advanced Natural Language Processing
L 700 Seminar on current issues (when appropriate)
L 710 Seminar in Acoustic Phonetics
L 712 Seminar in Phonology
L 714 Seminar in Syntax
L 780 Seminar in Structural Semantics
T 522 Survey of Applied Linguistics
T 532 Second Language Acquisition
T 632 Current Research in Second-Language Acquisition
T 711 Seminar in Applied Linguistics

M 403-M 404 Introduction to Modern Algebra I-II
M 441-M 442 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with Applications I-II
M 447-M 448 Mathematical Models and Applications I-II
M 463-M 464 Introduction to Probability Theory I-II
M 540-M 541-M542 Partial Differential Equations I-II-III
M 544-M 545 Ordinary Differential Equations I-II
M 546 Control Theory
M 548 Mathematical Methods for Biology
M 560 Applied Stochastic Processes
M 563-M 564 Theory of Probability I-II
M 568 Time Series Analysis
M 569 Statistical Decision Theory
M 571-M572 Analysis of Numerical Methods I-II
M 584 Recursion Theory
M 682 Model Theory
M781-782 Selected Topics in Mathematical Logic

T 552 Cognitive Approaches to Media
T 571 Applied Cognitive & Emotional Psychology
T 602 Topical Seminar in Telecommunications Processes and Effects
T 641 Children and Media
T 658 Topics in Music Cognition

E 519 Psychology of Music
E 530 Learning Processes in Music
T 561 Music Theory: Variable Topics (when appropriate)

N 524 Introduction to Arabic Linguistics

N 500 Neural Science I
N 501 Neural Science II
N 510 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
N 550 Seminar: Sensorimotor Neuroplasticity
N 611 Neural Basis of Sensory Function
N 613 Neural Mechanisms of Hearing

V 791 Quantitative Methods for Vision Research
V 768 Special Topics in Vision Sci

P 505-P 506 Logical Theory I~II
P 520 Philosophy of Language
P 535 Phenomenology & Existentialism
P 550 Systems of Modal Logic
P 551 Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics
P 552 Philosophy of Logic
P 560 Metaphysics
P 561 Philosophy of Mind
P 562 Theory of Knowledge
P 570 Philosophical Psychology
P 571 Philosophy of Nature
P 720 Seminar: Philosophy of Language
P 750 Seminar: Logical Theory
P 751 Seminar: Logic
P 760 Seminar: Metaphysics and Epistemology

Y 673 Empirical Theory and Methodology (when appropriate)

P 417 Animal Behavior
P 435 Laboratory in Human Learning and Cognition
P 438 Language and Cognition
P 502 Developmental Psychology
P 503 Complex Cognitive Processes
P 506 Sensory Psychology
P 507 Theories of Learning
P 510 Principles of Research in Psychology
P 514 Methods in Biopsychology
P 517 Methods in the Direct Observation of Behavior
P 526 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
P 527 Developmental Psychobiology
P 528 Experimental Analysis of Economic Behavior
P 553-P 554 Advanced Statistics in Psychology I-II
P 555 Computer Applications in Psychological Research
P 557 Representation of Structure in Psychological Data
P 564 Psychophysics
P 565 Psychophysics of Vision
P 595 First-Year Research Seminar
P 605 Introduction to Mathematical Psychology
P 615 Developmental Psychology I
P 620 Attitudes and Attitude Change
P 623 Psychology of Language
P 638 Experimental Psychology of Reading
P 644 Attention and Short-Term Memory
P 645 Learning and Long-Term Memory
P 647 Decision Making Under Uncertainty
P 648 Choice Behavior
P 651 Perception/Action
P 654 Multivariate Analysis
P 657 Topical Seminar (when appropriate)
P 658-P659 Mathematical Models in Psychology I-II
P 717 Evolutionary Bases of Learning
P 747 Seminar in Cognitive Psychology
P 820 Social Perception

L 599 Prague School Linguistics and Poetics

S 650 Statistical Techniques in Sociology
S 651 Topics in Quantitative Sociology
S 652 Topics in Qualitative Methods
S 656 Mathematical Applications in Sociology
S 660 Advanced Topics (when appropriate)
S 700 Topical Seminar (when appropriate)

S 508: Introduction to Hispanic Pragmatics
S 509: Spanish Phonology
S 511: Spanish Syntactic Analysis
S 513: Introduction to Hispanic Sociolinguistics
S 515: The Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language
S 609: Spanish Phonology II
S 611: Advanced Spanish Syntax
S 612: Topics in Linguistic Variation and Language in Context (can be repeated for credit with changing topics)
S 614: Topics in the Acquisition of Spanish (can be repeated for credit with changing topics)
S 628: Topics in Early Modrn Span Lit.
S 712: Seminar: Themes in Spanish Linguistics
S 716: Seminar: Themes in Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language

S 501 Neural Bases of Speech and Language
S 515 Topical Seminar in Speech Pathology
S 520 Theoretical Bases for Phonological Disorders
S 522 Digital Signal Processing
S 524 Survey of Children’s Language Development
S 532 Early Communicative Development: Intervention Issues
S 534 Language Development in School Age Children
S 537 Diagnosis and Management of Adult Aphasia
S 538 Atypical Language Development
S 545 Adult Cognitive-Communication Disorders
S 550 Stuttering
S 555  Motor Speech Disorders
S 578 Audiological Instrumentation and Calibration
S 674 Advanced Seminar in Audiology
S 696 Language Research in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
S 702 Acoustic Research in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

S 611 Applied Statistical Computing
S 682 Topics in Mathematical Statistics (when appropriate)
S 626 Bayesian Theory and Data Analysis
S 675 Statistical Learning and High-Dimensional Data Analysis
S 710 Statistical Computing

Academic Bulletins

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