Policies & Procedures

Grading Policies

Grading Scale

Grade points are assigned at Indiana University according to the following scale, and grade point averages are computed taking into account any plus or minus which accompanies a letter grade.

A    =   4.0
A-   =    3.7
B+  =    3.3
B    =    3.0
B-   =    2.7
C+  =    2.3
C    =    2.0
C-   =    1.7
D+  =    1.3
D    =    1.0
D-   =    0.7
F    =     0

Satisfactory Grades

Ordinarily a minimum of a B (3.0) average in graduate work is required for continuance in graduate study and for all graduate degrees. Courses completed with grades below C (2.0) are not counted toward degree requirements, but such grades will be counted in calculating a student’s grade point average. Some departments may require an average grade in graduate courses higher than 3.0, while others may count no courses completed with grades below 3.0 toward degree requirements (see de­partmental entries). No work may be transferred from another institution unless the grade is a B (3.0) or higher.

The dean may review a grade record at any time and may place a student on academic probation if the record justifies such action. When the grade point average of a student falls below 3.0 or the student is not making sufficient progress toward the degree, the dean will notify the student that he or she has been placed on probation. Unless the student brings this record up to a 3.0 grade point average or begins making satisfactory progress in the next semester of enrollment, the student will not ordinarily be allowed to continue in the University Gradu­ate School.

Incomplete Grades

The grade of Incomplete may be given only when the com­pleted portion of a student’s work is of passing quality. It is the responsibility of the student who has incurred the grade of Incomplete in any course to satisfy the requirements of that course within one calendar year from the date on which the Incomplete is recorded. The student is expected to finish all necessary work in time for the instructor to assign a regular grade before the expiration of this time period. If the student is unable to do so because of circumstances clearly beyond the student’s control, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor of the course, the graduate advisor, and the dean within the year of such circumstances and to request an extension of time.

According to university policy, every overdue Incomplete will be changed to F after one calendar year. Both the student and the instructor shall be notified of this change in grade. This change will be made unless the dean has re­ceived notice of a regular grade duly assigned before that time or has approved a request for an extension of time. A change of the grade F will be considered only if the request for change is accompanied by an explanation of the circumstances involved. Students may not register in a course in which they have a grade of Incomplete.

These regulations do not apply to research and reading courses in which completion of the course work is not usually required at the end of the semester. Incomplete work in those courses will be denoted by R (deferred grade).

Withdrawal from Course Work

Withdrawals prior to the “last day to drop a course with an automatic W” (see official calendar for each semester) are automatically marked W. According to university regulations, withdrawal after this date is permitted only with the approval of the dean of the student’s school for urgent reasons related to the student’s health or equivalent distress. In all such cases, the student must submit a request for late withdrawal to the advisor or to the departmental chairperson. This request must be supported by the instructor of the course, the graduate ad­visor, and the departmental chairperson and then be forward­ed to the dean with an accompanying statement outlining the reasons for the request. If the dean approves the request, the student’s mark in the course shall be W if the work completed up to the point of withdrawal is passing; otherwise a grade of F shall be recorded. Failure to complete a course without an authorized withdrawal will result in the grade of F.

Pass/Fail Option

Students in good standing (i.e., with a grade point average of 3.0 or better) who have completed graduate course work suf­ficient for a master’s degree may, with the written approval of their graduate advisor, or their advisory committee, and the Graduate School, enroll in courses outside their major and minor areas on a pass/fail basis. Such courses may not be used to fulfill departmental language or research-skill require­ments. Enrollment under this option will be made at the begin­ning of the semester and may not be changed after the date fixed for dropping and adding of courses.

Academic Bulletins

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